atlas::field::FieldCreatorIFS class

Field creator using IFS parametrisation.

Ideally this class should belong to IFS. The only reference to IFS in Atlas should be here. Example use:

FieldImpl* field = Field::create(
      ("creator","IFS")  // IFS FieldCreator
      ("ngptot",ngptot)  // Total number of grid points
      ("nproma",nproma)  // Grouping of grid points for vectorlength
      ("nlev",nlev)      // Number of levels
      ("nvar",nvar)      // Number of variables
      ("kind",8)         // Real kind in bytes

Base classes

class FieldCreator
Base class for creating new fields based on Parametrisation.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

FieldCreatorIFS(const eckit::Parametrisation&)

Public functions

auto createField(const eckit::Parametrisation&) const -> FieldImpl* virtual