eckit::sql namespace

--> The SQLParser/SQLSession can see a select statement such as "select a from b.tbl" and look for the handler of the file b.tbl

TODO: Consider whether this really ought to be a global factory, or something that is handled on a per session basis.


namespace expression
namespace type


struct Environment
class SchemaAnalyzer
class ColumnDef
class TableDef
struct SelectOneTable
class SQLBitColumn
class SQLColumn
class SQLDatabase
class SQLDistinctOutput
class SQLIterator
template<typename T = odb::SelectIterator>
class SQLIteratorOutput
class SQLMATCHSubquerySession
class SQLMATCHSubquerySessionOutput
class SQLOrderOutput
class SQLOutput
class SQLOutputConfig
class SyntaxError
struct ParseFrame
class SQLParser
class SQLSelect
class SQLSelectFactory
class SQLSession
class SQLSimpleOutput
class SQLStatement
class SQLTableIterator
class SQLTable
class SQLTableFactory
class SQLTableFactoryBase


using ColumnDefs = std::vector<ColumnDef>
using TableDefs = std::vector<TableDef>
using SortedTables = std::vector<SelectOneTable*>
using Links = std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>>
using Variables = std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<expression::SQLExpression>>
using ColumnNames = std::vector<std::string>
using FieldNames = std::vector<std::string>
using Sizes = std::vector<int32_t>
using BitfieldDef = std::pair<FieldNames, Sizes>
using BitfieldDefs = std::map<std::string, BitfieldDef>


auto operator<(std::reference_wrapper<const SQLTable> lhs, std::reference_wrapper<const SQLTable> rhs) -> bool

Typedef documentation

typedef std::vector<int32_t> eckit::sql::Sizes

Function documentation