eckit::Exception class

General purpose exception Derive other exceptions from this class and implement then in the class that throws them.

Derived classes

class EvalError
class Abort
class AssertionFailed
class BadCast
class BadParameter
class BadTag
class BadValue
class Cancel
class FailedLibraryCall
class FailedSystemCall
class FileError
class eckit::Grid::InvalidGrid
class HttpError
class MapAllocatorTooSmall
class NotImplemented
class OutOfMemory
For compatibility.
class OutOfRange
class QueueInterruptedError
class RemoteException
class Retry
class SeriousBug
class Stop
class eckit::StreamParser::Error
class TimeOut
class TooManyRetries
class URLException
class UnexpectedState
class UserError
class Exception
struct eckit::maths::ConvexHull::Exception
class ConnectorException
class eckit::net::TCPSocket::UnknownHost
class SyntaxError
class TestException

Public static functions

static auto throwing() -> bool
static void exceptionStack(std::ostream&, bool callStack = false)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Exception(const std::string& what)
Constructor with message.
Exception(const std::string& what, const CodeLocation& location)
Constructor with message and location.
Exception(const std::string& what, const CodeLocation& location, bool quiet)
Constructor with message location and "quiet" flag.
~Exception() override noexcept

Public functions

auto what() const -> const char* override noexcept
auto retryOnServer() const -> bool virtual
auto retryOnClient() const -> bool virtual
auto terminateApplication() const -> bool virtual
auto callStack() const -> const std::string&
auto location() const -> const CodeLocation&
void dumpStackTrace(std::ostream& = std::cout)
auto what(T... args) -> T

Private functions

void print(std::ostream&) const virtual


auto operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Exception& p) -> std::ostream&

Function documentation

eckit::Exception::~Exception() override noexcept

