atlas namespace
Contains all atlas classes and methods.
- namespace acc
- namespace array
- Contains classes to operate with multidimensional arrays.
- namespace field
- namespace functionspace
- namespace geometry
- namespace grid
- namespace interpolation
- namespace library
- namespace linalg
- namespace mesh
- namespace meshgenerator
- namespace mpi
- namespace numerics
- namespace omp
- namespace option
- namespace output
- namespace parallel
- namespace projection
- namespace runtime
- namespace temporary
- namespace test
- namespace trans
- namespace util
- class AtlasTool
- class CodeLocation
- class CubedSphereGrid
- Specialization of Grid, where the grid is a cubed sphere.
- class CubedSphereGrid2
- class Domain
- class Field
- A Field contains an Array, Metadata, and a reference to a FunctionSpace.
- class FieldSet
- Represents a set of fields, where order is preserved.
- class FunctionSpace
template<class Grid>class Gaussian
- class GaussianGrid
- Specialization of StructuredGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class Geometry
- class GlobalDomain
- class Grid
- Most general grid container.
- class HealpixGrid
- Specialization of StructuredGrid, assuming a global domain.
- class Interpolation
- class Library
- class Log
- class Mesh
- class MeshGenerator
- class Plugin
- class PointLonLat
- Point in longitude-latitude coordinate system. This class does not normalise the longitude by default, but contains a normalise function.
- class PointXY
- Point in arbitrary XY-coordinate system.
- class PointXYZ
- Point in arbitrary XYZ-coordinate system.
- class Projection
- class RectangularDomain
- class RectangularLonLatDomain
- class Redistribution
- Base redistributer class.
- class ReducedGaussianGrid
- Specialization of ReducedGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class ReducedGrid
- Specialization of StructuredGrid, where not all rows have the same number of grid points.
- class RegularGaussianGrid
- Specialization of RegularGaussianGrid, where rows follow a Gaussian distribution.
- class RegularGrid
- Specialization of StructuredGrid, where all rows have the same number of grid points.
- class RegularLonLatGrid
- Specialization of RegularGrid, assuming a global domain.
- class StructuredGrid
- Specialization of Grid, where the grid can be represented by rows with uniform distribution.
- class StructuredMeshGenerator
- class Trace
- class UnstructuredGrid
template<typename T>class vector
- class Vertical
- class ZonalBandDomain
- using gidx_t = long
- using idx_t = long
using uidx_t = gidx_
t - using Atlas = Library
using Point2 = eckit::
geometry:: Point2 -
using DataType = array::
DataType -
using Point3 = eckit::
geometry:: Point3
template<typename T>void encode_data(const atlas::
vector<T>& v, atlas::io::Data& out) -
template<typename T>auto encode_metadata(const atlas::
vector<T>& v, atlas::io::Metadata& metadata) -> size_t -
template<typename T>void decode(const atlas::io::Metadata& m, const atlas::io::Data& encoded, atlas::
vector<T>& out) - void initialise(int argc, char** argv)
- void initialize(int argc, char** argv)
- void initialise()
- void initialize()
- void finalise()
- void finalize()
auto backtrace() -> std::
string -
template<typename DATATYPE>auto make_datatype() -> DataType
- auto atlas__Geometry__new_name(const char* name) -> Geometry::Implementation*
- auto atlas__Geometry__new_radius(const double radius) -> Geometry::Implementation*
- void atlas__Geometry__delete(Geometry::Implementation* This)
- void atlas__Geometry__xyz2lonlat(Geometry::Implementation* This, const double x, const double y, const double z, double& lon, double& lat)
- void atlas__Geometry__lonlat2xyz(Geometry::Implementation* This, const double lon, const double lat, double& x, double& y, double& z)
- auto atlas__Geometry__distance_lonlat(Geometry::Implementation* This, const double lon1, const double lat1, const double lon2, const double lat2) -> double
- auto atlas__Geometry__distance_xyz(Geometry::Implementation* This, const double x1, const double y1, const double z1, const double x2, const double y2, const double z2) -> double
- auto atlas__Geometry__radius(Geometry::Implementation* This) -> double
- auto atlas__Geometry__area(Geometry::Implementation* This) -> double
- auto operator==(const Point2& p1, const Point2& p2) -> bool
- auto operator!=(const Point2& p1, const Point2& p2) -> bool
- auto operator==(const Point3& p1, const Point3& p2) -> bool
- auto operator!=(const Point3& p1, const Point3& p2) -> bool
Enum documentation
enum atlas:: XYZ
#include <atlas/util/CoordinateEnums.h>
enum atlas:: LONLAT
#include <atlas/util/CoordinateEnums.h>
Typedef documentation
using atlas:: gidx_t = long
#include <atlas/library/config.h>
Integer type for global indices
using atlas:: idx_t = long
#include <atlas/library/config.h>
Integer type for indices in connectivity tables
typedef gidx_ t atlas:: uidx_t
#include <atlas/library/config.h>
Integer type for unique indices
using atlas:: Atlas = Library
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
using atlas:: Point2 = eckit:: geometry:: Point2
#include <atlas/projection/Jacobian.h>
using atlas:: DataType = array:: DataType
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
using atlas:: Point3 = eckit:: geometry:: Point3
#include <atlas/util/Point.h>
Function documentation
#include <atlas/io/VectorAdaptor.h>
template<typename T>
void atlas:: encode_data(const atlas:: vector<T>& v,
atlas::io::Data& out)
#include <atlas/io/VectorAdaptor.h>
template<typename T>
size_t atlas:: encode_metadata(const atlas:: vector<T>& v,
atlas::io::Metadata& metadata)
#include <atlas/io/VectorAdaptor.h>
template<typename T>
void atlas:: decode(const atlas::io::Metadata& m,
const atlas::io::Data& encoded,
atlas:: vector<T>& out)
void atlas:: initialise(int argc,
char** argv)
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
void atlas:: initialize(int argc,
char** argv)
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
void atlas:: initialise()
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
void atlas:: initialize()
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
void atlas:: finalise()
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
void atlas:: finalize()
#include <atlas/library/Library.h>
std:: string atlas:: backtrace()
#include <atlas/runtime/Log.h>
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
template<typename DATATYPE>
DataType atlas:: make_datatype()
Geometry::Implementation* atlas:: atlas__Geometry__new_name(const char* name)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
Geometry::Implementation* atlas:: atlas__Geometry__new_radius(const double radius)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
void atlas:: atlas__Geometry__delete(Geometry::Implementation* This)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
void atlas:: atlas__Geometry__xyz2lonlat(Geometry::Implementation* This,
const double x,
const double y,
const double z,
double& lon,
double& lat)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
void atlas:: atlas__Geometry__lonlat2xyz(Geometry::Implementation* This,
const double lon,
const double lat,
double& x,
double& y,
double& z)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
double atlas:: atlas__Geometry__distance_lonlat(Geometry::Implementation* This,
const double lon1,
const double lat1,
const double lon2,
const double lat2)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
double atlas:: atlas__Geometry__distance_xyz(Geometry::Implementation* This,
const double x1,
const double y1,
const double z1,
const double x2,
const double y2,
const double z2)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
double atlas:: atlas__Geometry__radius(Geometry::Implementation* This)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
double atlas:: atlas__Geometry__area(Geometry::Implementation* This)
#include <atlas/util/Geometry.h>
bool atlas:: operator==(const Point2& p1,
const Point2& p2)
#include <atlas/util/Point.h>
bool atlas:: operator!=(const Point2& p1,
const Point2& p2)
#include <atlas/util/Point.h>
bool atlas:: operator==(const Point3& p1,
const Point3& p2)
#include <atlas/util/Point.h>
bool atlas:: operator!=(const Point3& p1,
const Point3& p2)
#include <atlas/util/Point.h>