eckit::TooManyRetries class

Base classes

class Exception
General purpose exception Derive other exceptions from this class and implement then in the class that throws them.

Public static functions

static auto throwing() -> bool
static void exceptionStack(std::ostream&, bool callStack = false)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TooManyRetries(const int)
TooManyRetries(const int, const std::string& msg)

Public functions

auto what() const -> const char* override noexcept
auto what(T... args) -> T
auto retryOnServer() const -> bool virtual
auto retryOnClient() const -> bool virtual
auto terminateApplication() const -> bool virtual
auto callStack() const -> const std::string&
auto location() const -> const CodeLocation&
void dumpStackTrace(std::ostream& = std::cout)