eckit::net::TCPServer class

Base classes

class TCPSocket

Derived classes

class eckit::ProxiedTCPServer
class EphemeralTCPServer

Public static functions

static auto addrToHost(in_addr) -> std::string
static auto hostToAddr(const std::string&) -> in_addr
static auto hostName(const std::string& h, bool full = false) -> std::string
static void register_ignore_sigpipe()

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TCPServer(const SocketOptions& = SocketOptions::server())
TCPServer(int port, const SocketOptions& = SocketOptions::server()) explicit

Public functions

void willFork(bool)
auto accept(const std::string& message = "Waiting for connection", int timeout = 0, bool* connected = nullptr) -> TCPSocket& virtual
void closeExec(bool on)
auto socket() -> int override
void close() override
auto write(const void* buf, long length) -> long
auto read(void* buf, long length) -> long
auto rawRead(void*, long) -> long
auto isConnected() const -> bool
auto stillConnected() const -> bool
auto remoteAddr() const -> in_addr
auto remoteHost() const -> const std::string&
auto remotePort() const -> int
auto localAddr() const -> in_addr
auto localHost() const -> const std::string&
auto localPort() const -> int
void bufferSize(int n)
void receiveBufferSize(int n)
void sendBufferSize(int n)
void closeOutput()
void closeInput()
void debug(bool on)

Private functions

void bind() override
void print(std::ostream& s) const override
auto bindingAddress() const -> std::string override

Function documentation

static std::string eckit::net::TCPServer::addrToHost(in_addr)

static in_addr eckit::net::TCPServer::hostToAddr(const std::string&)

static std::string eckit::net::TCPServer::hostName(const std::string& h, bool full = false)

static void eckit::net::TCPServer::register_ignore_sigpipe()

long eckit::net::TCPServer::write(const void* buf, long length)

long eckit::net::TCPServer::read(void* buf, long length)

buf The buffer to read into
length The maximum number of bytes to read

Read from a TCP socket

Configuration flags

  • useSelectOnTCPSocket (bool): use select for improved resilience on flaky connections
  • socketSelectTimeout (long): timeout in seconds for the select (only if useSelectOnTCPSocket is enabled)

long eckit::net::TCPServer::rawRead(void*, long)

bool eckit::net::TCPServer::isConnected() const

bool eckit::net::TCPServer::stillConnected() const

in_addr eckit::net::TCPServer::remoteAddr() const

const std::string& eckit::net::TCPServer::remoteHost() const

int eckit::net::TCPServer::remotePort() const

in_addr eckit::net::TCPServer::localAddr() const

const std::string& eckit::net::TCPServer::localHost() const

int eckit::net::TCPServer::localPort() const

void eckit::net::TCPServer::bufferSize(int n)

void eckit::net::TCPServer::receiveBufferSize(int n)

void eckit::net::TCPServer::sendBufferSize(int n)

void eckit::net::TCPServer::closeOutput()

void eckit::net::TCPServer::closeInput()

void eckit::net::TCPServer::debug(bool on)

void eckit::net::TCPServer::bind() override private