atlas::grid::CubedSphereTiles class

Public types

using Spec = util::Config

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CubedSphereTiles() defaulted
CubedSphereTiles(const eckit::Parametrisation&)
CubedSphereTiles(const std::string&)

Public functions

auto type() const -> std::string
Type of the cubed-sphere tiles:
auto xy2abOffsets() const -> std::array<std::array<double, 6>, 2>
auto ab2xyOffsets() const -> std::array<std::array<double, 6>, 2>
void rotate(idx_t t, double xyz[]) const
void unrotate(idx_t t, double xyz[]) const
auto indexFromXY(const double xy[]) const -> idx_t
auto indexFromXY(const PointXY& xy) const -> idx_t
auto indexFromLonLat(const double lonlat[]) const -> idx_t
auto indexFromLonLat(const PointLonLat& lonlat) const -> idx_t
void enforceXYdomain(double xy[]) const
auto size() const -> idx_t
auto tileCubePeriodicity(const atlas::PointXY& xyExtended, const atlas::idx_t tile) const -> atlas::PointXY
auto tileCentre(size_t t) const -> const PointXY&
Return the position of the tile centre in xy space.
auto tileJacobian(size_t t) const -> const projection::Jacobian&
Return the Jacobian of xy with respect to the curvilinear coordinates of the tile.


auto operator<<(std::ostream& s, const CubedSphereTiles& cst) -> std::ostream&