- class Build2DCellCentres
- Generates the cell centres on each cell.
- class BuildCellCentres
- Generates the cell centres on each cell.
- class BuildConvexHull3D
- Creates a 3D convex-hull on the mesh points.
- class BuildHalo
- class BuildNode2CellConnectivity
- class BuildTorusXYZField
- Creates a XYZ field from the (lon,lat) field.
- class BuildXYZField
- Creates a XYZ field from the (lon,lat) field.
- class ExtendNodesGlobal
- Adds virtual nodes to the mesh that aren't contained in the Grid Domain.
- class GetCubedSphereNodalArea
- Provide the area around nodes of cubed sphere mesh.
- class NoReorder
- Dummy implemenation of ReorderImpl which does nothing.
- class Reorder
template<class T>class ReorderBuilder
- class ReorderFactory
- class ReorderHilbert
- class ReorderImpl
- Base class for reordering the mesh nodes and elements.
- class ReorderReverseCuthillMckee
- void build_median_dual_mesh(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_centroid_dual_mesh(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_brick_dual_mesh(const Grid& grid, Mesh& mesh)
- void atlas__build_median_dual_mesh(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
- void atlas__build_centroid_dual_mesh(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
- void build_edges(Mesh& mesh)
void build_edges(Mesh& mesh,
const eckit::
Configuration&) - void build_pole_edges(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_element_to_edge_connectivity(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_node_to_edge_connectivity(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_halo(Mesh& mesh, int nb_elems)
- Enlarge each partition of the mesh with a halo of elements.
- void atlas__build_halo(Mesh::Implementation* mesh, int nb_elems)
- void build_node_to_cell_connectivity(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_parallel_fields(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_nodes_parallel_fields(Mesh& mesh)
void build_nodes_parallel_fields(mesh::
Nodes& nodes) - void build_edges_parallel_fields(Mesh& mesh)
- void build_cells_parallel_fields(Mesh& mesh)
- void renumber_nodes_glb_idx(Mesh& mesh)
void renumber_nodes_glb_idx(mesh::
Nodes& nodes) - void atlas__build_parallel_fields(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
void atlas__build_nodes_parallel_fields(mesh::
Nodes* nodes) - void atlas__build_edges_parallel_fields(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
void atlas__renumber_nodes_glb_idx(mesh::
Nodes* nodes) - void build_periodic_boundaries(Mesh& mesh)
- void atlas__build_periodic_boundaries(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
- void build_statistics(Mesh& mesh)
- void atlas__build_statistics(Mesh::Implementation* mesh)
void write_load_balance_report(const Mesh& mesh,
ostream& ofs) -
void write_load_balance_report(const Mesh& mesh,
const std::
string& filename) - void atlas__write_load_balance_report(Mesh::Implementation* mesh, char* filename)