arrayContains classes to operate with multidimensional arrays.
- class Array
- class ArrayAlignment
- class ArrayDataStore
- class ArrayLayout
- class ArrayShape
- class ArraySpec
- class ArrayStrides
template<typename Value>class ArrayT
template<typename Value, int Rank>class ArrayView
- class DataType
template<typename Value, int Rank>class IndexView
template<typename Value, int Rank>class LocalView
- Multi-dimensional access existing POD array pointer.
- class Range
template<typename T>class SVector
template<typename T>class Vector
template<typename T>class VectorView
using ArrayIdx = std::
vector<idx_ t> - using ArrayViewVariant = detail::Variant<detail::VariantValueTypes, detail::VariantRanks>
- Variant containing all supported non-const ArrayView alternatives.
- using ConstArrayViewVariant = detail::Variant<detail::VariantValueTypes::add_const, detail::VariantRanks>
- Variant containing all supported const ArrayView alternatives.
template<typename Value, int Rank>using View = LocalView<Value, Rank>
template<typename... idx_t>auto make_idx(idx_t... indices) -> ArrayIdx
template<typename... idx_t>auto make_layout(idx_t... indices) -> ArrayLayout
auto make_shape(std::
initializer_list<idx_ t> sizes) -> ArrayShape -
template<typename... idx_t>auto make_shape(idx_t... indices) -> ArrayShape
auto make_strides(std::
initializer_list<idx_ t> sizes) -> ArrayStrides -
template<typename... idx_t>auto make_strides(idx_t... indices) -> ArrayStrides
- auto make_view_variant(Array& array) -> ArrayViewVariant
- Create an ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
- auto make_view_variant(const Array& array) -> ConstArrayViewVariant
- Create a const ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
- auto make_host_view_variant(Array& array) -> ArrayViewVariant
- Create a host ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
- auto make_host_view_variant(const Array& array) -> ConstArrayViewVariant
- Create a const host ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
- auto make_device_view_variant(Array& array) -> ArrayViewVariant
- Create a device ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
- auto make_device_view_variant(const Array& array) -> ConstArrayViewVariant
- Create a const device ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
template<int... Ranks, typename View>auto is_rank(const View&) -> bool constexpr
- Return true if View::rank() is any of Ranks...
template<typename... ValueTypes, typename View>auto is_value_type(const View&) -> bool constexpr
- Return true if View::value_type is any of ValuesTypes...
template<typename... ValueTypes, typename View>auto is_non_const_value_type(const View&) -> bool constexpr
- Return true if View::non_const_value_type is any of ValuesTypes...
auto make_indexview<idx_t, 1>(Array&) -> template IndexView<idx_
t, 1> -
auto make_indexview<idx_t, 2>(Array&) -> template IndexView<idx_
t, 2> -
auto make_indexview<const idx_t, 1>(Array&) -> template IndexView<const idx_
t, 1> -
auto make_indexview<const idx_t, 2>(Array&) -> template IndexView<const idx_
t, 2> -
auto make_indexview<idx_t, 1>(const Array&) -> template IndexView<const idx_
t, 1> -
auto make_indexview<idx_t, 2>(const Array&) -> template IndexView<const idx_
t, 2> -
template<typename T>auto make_host_vector_view(Vector<T> vector_) -> VectorView<T>
template<typename T>auto make_device_vector_view(Vector<T> vector_) -> VectorView<T>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_view(Array& array) -> ArrayView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_view(const Array& array) -> ArrayView<const Value, Rank>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>auto make_view(Value data[], const ArrayShape& shape) -> LocalView<Value, Rank>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>auto make_view(const Value data[], const ArrayShape& shape) -> LocalView<const Value, Rank>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_CONST>auto make_view(typename std::
remove_const<Value>::type data[], const ArrayShape& shape) -> LocalView<Value, Rank> -
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>auto make_view(Value data[], size_t size) -> LocalView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>auto make_view(const Value data[], size_t size) -> LocalView<const Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_CONST>auto make_view(typename std::
remove_const<Value>::type data[], size_t size) -> LocalView<Value, Rank> -
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_host_view(Array& array) -> ArrayView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_host_view(const Array& array) -> ArrayView<const Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_device_view(Array& array) -> ArrayView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_device_view(const Array& array) -> ArrayView<const Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_indexview(Array& array) -> IndexView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_indexview(const Array& array) -> IndexView<const Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_host_indexview(Array& array) -> IndexView<Value, Rank>
template<typename Value, int Rank>auto make_host_indexview(const Array& array) -> IndexView<const Value, Rank>
- void interprete(const Array&, atlas::io::ArrayReference&)
- void decode(const atlas::io::Metadata&, const atlas::io::Data&, Array&)
template<>auto DataType::str<std::byte>() -> std::
string -
template<>auto DataType::str<const std::byte>() -> std::
string -
template<>auto DataType::kind<std::byte>() -> DataType::kind_t constexpr
template<>auto DataType::kind<const std::byte>() -> DataType::kind_t constexpr
- auto operator==(DataType dt1, DataType dt2) -> bool
- auto operator!=(DataType dt1, DataType dt2) -> bool
- auto operator==(DataType dt, DataType::kind_t kind) -> bool
- auto operator!=(DataType dt, DataType::kind_t kind) -> bool
- auto operator==(DataType::kind_t kind, DataType dt) -> bool
- auto operator!=(DataType::kind_t kind, DataType dt) -> bool
template<typename DATATYPE>auto make_datatype() -> DataType
Typedef documentation
typedef std:: vector<idx_ t> atlas:: array:: ArrayIdx
#include <atlas/array/ArrayIdx.h>
using atlas:: array:: ArrayViewVariant = detail::Variant<detail::VariantValueTypes, detail::VariantRanks>
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Variant containing all supported non-const ArrayView alternatives.
using atlas:: array:: ConstArrayViewVariant = detail::Variant<detail::VariantValueTypes::add_const, detail::VariantRanks>
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Variant containing all supported const ArrayView alternatives.
#include <atlas/array/LocalView.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
using atlas:: array:: View = LocalView<Value, Rank>
Function documentation
#include <atlas/array/ArrayIdx.h>
template<typename... idx_t>
ArrayIdx atlas:: array:: make_idx(idx_t... indices)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayLayout.h>
template<typename... idx_t>
ArrayLayout atlas:: array:: make_layout(idx_t... indices)
ArrayShape atlas:: array:: make_shape(std:: initializer_list<idx_ t> sizes)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayShape.h>
#include <atlas/array/ArrayShape.h>
template<typename... idx_t>
ArrayShape atlas:: array:: make_shape(idx_t... indices)
ArrayStrides atlas:: array:: make_strides(std:: initializer_list<idx_ t> sizes)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayStrides.h>
#include <atlas/array/ArrayStrides.h>
template<typename... idx_t>
ArrayStrides atlas:: array:: make_strides(idx_t... indices)
ArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_view_variant(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create an ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
ConstArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_view_variant(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create a const ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
ArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_host_view_variant(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create a host ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
ConstArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_host_view_variant(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create a const host ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
ArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_device_view_variant(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create a device ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
ConstArrayViewVariant atlas:: array:: make_device_view_variant(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
Create a const device ArrayView and assign to an ArrayViewVariant.
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
template<int... Ranks, typename View>
bool atlas:: array:: is_rank(const View&) constexpr
Return true if View::rank() is any of Ranks...
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
template<typename... ValueTypes, typename View>
bool atlas:: array:: is_value_type(const View&) constexpr
Return true if View::value_type is any of ValuesTypes...
#include <atlas/array/ArrayViewVariant.h>
template<typename... ValueTypes, typename View>
bool atlas:: array:: is_non_const_value_type(const View&) constexpr
Return true if View::non_const_value_type is any of ValuesTypes...
template IndexView<idx_ t, 1> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<idx_t, 1>(Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
template IndexView<idx_ t, 2> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<idx_t, 2>(Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
template IndexView<const idx_ t, 1> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<const idx_t, 1>(Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
template IndexView<const idx_ t, 2> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<const idx_t, 2>(Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
template IndexView<const idx_ t, 1> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<idx_t, 1>(const Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
template IndexView<const idx_ t, 2> atlas:: array:: make_indexview<idx_t, 2>(const Array&)
#include <atlas/array/MakeView.h>
#include <atlas/array/Vector.h>
template<typename T>
VectorView<T> atlas:: array:: make_host_vector_view(Vector<T> vector_)
#include <atlas/array/Vector.h>
template<typename T>
VectorView<T> atlas:: array:: make_device_vector_view(Vector<T> vector_)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>
LocalView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(Value data[],
const ArrayShape& shape)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>
LocalView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(const Value data[],
const ArrayShape& shape)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<class Value, int Rank, ENABLE_IF_CONST>
LocalView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(typename std:: remove_const<Value>::type data[],
const ArrayShape& shape)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>
LocalView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(Value data[],
size_t size)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONST>
LocalView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(const Value data[],
size_t size)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, unsigned int Rank, ENABLE_IF_CONST>
LocalView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_view(typename std:: remove_const<Value>::type data[],
size_t size)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_host_view(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_host_view(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_device_view(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
ArrayView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_device_view(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
IndexView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_indexview(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
IndexView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_indexview(const Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
IndexView<Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_host_indexview(Array& array)
#include <atlas/array_fwd.h>
template<typename Value, int Rank>
IndexView<const Value, Rank> atlas:: array:: make_host_indexview(const Array& array)
void atlas:: array:: interprete(const Array&,
#include <atlas/io/ArrayAdaptor.h>
void atlas:: array:: decode(const atlas::io::Metadata&,
const atlas::io::Data&,
#include <atlas/io/ArrayAdaptor.h>
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
std:: string atlas:: array:: DataType::str<std::byte>()
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
std:: string atlas:: array:: DataType::str<const std::byte>()
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
DataType::kind_t atlas:: array:: DataType::kind<std::byte>() constexpr
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
DataType::kind_t atlas:: array:: DataType::kind<const std::byte>() constexpr
bool atlas:: array:: operator==(DataType dt1,
DataType dt2)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
bool atlas:: array:: operator!=(DataType dt1,
DataType dt2)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
bool atlas:: array:: operator==(DataType dt,
DataType::kind_t kind)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
bool atlas:: array:: operator!=(DataType dt,
DataType::kind_t kind)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
bool atlas:: array:: operator==(DataType::kind_t kind,
DataType dt)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
bool atlas:: array:: operator!=(DataType::kind_t kind,
DataType dt)
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
#include <atlas/util/DataType.h>
template<typename DATATYPE>
DataType atlas:: array:: make_datatype()