eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid class

Base classes

class eckit::geo::Figure
Figure: describe a combination of "shape" (sphere, ellipsoid, geoid) and "size" (radius, a, b, elevation)

Derived classes

struct GRS80 final
struct WGS84 final

Public types

using builder_t = BuilderT1<Figure>
using ARG1 = const Spec&

Public static functions

static auto className() -> std::string

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

OblateSpheroid(double a, double b)
OblateSpheroid(const Spec&) explicit

Public functions

auto R() const -> double override
auto a() const -> double override
auto b() const -> double override
auto spec() const -> spec::Custom*
auto spec_str() const -> std::string
auto proj_str() const -> std::string
auto eccentricity() const -> double
auto flattening() const -> double

Typedef documentation

using eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::builder_t = BuilderT1<Figure>

using eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::ARG1 = const Spec&

Function documentation

static std::string eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::className()

spec::Custom* eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::spec() const

std::string eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::spec_str() const

std::string eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::proj_str() const

double eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::eccentricity() const

double eckit::geo::figure::OblateSpheroid::flattening() const