SparseMatrixStorageSparseMatrixStorage Storage class based on atlas::
The construction is handled via SparseMatrixConvertor class. Examples:
To construct it, taking ownership of a constructed Eigen::SparseMatrix
SparseMatrixStorage s = make_sparse_matrix_storage(std::move(eigen_matrix));
To construct it, taking a copy of a constructed Eigen::SparseMatrix
SparseMatrixStorage s = make_sparse_matrix_storage(eigen_matrix);
To construct it, taking ownership of a constructed eckit::
SparseMatrixStorage s = make_sparse_matrix_storage(std::move(eckit_matrix));
To construct it, taking a copy of a constructed eckit::
SparseMatrixStorage s = make_sparse_matrix_storage(eckit_matrix);
It is also possible to initialise empty and move into it at later stage:
SparseMatrixStorage s; s = make_sparse_matrix_storage(eckit_matrix);
To construct it, taking a single precision copy of a constructed eckit::
s = make_sparse_matrix_storage<float>(eckit_matrix);
Public static functions
static auto make(std::
size_t rows, std:: size_t cols, std:: size_t nnz, std:: unique_ptr<atlas:: array:: Array>&& value, std:: unique_ptr<atlas:: array:: Array>&& inner, std:: unique_ptr<atlas:: array:: Array>&& outer, std:: any&& storage) -> SparseMatrixStorage
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- ~SparseMatrixStorage() defaulted virtual
- SparseMatrixStorage() defaulted
- Default constructor.
- SparseMatrixStorage(SparseMatrixStorage&& other)
- Move constructor, takes ownership!
- SparseMatrixStorage(const SparseMatrixStorage& other)
- Copy constructor, makes copy!
template<typename Value, typename Index>SparseMatrixStorage(const SparseMatrixView<Value, Index>& host_view)
- Copy from a SparseMatrixView.
Public functions
- auto operator=(SparseMatrixStorage&& other) -> SparseMatrixStorage&
- Move assign from other SparseMatrixStorage, takes ownership!
- auto operator=(const SparseMatrixStorage& other) -> SparseMatrixStorage&
- Copy assign from other SparseMatrixStorage, takes ownership!
- auto empty() const -> bool
- Empty if rows and cols are zero.
auto footprint() const -> std::
size_t - Footprint in bytes in host memory space.
auto value() const -> const atlas::
array:: Array& -
auto outer() const -> const atlas::
array:: Array& -
auto inner() const -> const atlas::
array:: Array& -
auto rows() const -> std::
size_t -
auto cols() const -> std::
size_t -
auto nnz() const -> std::
size_t - void updateDevice() const
- void updateHost() const
- auto hostNeedsUpdate() const -> bool
- auto deviceNeedsUpdate() const -> bool
- void setHostNeedsUpdate(bool v) const
- void setDeviceNeedsUpdate(bool v) const
- auto deviceAllocated() const -> bool
- void allocateDevice() const
- void deallocateDevice() const
- void swap(SparseMatrixStorage& other)
- auto contains(DataType value_type, DataType index_type) -> bool
template<typename value_type, typename index_type>auto contains() -> bool