atlas::Field class

A Field contains an Array, Metadata, and a reference to a FunctionSpace.

The Field is a key component of Atlas. It contains an array::Array object and a util::Metadata object. Furthermore it contains a link to a FunctionSpace object.

A Field should typically be created via the FunctionSpace::createField() method, which ensures that the Field is completely setup.

A field can be implicitly converted to an Array reference, so that it can be passed to routines that expect an Array. This is especially useful to create an ArrayView:

Field field = functionspace.createField<double>( ... );
auto view = array::make_view<double,2>( field );

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Field() defaulted
Field(const eckit::Parametrisation&)
Create field from parametrisation.
Field(const std::string& name, array::DataType, const array::ArrayShape& = array::ArrayShape())
Create field with given name, Datatype and ArrayShape.
Field(const std::string& name, array::DataType, array::ArraySpec&&)
Create field with given name, Datatype and ArraySpec.
Field(const std::string& name, array::Array*)
Create field with given name, and take ownership of given Array.
template<typename DATATYPE>
Field(const std::string& name, DATATYPE* data, const array::ArraySpec&)
Create field by wrapping existing data, Datatype of template and ArraySpec.
template<typename DATATYPE>
Field(const std::string& name, DATATYPE* data, const array::ArrayShape&)
Create field by wrapping existing data, Datatype of template and ArrayShape.
operator const array::Array&() const
Implicit conversion to Array.
operator array::Array&()

Public functions

auto clone(const eckit::Parametrisation& = util::Config()) const -> Field
Deep copy.
auto array() const -> const array::Array&
Access contained Array.
auto array() -> array::Array&
auto valid() const -> bool
auto storage() -> void*
Access to raw data.
auto datatype() const -> array::DataType
Internal data type of field.
auto name() const -> const std::string&
Name associated to this field.
void rename(const std::string& name)
Rename this field.
auto metadata() const -> const util::Metadata&
Access to metadata associated to this field.
auto metadata() -> util::Metadata&
void resize(const array::ArrayShape& shape)
Resize field to given shape.
void insert(idx_t idx1, idx_t size1)
auto shapef() const -> const std::vector<int>&
Shape of this field in Fortran style (reverse order of C style)
auto stridesf() const -> const std::vector<int>&
Strides of this field in Fortran style (reverse order of C style)
auto shape() const -> const array::ArrayShape&
Shape of this field (reverse order of Fortran style)
auto strides() const -> const array::ArrayStrides&
Strides of this field.
auto shape(idx_t i) const -> idx_t
Shape of this field associated to index 'i'.
auto stride(idx_t i) const -> idx_t
Stride of this field associated to index 'i'.
auto size() const -> size_t
Number of values stored in this field.
auto rank() const -> idx_t
Rank of field.
auto bytes() const -> size_t
Number of bytes occupied by the values of this field.
auto contiguous() const -> bool
void dump(std::ostream& os) const
Output information of field plus raw data.
void set_levels(idx_t n)
Metadata that is more intrinsic to the Field, and queried often.
auto levels() const -> idx_t
void set_variables(idx_t n)
Metadata that is more intrinsic to the Field, and queried often.
auto variables() const -> idx_t
void set_horizontal_dimension(const std::vector<idx_t>&)
auto horizontal_dimension() const -> std::vector<idx_t>
void set_functionspace(const FunctionSpace& functionspace)
auto functionspace() const -> const FunctionSpace&
auto footprint() const -> size_t
Return the memory footprint of the Field.
auto dirty() const -> bool
void set_dirty(bool = true) const
void haloExchange(bool on_device = false) const
void adjointHaloExchange(bool on_device = false) const
void updateHost() const
void updateDevice() const
void syncHostDevice() const
auto hostNeedsUpdate() const -> bool
auto deviceNeedsUpdate() const -> bool
void setHostNeedsUpdate(bool) const
void setDeviceNeedsUpdate(bool) const
auto deviceAllocated() const -> bool
void allocateDevice()
void deallocateDevice()
void reactivateDeviceWriteViews() const
void reactivateHostWriteViews() const


auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Field& v) -> std::ostream&
Output information of field.