eckit::NotImplemented class

Base classes

class Exception
General purpose exception Derive other exceptions from this class and implement then in the class that throws them.

Derived classes

class FunctionalityNotSupported

Public static functions

static auto throwing() -> bool
static void exceptionStack(std::ostream&, bool callStack = false)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

NotImplemented(const std::string& s, const CodeLocation& = {}) explicit
NotImplemented(const CodeLocation&) explicit

Public functions

auto what() const -> const char* override noexcept
auto what(T... args) -> T
auto retryOnServer() const -> bool virtual
auto retryOnClient() const -> bool virtual
auto terminateApplication() const -> bool virtual
auto callStack() const -> const std::string&
auto location() const -> const CodeLocation&
void dumpStackTrace(std::ostream& = std::cout)