namespace atlas Contains all atlas classes and methods.
- namespace acc
namespace array Contains classes to operate with multidimensional arrays.
class Array
- struct CopyPolicy
- class ArrayAlignment
- class ArrayDataStore
- class ArrayLayout
- class ArrayShape
- class ArraySpec
- class ArrayStrides
- class ArrayT
- class ArrayView
- class DataType
- class IndexView
class LocalView Multi-dimensional access existing POD array pointer.
- struct const_slice_t
- struct slice_t
- class Range
- class SVector
- class Vector
- class VectorView
class Array
namespace field
- class FieldCreator Base class for creating new fields based on Parametrisation.
- class FieldCreatorArraySpec Field creator using array::
ArrayShape parametrisation. - class FieldCreatorBuilder
- class FieldCreatorFactory
- class FieldCreatorIFS Field creator using IFS parametrisation.
- struct MissingValue Missing values indicator.
- class MultiField MultiField class that owns a collection of fields that are co-allocated.
- class MultiFieldArrayRegistry MultiFieldArrayRegistry.
- class MultiFieldCreator Base class for creating new multifields based on Configuration.
- class MultiFieldCreatorArray MultiField creator using datatype, shape, variable names as arguments.
- class MultiFieldCreatorBuilder
- class MultiFieldCreatorFactory
- class MultiFieldCreatorIFS MultiField creator using IFS parametrisation.
namespace functionspace
class BlockStructuredColumns
- class Block
- class CellColumns
class CubedSphereColumns Extend NodeColumns and CellColumns so that they can exploit CubedSphere structure.
- class For
- class EdgeColumns
- class NodeColumns
- class PointCloud
- class Spectral
class StructuredColumns
- class For
class BlockStructuredColumns
namespace geometry
- class UnitSphere
namespace grid
- class ComputeHorizontalStencil Compute stencil in horizontal direction (i,j)
- class ComputeLower
- class ComputeNorth
- class ComputeVerticalStencil Compute lower vertical level index for given coordinate zcoord:
- class ComputeWest
- class CubedSphereTiles
- class Distribution
- class GaussianSpacing
- class HorizontalStencil
- class IterateLonLat
- class IterateXY
- class IteratorLonLat
- class IteratorXY
- class LinearSpacing
- class MatchingMeshPartitioner
- class MatchingPartitioner
- class Partitioner
- class Spacing
- class SpecRegistry
- class Stencil3D
- class StructuredPartitionPolygon StructuredPartitionPolygon class that holds the boundary of a structured grid partition.
- class VerticalStencil
namespace interpolation
- namespace element
namespace method
namespace cubedsphere
class CellFinder class to find points within cells of cubedsphere mesh.
- struct Cell
class CellFinder class to find points within cells of cubedsphere mesh.
- class Binning
class ConservativeSphericalPolygonInterpolation
- class Cache final
class Data
- struct Timings
- struct InterpolationParameters
- struct Statistics
- class CubedSphereBilinear Cubed sphere bilinear interpolation method.
- class Cubic2D
- class Cubic3D
class Cubic3DKernel
- struct OutputView1D
- struct Weights
- struct WorkSpace
- class Cubic3DLimiter
- class CubicHorizontalKernel
- class CubicHorizontalLimiter
class CubicVerticalKernel
- struct Weights
- struct ElemIndex2TreeTrait
- struct ElemIndex3TreeTrait
- class FiniteElement
- class GridBox
- class GridBoxAverage final
- struct GridBoxes
- class GridBoxMaximum final
- class GridBoxMethod
- struct Intersect Intersection data structure.
- class KNearestNeighbours
- class KNearestNeighboursBase
- class Linear2D
- class Linear3D
class Linear3DKernel
- struct OutputView1D
- struct Weights
- struct WorkSpace
- class LinearHorizontalKernel
class LinearVerticalKernel
- struct Weights
- class NearestNeighbour
- class Point2KdTree
- struct PointIndex2TreeTrait
- struct PointIndex3TreeTrait
- class PointKdTree
- class PointSet
- class QuasiCubic2D
- class QuasiCubic3D
class QuasiCubic3DKernel
- struct OutputView1D
struct Weights
- struct LinearWeights
- struct WorkSpace
- class QuasiCubicHorizontalKernel
- struct QuasiCubicLinearPoints
- struct Ray Ray trace data structure.
- class RegionalLinear2D
- class SphericalVector
- class StructuredInterpolation2D
- class StructuredInterpolation3D
- class UnstructuredBilinearLonLat
namespace cubedsphere
namespace nonlinear
- struct Missing
- struct MissingIfAllMissing
- struct MissingIfAnyMissing
- struct MissingIfHeaviestMissing
- class NonLinear NonLinear class applies non-linear corrections to an interpolation matrix, given a field with missing values. The interpolatation are re-weighted to factor those values out of the resulting field.
- class NonLinearFactory
- class NonLinearFactoryBuilder
- class Cache
- class IndexKDTreeCache final
- class IndexKDTreeCacheEntry
- class InterpolationCacheEntry
- class MatrixCache final
- class MatrixCacheEntry
- class Method
- struct MethodBuilder
- struct MethodFactory
- struct NonLinear NonLinear class applies non-linear corrections to an interpolation matrix.
- class Vector2D
- class Vector3D
- namespace library
namespace linalg
namespace dense
namespace backend
- struct eckit_linalg
- struct Backend
- struct MatrixMultiply
- struct MatrixMultiply<backend::eckit_linalg>
namespace backend
namespace introspection
- struct has_contiguous
- struct has_RANK
- struct has_rank
- struct has_shape
namespace sparse
namespace backend
- struct eckit_linalg
- struct hicsparse
- struct openmp
- struct Backend
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::eckit_linalg, Indexing::layout_left, 1, double, const double, double>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::eckit_linalg, Indexing::layout_right, 1, double, const double, double>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::eckit_linalg, Indexing::layout_right, 2, double, const double, double>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::hicsparse, Indexing::layout_left, 1, ScalarValue, const ScalarValue, ScalarValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::hicsparse, Indexing::layout_left, 2, ScalarValue, const ScalarValue, ScalarValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::hicsparse, Indexing::layout_right, 1, ScalarValue, const ScalarValue, ScalarValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::hicsparse, Indexing::layout_right, 2, ScalarValue, const ScalarValue, ScalarValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_left, 1, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_left, 2, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_left, 3, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_right, 1, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_right, 2, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
- struct SparseMatrixMultiply<backend::openmp, Indexing::layout_right, 3, MatrixValue, SourceValue, TargetValue>
namespace backend
namespace view
- struct Convert
- struct Convert<View, eckit::linalg::Matrix>
- struct Convert<View, eckit::linalg::Vector>
- struct ConvertView
- class EckitSparseMatrixNonOwningAllocator
- class MatrixMultiply
- class SparseMatrixMultiply
- class SparseMatrixStorage SparseMatrixStorage Storage class based on atlas::
array:: Array with GPU offload capability This class contains only the data and no operators, iterators, or special sparse matrix construction from triplets etc. - class SparseMatrixView
namespace dense
namespace mesh
namespace actions
- class Build2DCellCentres Generates the cell centres on each cell.
- class BuildCellCentres Generates the cell centres on each cell.
- class BuildConvexHull3D Creates a 3D convex-hull on the mesh points.
- class BuildHalo
- class BuildNode2CellConnectivity
- class BuildTorusXYZField Creates a XYZ field from the (lon,lat) field.
- class BuildXYZField Creates a XYZ field from the (lon,lat) field.
- class ExtendNodesGlobal Adds virtual nodes to the mesh that aren't contained in the Grid Domain.
- class GetCubedSphereNodalArea Provide the area around nodes of cubed sphere mesh.
- class NoReorder Dummy implemenation of ReorderImpl which does nothing.
- class Reorder
- class ReorderBuilder
- class ReorderFactory
- class ReorderHilbert
- class ReorderImpl Base class for reordering the mesh nodes and elements.
- class ReorderReverseCuthillMckee
- namespace elementtypes
namespace temporary
- class Line
- class Quadrilateral
- class Triangle
- class BlockConnectivityImpl Block Connectivity table.
- class ConnectivityInterface
- class ConnectivityRow
- class Elements Describe elements of a single type.
- class ElementType ElementType class (abstract) that provides access to geometric information of an element.
- class Halo
- class HybridElements HybridElements class that describes elements of different types.
- class IrregularConnectivityImpl
- class IsGhostNode
- class MeshBuilder Construct a Mesh by importing external connectivity data.
- class MultiBlockConnectivityImpl Connectivity contiguously composed of multiple BlockConnectivityImpl.
- class Nodes Nodes class that owns a collection of fields defined in nodes of the mesh.
- class PartitionPolygon Polygon class that holds the boundary of a mesh partition.
- class TriangularMeshBuilder
namespace actions
- namespace meshgenerator
namespace mpi
- struct Buffer Buffer<DATA_TYPE,SHAPE>
- struct Buffer<DATA_TYPE, 1>
- class BufferView
- class CommStack
- struct Scope
- struct StatisticsTimerTraits
- class Trace
- namespace numerics
- namespace omp
namespace option
- class alignment
- class datatype
- class datatypeT
- class fft
- class flt
- class global
- class halo
- class levels
- class name
- class no_fft
- class nproma
- class pole_edges
- class radius
- class read_fft
- class read_legendre
- class scalar_derivatives
- class shape
- class split_latitudes
- class type
- class variables
- class vector
- class vorticity_divergence_fields
- class warning
- class wind_EW_derivatives
- class write_fft
- class write_legendre
namespace output
- class Gmsh
- class GmshFileStream
- class Output
namespace parallel
- class Checksum
- class Field
- class GatherScatter
- struct halo_adjoint_packer
- struct halo_adjoint_unpacker_impl
- struct halo_adjoint_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, 0, CurrentDim>
- struct halo_adjoint_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, 0, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_adjoint_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, Cnt, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_packer
- struct halo_packer_hic
- struct halo_packer_impl
- struct halo_packer_impl<ParallelDim, 0, CurrentDim>
- struct halo_packer_impl<ParallelDim, 0, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_packer_impl<ParallelDim, Cnt, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_unpacker_impl
- struct halo_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, 0, CurrentDim>
- struct halo_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, 0, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_unpacker_impl<ParallelDim, Cnt, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_zeroer
- struct halo_zeroer_impl
- struct halo_zeroer_impl<ParallelDim, 0, CurrentDim>
- struct halo_zeroer_impl<ParallelDim, 0, ParallelDim>
- struct halo_zeroer_impl<ParallelDim, Cnt, ParallelDim>
class HaloExchange
- struct Backdoor
namespace projection
- class Jacobian
namespace runtime
namespace trace
- class Barriers
- class CallStack
- class Control
- class CurrentCallStack
- class Logging
- class LoggingResult
- class NoBarriers
- class NoLogging
- class StopWatch
- class Timings
- class TraceT
- struct TraceTraits
namespace trace
namespace temporary
- class IterateTIJ
- class IteratorTIJ
- namespace test
namespace trans
- class Cache
- class EmptyCacheEntry final
- class LegendreCache
- class LegendreCacheCreator
- class LegendreCacheCreatorBuilder
- class LegendreCacheCreatorFactory
- class LegendreCacheCreatorIFS
- class LegendreCacheCreatorImpl
- class LegendreCacheCreatorLocal
- class LegendreFFTCache
- struct LegendrePolynomialsWorkspace
- class Trans
- class TransCache
- class TransCacheEntry
- class TransCacheFileEntry final
- class TransCacheMemoryEntry final
- class TransCacheOwnedMemoryEntry final
- class TransIFS
- class TransIFSNodeColumns
- class TransIFSStructuredColumns
- class TransLocal
- class VorDivToUV
- class VorDivToUVBuilder
- class VorDivToUVFactory
- class VorDivToUVIFS
- class VorDivToUVImpl
- class VorDivToUVLocal
namespace util
namespace function
- class SolidBodyRotation An analytic function that provides solid body rotation winds on a sphere.
- class SphericalHarmonic SphericalHarmonic operator that provides a spherical harmonic on a 2D sphere.
- class Bitflags Convenience class to modify and interpret bitflags.
- class CGALSphericalTriangulation
- class Config Configuration class used to construct various atlas components.
- struct Constants Some useful constants.
class ConvexSphericalPolygon
- class GreatCircleSegment
- struct SubTriangle
- struct SubTriangles
- struct DatumGRIB1
- struct DatumIFS
- struct DatumWGS84SemiMajorAxis
- class DereferenceIterator
- class ExplicitPartitionPolygon
- class Factory
- class FactoryBase
class FactoryRegistry
- struct Private
- struct GPUClonable
- class GridPointsJSONWriter
- class KDTree k-dimensional tree constructable both with 2D (lon,lat) points as with 3D (x,y,z) points
- class ListPolygonXY Vector of all polygons with functionality to find partition using a KDTree.
- class LonLatMicroDeg LonLatMicroDegrees.
- class Metadata
- class NoConfig
- class NormaliseLongitude
class PartitionPolygon
- class RectangleXY
- class PartitionPolygons
- class PeriodicTransform
- class Polygon Polygon.
- class PolygonCoordinates
- class PolygonLocator Find polygon that contains a point.
- class PolygonXY Implement PolygonCoordinates::
contains for a polygon defined in XY space. - class QhullSphericalTriangulation
- class Registry
- class Rotation
- class SphericalPolygon
- class Topology
- class UniqueLonLat Compute unique positive index for a element This class is a functor initialised with the nodes.
- class VectorOfAbstract
namespace function
- class AtlasTool
- class CodeLocation
- class CubedSphereGrid Specialization of Grid, where the grid is a cubed sphere.
- class CubedSphereGrid2
- class Domain
- class Field A Field contains an Array, Metadata, and a reference to a FunctionSpace.
- class FieldSet Represents a set of fields, where order is preserved.
- class FunctionSpace
- class Gaussian
- class GaussianGrid Specialization of StructuredGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class Geometry
- class GlobalDomain
- class Grid Most general grid container.
- class HealpixGrid Specialization of StructuredGrid, assuming a global domain.
- class Interpolation
class Library
- struct Information
- class Log
- class Mesh
- class MeshGenerator
- class Plugin
- class PointLonLat Point in longitude-latitude coordinate system. This class does not normalise the longitude by default, but contains a normalise function.
- class PointXY Point in arbitrary XY-coordinate system.
- class PointXYZ Point in arbitrary XYZ-coordinate system.
- class Projection
- class RectangularDomain
- class RectangularLonLatDomain
- class Redistribution Base redistributer class.
- class ReducedGaussianGrid Specialization of ReducedGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class ReducedGrid Specialization of StructuredGrid, where not all rows have the same number of grid points.
- class RegularGaussianGrid Specialization of RegularGaussianGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class RegularGrid Specialization of StructuredGrid, where all rows have the same number of grid points.
- class RegularLonLatGrid Specialization of RegularGrid, assuming a global domain.
- class StructuredGrid Specialization of Grid, where the grid can be represented by rows with uniform distribution.
- class StructuredMeshGenerator
- class Trace
- class UnstructuredGrid
- class vector
- class Vertical
- class ZonalBandDomain
namespace eckit
namespace codec
- class ArrayMetadata
- class ArrayReference
- class ArrayShape
- struct Bytes
- class Data
- class DataCorruption
- class Exception
- class FileStream
- class InputFileStream
- class InvalidRecord
- class JSONFormat
- class Metadata
- class MetadataPrettyPrint
- class MetadataPrettyPrintBase
- class NotDecodable
- class NotEncodable
- class OutputFileStream
- class ReadRequest
class Record
- struct URI
struct RecordItem
- struct URI
- class RecordItemReader
- class RecordPrinter
- class RecordReader
- class RecordWriter Write record.
- class Session
- class Stream Handle to a shared eckit::
DataHandle. - class TableFormat
- class WriteError
namespace distributed
- class Actor
- class Consumer
- class Message
- class MPITransport
- class NoTransport
- class Producer
- class TCPTransport
- class Transport
- class TransportBuilder
- class TransportFactory
- class TransportHandle
- class TransportStatistics
namespace geo
namespace area
- class BoundingBox
namespace etc
- class Grid final
namespace figure
- struct DatumGRIB1
- struct DatumGRS80
- struct DatumIFS
- struct DatumWGS84
- struct Earth final
- struct GRS80 final
- class OblateSpheroid
- class Sphere
- struct UnitSphere final
- struct WGS84 final
namespace geometry
- struct DatumUnit Definition of a unit datum.
- struct OblateSpheroid
- struct Sphere Spherical geometry.
- struct SphereT Sphere parametrised with a geodetic datum.
namespace grid
namespace regularxy
- class LambertAzimuthalEqualArea final
- class LambertConformalConic final
- class Mercator final
- class PolarStereographic final
- class SpaceView final
- class HEALPix final
class ORCA final
- struct ORCARecord
- class Reduced
- class ReducedGaussian
- class ReducedLL
class Regular
- struct Ranges
- class RegularGaussian final
- class RegularLL final
- class RegularXY
- class Unstructured final
namespace regularxy
namespace iterator
- class Reduced final
- class Regular final
class Unstructured final
- struct Container
namespace polygon
- class LonLatPolygon
- class Polygon
namespace projection
- class Composer
- class LambertAzimuthalEqualArea
- class LambertConformalConic LambertConformalConic projection Map Projections: A Working Manual, John P. Snyder (1987) Wolfram MathWorld (http:/
/ LambertConformalConicProjection.html) -
class LonLatToXYZ Calculate coordinates of a point on a sphere or spheroid, in [x, y, z].
- struct Implementation
- class Mercator Calculate coordinates of a point on a rotated sphere given new location of South Pole (vector) and angle.
- class None
- class PolarStereographic
- class PROJ Calculate coordinates using PROJ.
- class ProjectionOnFigure
- class Reverse Reverse class.
class Rotation Calculate coordinates of a point on a rotated sphere given new location of South Pole (vector) and angle.
- struct Implementation
- class SpaceView SpaceView projection LRIT/HRIT Global Specification (CGMS 03, Issue 2.6, 12.08.1999)
- class Stretch
- class XYToLonLat
namespace range
- class GaussianLatitude final
- class Regular
- class RegularCartesian final
- class RegularLatitude final
- class RegularLongitude final
namespace search
- struct Traits
namespace spec
- class ConcreteSpecGeneratorT0 final
- class ConcreteSpecGeneratorT1 final
- class ConcreteSpecGeneratorT2 final
class Custom final
- struct custom_ptr
- struct key_type
- class GeneratorT
- class Layered final
- class lock_type
- class SpecGenerator
- class SpecGeneratorT0
- class SpecGeneratorT1
- class SpecGeneratorT2
- namespace util
- class Area
- class Cache
class CacheT final
- struct has_footprint
- struct has_footprint<V, std::void_t<footprint_t<V>>>
- class Figure Figure: describe a combination of "shape" (sphere, ellipsoid, geoid) and "size" (radius, a, b, elevation)
- struct FigureFactory
- class GreatCircle
class Grid
- struct Iterator final
- struct GridFactory
- class Increments
- class Iterator
- class Point2 final The Point2 class.
- class Point3 final The Point3 class.
- class PointLonLat final The PointLonLat class.
- class PointLonLatR final The PointLonLatR class.
- class Projection
- class ProjectionProblem
- class Range
- struct SearchLonLat
- class Shape final
- class Spec
- class SpecNotFound
namespace area
namespace geometry
namespace polygon
- class LonLatPolygon
- class Polygon
- struct DatumUnit Definition of a unit datum.
- struct EllipsoidOfRevolution
- class GreatCircle
- class KPoint A generic point in K dimension cartesian space.
- class Point2
- class Point3
- struct Sphere
- struct SphereT Definition of a sphere parametrised with a geodetic datum.
namespace polygon
namespace linalg
namespace dense
- struct LinearAlgebraArmadillo final
- struct LinearAlgebraCUDA final
- struct LinearAlgebraEigen final
- struct LinearAlgebraGeneric final
- struct LinearAlgebraLAPACK final
- struct LinearAlgebraMKL final
- struct LinearAlgebraViennaCL final
namespace sparse
- struct LinearAlgebraCUDA final
- struct LinearAlgebraEigen final
- struct LinearAlgebraGeneric final
- struct LinearAlgebraMKL final
- struct LinearAlgebraViennaCL final
- class BackendRegistry
- class LinearAlgebra
- class LinearAlgebraDense
- class LinearAlgebraSparse
- class Matrix Dense matrix in column major storage order.
class SparseMatrix Sparse matrix in CRS (compressed row storage) format.
- class Allocator
- struct const_iterator
- struct iterator final
- struct Layout
- struct Shape
- class Tensor
- class Triplet Triplet of values compatible to Eigen::Triplet.
- class Vector
namespace dense
namespace log
- class Number
- namespace mars
namespace maths
- namespace lapack
- class ColVector Column-Vector class.
class ConvexHull
- struct DimensionError
- struct Exception
- struct InputError
- struct OptionError
- struct PrecisionError
- struct TopologyError
- class ConvexHullN
- class Matrix Matrix class, with internal Column-Major storage ordering.
- class Matrix3 final
- class Qhull
- class RowVector Row-Vector class.
- namespace memory
namespace message
- struct GetMetadataOptions
- class Message
- class MessageContent
- class MessageDecoder
- class MetadataGatherer
- class Reader
- class Splitter
- class SplitterBuilder
- class SplitterBuilderBase
- class SplitterFactory
- class StringSetter
- class Transformer
- class TypedSetter
namespace mpi
- struct Buffer Buffer handles colleciton of vector pieces into a larger vector.
- class Comm
- class CommBuilder
- class CommFactory
class Data
- struct Type
- class Group
- class GroupContent
- class NullStatus
- struct Operation
- class Parallel
- class ParallelGroup
- class ParallelRequest
- class ParallelStatus
- class ReceiveRequest
- class Request
- class RequestContent
- class SendRequest
class Serial
- struct Constants
- class SerialRequest
- class SerialStatus
- class Status
- class StatusContent
namespace net
- class AutoMemoize
- class Connector
- class ConnectorException
- class Endpoint
- class EphemeralTCPServer
- class InstantTCPStream
- class IPAddress
- class MultiSocket
- class NetMask
- class NetService
- class NetUser
- class Port
- class SharedTCPStream
- struct SocketOptions
- class TCPClient
- class TCPServer
class TCPSocket
- class UnknownHost
- class TCPStream
- class TCPStreamBase
- class Telnet
- class Telnetable A telnet-able object.
- class TelnetUser
- class UDPClient
- class UDPServer
namespace option
namespace implementation_detail
- struct Title
- class BaseOption
- class CmdArgs
- class FactoryOption
- class MultiValueOption
- class Option
- class Separator
- class SimpleOption
- class VectorOption
namespace implementation_detail
- namespace runtime
namespace sql
namespace expression
namespace function
- class FunctionAND
- class FunctionAVG
- class FunctionBuilder
- class FunctionBuilderBase
- class FunctionCOUNT
- class FunctionDOTP
- class FunctionEQ
- class FunctionExpression
class FunctionFactory
- struct FuncInfo
- class FunctionFIRST
- class FunctionIN
- class FunctionIntegerExpression
- class FunctionJOIN
- class FunctionJULIAN
- class FunctionJULIAN_SECONDS
- class FunctionLAST
- class FunctionMATCH
- class FunctionMAX
- class FunctionMIN
- class FunctionNE
- class FunctionNORM
- class FunctionNOT_IN
- class FunctionNOT_NULL
- class FunctionNULL
- class FunctionNVL
- class FunctionOR
- class FunctionRLIKE
- class FunctionRMS
- class FunctionROWNUMBER
- class FunctionSTDEV
- class FunctionSUM
- class FunctionTDIFF
- class FunctionTHIN
- class FunctionTIMESTAMP
- class FunctionVAR
- class BitColumnExpression
- class ColumnExpression
class ConstantExpression
- struct PrivateKey
- class Expressions
- class NumberExpression
- class OrderByExpressions
- class ParameterExpression
- class ShiftedColumnExpression
- class SQLExpression
- class SQLExpressionEvaluated
- class StringExpression
namespace function
namespace type
- class DynamicallyCreatedTypesDestroyer
- class SQLBit
- class SQLBitfield
- class SQLDouble
- class SQLInt
- class SQLReal
- class SQLString
- class SQLType
- class ColumnDef
- struct Environment
- struct ParseFrame
- class SchemaAnalyzer
- struct SelectOneTable
- class SQLBitColumn
- class SQLColumn
- class SQLDatabase
class SQLDistinctOutput
- struct DoubleBitwiseLessComparator
- class SQLIterator
- class SQLIteratorOutput
- class SQLMATCHSubquerySession
- class SQLMATCHSubquerySessionOutput
- class SQLOrderOutput
- class SQLOutput
- class SQLOutputConfig
- class SQLParser
- class SQLSelect
- class SQLSelectFactory
- class SQLSession
- class SQLSimpleOutput
- class SQLStatement
- class SQLTable
- class SQLTableFactory
- class SQLTableFactoryBase
- class SQLTableIterator
- class SyntaxError
- class TableDef
namespace expression
namespace system
- class Library
- class LibraryManager
- struct LibraryRegistration
- struct MemoryInfo
- class Plugin
- class ResourceUsage
- class SystemInfo
- class SystemInfoFreeBSD
- class SystemInfoLinux
- class SystemInfoMacOSX
- class TraceProcMemInfo
namespace testing
- class ArrayView
- class SetEnv
- class Test A test is defined by a description and a function pointer.
- class TestException
- class TestRegister Tests are registered using a static object, that is initialised before main()
namespace types
- class CompareApproximatelyEqual Helper class that memorizes the comparison setttings.
- class Abort
- class AECCompressor
- class AgentResource
- class AIOHandle
- class AliasCmd
- class Application
- class Arg
- class AssertionFailed
- class AsyncHandle
- class AutoAlarm
- class AutoClose
- class AutoCloser
- class AutoIndent
- class AutoLock
- class AutoLockTag
- class AutoSharedLock
- class AutoState
- class AutoStdFile
- class AutoStdPipe
- class AutoTiming
- class AutoUmask
- class BackTrace
- class BadCast
- class BadParameter
- class BadTag
- class BadTime
- class BadValue
- class Base64
- class BasePathName
- class BasePathNameT
- class BigNum Class used to print large numbers.
- class BitIO
- class Bless
- class BloomFilter
- class BoolContent
- class BSPHyperPlane
- class BSPNode
- class BSPTreeMapped
- class BSPTreeMemory
- class BSPTreeX
- class BTree
- class BTreeLock
- class BTreeNoLock
- class Buffer Simple class to implement memory buffers.
- class BufferCache
- class BufferedHandle
- class BufferedReader
- class BufferedWriter
- class BufferList A class to aggregate buffers into a single object that can be read as a whole.
- class Builder
- class BuilderT0
- class BuilderT1
- class BuilderT2
- class Bytes
- struct ByteSwap ByteSwap selects the swap function based on data type size.
- struct ByteSwap<2>
- struct ByteSwap<4>
- struct ByteSwap<8>
- class BZip2Compressor
- class Cache
class CacheLRU
- struct Entry
class CacheManager
- class CacheContentCreator
class CacheManagerBase Filesystem Cache Manager.
- struct cache_entry_t
- class CacheManagerFileFlock
- class CacheManagerFileSemaphoreLock
- class CacheManagerNoLock
- class CallbackTarget
- class Cancel
- class CantOpenFile
- class CgiResource
- class Channel Output channel that is an std::
ostream but more functional. - class ChannelBuffer Stream buffer to be usedby Channel.
- class CircularBuffer
class ClassExtent
- struct Extent
- struct ClassSpec
- class ClimateDate
- class Clock
- class CloseError
- class ClusterDisks
- class ClusterNode
- class ClusterNodes
- class CmdApplication
- class CmdArg
- class CmdParser
- class CmdResource
- class CodeLocation
- class CollectMetrics
- class Colour
- class ColouringTarget
- class CommandStream
- class CompositeParams
- class Compress
- class Compressor
- class CompressorBuilder
- class CompressorBuilderBase
- class CompressorFactory
- class ConcreteBuilderT0 final
- class ConcreteBuilderT1 final
- class ConcreteBuilderT2 final
- class ConfigCmd
- class Configurable
class Configuration
- struct is_vector
- struct is_vector<std::vector<T>>
- class Configured
- class Consumer
- class Content
- class Coord
- class Counted
- class CountedBuffer
- class CSVParser
- class DataHandle
- class Date
- class DateContent
- class DateTime
- class DateTimeContent
- class DayOfYear
- class DblBuffer
- struct DefaultHandler
- class DenseMap
- class DenseSet
- struct DequeuePicker
- class DirCmd
- class Dispatcher
- class DispatchInfo
- class DispatchParams
- class DispatchTask
- class Double
- class DoubleContent
- class DumpLoad
- class EasyCURL
- class EasyCURLResponse
- class EchoCmd
- class EckitTool
- class EmptyHandle
- class EnvironmentCmd
- class ETA
- class EtcKeyTable
- class EtcStartWithTable
- class EtcTable
- class Evolve
- class Exception General purpose exception Derive other exceptions from this class and implement then in the class that throws them.
- class ExportCmd
class Exporter
- class Datatype
- class Factory
- class FailedLibraryCall
- class FailedSystemCall
class FileBase
- struct Record
- class FileDescHandle
- class FileError
- class FileHandle
- class FileLock
- class FileLocker
- class FileMode
- class FilePool
- class FileResource
- class FileSpace
- class FileSpaceStrategies
- class FileStream Stream to serialise to FILE*.
- class FileSystem
- struct FileSystemSize
- class FileTarget
- class FixedString
- class Fraction
- class FstreamStream
class FTPHandle
- class FTPError
- class FtpRequest
- class FunctionalityNotSupported
class Grid
- class InvalidGrid
- class HandleBuf
- class HandleHolder
- class HandleStream
- class Hash
- class HashBuilder
- class HashBuilderBase
- class HashFactory
- class HistoryCmd
- class Hour
class Html
- class BeginBold
- class BeginData
- class BeginFixed
- class BeginForm
- class BeginFormatted
- class BeginH1
- class BeginHeader
- class BeginRow
- class BeginTable
- class BeginTextArea
- class Button
- class CheckBox
- class Class
- class EndBold
- class EndData
- class EndFixed
- class EndForm
- class EndFormatted
- class EndH1
- class EndHeader
- class EndRow
- class EndTable
- class EndTextArea
- class Hidden
- class HiddenField
- class Image
- class Include
- class Line
- class Link
- class RawTag
- class ResetButton
- class SubmitButton
- class Substitute
- class TableTag
- class Tag
- class TextField
- class HtmlObject
- class HtmlResource
- class HttpError
class HttpHeader
- struct compare
- class HttpResource
- class HttpServer
- class HttpService
- class HttpStream
- class HttpUser
- class HyperCube
- class IfstreamStream
- class IndentTarget
struct Info
- struct Progress
- class Inited
- class InstantTCPSocketHandle
- class IOBuffer
- class Isa
- struct IsTranslatable
- struct IsTranslatable<From, To, std::void_t<decltype(Translator<From, To>{}(std::declval<const From&>()))>>
- class JavaAgent
- class JavaResource
- class JavaServer
- class JavaService
- class JavaUser
class JSON
- class Formatting
- class JSONCmd
- class JSONParser
- class JSONResource
- class KDMapped
- struct KDMappedHeader
- struct KDMemory
- class KDNode
- class KDTreeMapped
- class KDTreeMemory
- class KDTreeX
- class KillCmd
- class Latitude
- class Length
- class LibEcKit
- class LibEcKitCmd
- class LibEcKitGeo final
- class Library
- class LibResource
- class LineBasedTarget
- class ListContent
- class Loader
- class LocalConfiguration
- class LocalFileManager
- class LocalPathName LocalPathName represents a UNIX path.
- class LockCmd
- class Log
- class LogFormatSetter
- class LogTarget
- class Longitude
- class LZ4Compressor
- class Main
- class ManCmd
- class MapAllocator
- class MapAllocatorTooSmall
- class MapContent
class MappedArray
- struct Header
- class MD4
class MD5
- struct MD5_CTX
- class MemoryBuffer
- class MemoryCmd
- class MemoryHandle
- class MemoryStream
- class MessageTarget
- class Metrics
- class MetricsPrefix
- class MMap
- class MMappedFileHandle
class Monitor
- class TaskArray
- class Monitorable
- class MonitorTarget
- class Month
- class MoverTransfer
- class MoverTransferSelection
- class MultiHandle
- class MultiSocketHandle
- class Mutex
- class MutexCond
- struct NewAlloc0
- struct NewAlloc1
- struct NewArrayDealloc
- struct NewDealloc
- class NilContent
- class NoCompressor
- class NodeInfo
- class NonCopyable Inherit from this class to make a NonCopyable class.
- struct None
- class NotImplemented
- class NumberContent
- class ObjectParser
- class Offset
- class Once
- struct OnePayload
- class OnlyMovable Inherit from this class to make a NonCopyable class.
class Optional
- struct TagCopyConstructor
- struct TagValueConstructor
class OptionalBase
- union opt_value_type
class OptionalBase<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value>::type>
- union opt_value_type
- class OrderedMapContent
- class OStreamTarget
- class OutOfMemory For compatibility.
- class OutOfRange
- struct output_iterator
- class output_list
- class output_list_iterator
- struct Overloaded
- class OwnedT
- class Padded
- class Parametrisation
class Params Params provides a value-based behaviour for parametrisations of objects.
- struct BaseFactory
- struct Concept
- struct Factory
- struct Model
- class PartFileHandle
- class PartHandle
- class Password
- class PathExpander
- class PathName
- class PathNameBuilder
- class PathNameBuilderBase
- class PathNameFactory
- class PeekHandle
- class Pipe
- class PipeApplication
- class PipeHandle
- class PipeHandler
- class Pipeline
- class PipeStream
- class PipeTask
- class Plural
- class PooledFile
- class PooledFileDescriptor
- class PooledFileError
- class PooledHandle
- class PrefixTarget
class ProcessControler
- struct result
- class Producer
- class ProducerConsumer
- class ProducerConsumerTask
- class Progress
- class ProgressTimer
- class Prompter
- class Properties
- class ProxiedTCPClient
- class ProxiedTCPServer
- class PsCmd
- class Queue
- class QueueInterruptedError
- class QuitCmd
- class RadosAttributes
- class RadosCluster
- class RadosHandle
- class RadosObject
- class RadosReadHandle
- class RadosWriteHandle
- class RawFileHandle
- class ReadError
- class Reanimator
- class ReanimatorBase
- class Recycler
- class Regex
- class RemoteCmd
- class RemoteCommandable A RemoteCommand-able object.
- class RemoteCommander
- class RemoteCommandUser
- class RemoteException
- class RendezvousHash
- class ResizableMemoryStream
- class Resource
- class ResourceBase
- class ResourceMgr
- class ResourceQualifier
- class ResourceUsage
- class RestartTransfer
- class Retry
- class RotationTarget
- class Rsync
- class SavedStatus Saves and Restores Monitor status line.
- class Schema
- class ScopedPtr
- class ScopeParams Wraps the parameters within a given scope.
- class Seconds
- class SeekableHandle
- class Select Wraps calls to select.
- class SemanticVersion
- class Semaphore
- class SemLocker
- class SeriousBug
- class SessionID
- class SHA1
- class SharedBuffer
- class SharedHandle
- class SharedInt
class SharedMemArray Maps an array to shared memory.
- struct Header
- class SharedPtr
- class Shmget
- class ShortFile
- class SignalHandler
- class SleepCmd
- class SnappyCompressor
- class SockBuf
- class SPIterator
- struct SPMetadata
- class SPNode
- struct SPNodeInfo
- class SPNodeQueue
- class SPTree
- class SPTreeIterator
- class SPValue
- class StartCmd
- struct Stat struct to manage differences between stat and stat64 different OS's
- struct StatCollector
- class StaticMutex Class meant to be used only for static mutexes protecting local resources inside a single compilation unit.
- class Statistics
- class StatsHandle
- class StatusCmd
- class StatusTarget
- class StdDir
- class StdFile
- class StdioBuf
- class StdPipe Simple wrapper for pipes.
- class Stop
- class StopCmd
- class Stream
- class Streamable
class StreamParser
- class Error
- class StringContent
- class StringTools
- class StrStream
- class SysLog SysLog implements the RFC 5424 format for logging.
- class System
- class TailCmd
- class Task
- class TaskInfo
- class TCPHandle
- class TCPSocketHandle
- class TeeHandle
- class TeeTarget
- class TempFile
- class TermBuf
- class Thread
- class ThreadControler
- class ThreadPool
- class ThreadPoolTask
- class ThreadSingleton
- class Time
- class TimeContent
- class TimedAutoLock
- class TimeInterval
- class TimeOut
- class Timer
- class TimeStamp
- class TimeStampTarget
- struct Timing
- class TmpDir
- class TmpFile
- class Tokenizer
- class Tool
- class TooManyRetries
- class TraceAutoLock
- class TraceResourceUsage
- class TraceTimer
- class TransferWatcher
- struct Translator
- struct Translator<bool, std::string>
- struct Translator<char, std::string>
- struct Translator<double, std::string>
- struct Translator<float, std::string>
- struct Translator<int, std::string>
- struct Translator<long long, std::string>
- struct Translator<long, std::string>
- struct Translator<short, std::string>
- struct Translator<signed char, std::string>
- struct Translator<std::set<std::string>, std::string>
- struct Translator<std::string, bool>
- struct Translator<std::string, char>
- struct Translator<std::string, double>
- struct Translator<std::string, float>
- struct Translator<std::string, int>
- struct Translator<std::string, long>
- struct Translator<std::string, long long>
- struct Translator<std::string, short>
- struct Translator<std::string, std::set<std::string>>
- struct Translator<std::string, std::vector<long>>
- struct Translator<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
- struct Translator<std::string, unsigned char>
- struct Translator<std::string, unsigned int>
- struct Translator<std::string, unsigned long>
- struct Translator<std::string, unsigned long long>
- struct Translator<std::vector<long>, std::string>
- struct Translator<std::vector<std::string>, std::string>
- struct Translator<unsigned char, std::string>
- struct Translator<unsigned int, std::string>
- struct Translator<unsigned long long, std::string>
- struct Translator<unsigned long, std::string>
- class Trie
- struct TT
- class TxnEvent
- struct TxnFinder
- class TxnLog
- struct TxnRecoverer
- class UnexpectedState
- class UpTimeCmd
- class URI
- class URIManager
- class Url
- class UrlAccess
- class URLException
- class URLHandle
- class UserChannel
- class UserError
- class UserInput
- class UserMsg
- class UUID
- class Value
- class VectorPrintContracted
- struct VectorPrintSelector
- struct VectorPrintSelector<double>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<LocalConfiguration>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<LocalPathName>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<PathName>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<std::pair<K, V>>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<std::string>
- struct VectorPrintSelector<Value>
- class VectorPrintSimple
- class VerifyingDate
- class Voidify Optimisation for DEBUG with elision of stream code. For performance critical code blocks.
- class Watcher
- class WrapperTarget
- class WriteError
- class xxHash
- class YAMLConfiguration
- class YAMLParser
namespace codec
- namespace Eigen
- namespace field
- namespace functionspace
- namespace helpers
- namespace orgQhull
- namespace trans
- namespace util
- class BaseFunctionSpace
- class CmdArgs
- class CondBinary
- class CondUnary
- class Config Configuration class used to construct various atlas components.
- class EvalError
- class Expression
- struct std::hash<eckit::net::Endpoint>
- class ListExpression
- class LOCK
- class NumberExpression
- class Option
- class P
- class Separator
- class SimpleOption
- class StringExpression
- class Ts...
- class VectorOption
- struct XXH128_canonical_t
- struct XXH128_hash_t The return value from 128-bit hashes.
- struct XXH32_canonical_t Canonical (big endian) representation of XXH32_hash_t.
- struct XXH64_canonical_t