atlas::field::MissingValue struct

Missing values indicator.

Public types

using Spec = util::Config
using Config = detail::MissingValue::Config

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

MissingValue(const Config&)
MissingValue(const std::string& type, const Config&)
MissingValue(const Field&)
MissingValue(const std::string& type, const Field&)

Public functions

auto operator()(const double& value) const -> bool
operator() on user-defined values
auto operator()(const float& value) const -> bool
operator() on user-defined values
auto operator()(const int& value) const -> bool
operator() on user-defined values
auto operator()(const long& value) const -> bool
operator() on user-defined values
auto operator()(const unsigned long& value) const -> bool
operator() on user-defined values
auto isnan() const -> bool
if missing value is represented by not-a-number
auto ref() const -> const detail::MissingValue&
reference to internal implementation
void metadata(Field& field) const
fill missing value metadata on Field

Function documentation

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::operator()(const double& value) const

operator() on user-defined values

value in user-defined value
Returns if user-defined value indicates a missing value

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::operator()(const float& value) const

operator() on user-defined values

value in user-defined value
Returns if user-defined value indicates a missing value

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::operator()(const int& value) const

operator() on user-defined values

value in user-defined value
Returns if user-defined value indicates a missing value

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::operator()(const long& value) const

operator() on user-defined values

value in user-defined value
Returns if user-defined value indicates a missing value

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::operator()(const unsigned long& value) const

operator() on user-defined values

value in user-defined value
Returns if user-defined value indicates a missing value

bool atlas::field::MissingValue::isnan() const

if missing value is represented by not-a-number

Returns if missing value is represented by not-a-number

const detail::MissingValue& atlas::field::MissingValue::ref() const

reference to internal implementation

Returns reference to internal implementation

void atlas::field::MissingValue::metadata(Field& field) const

fill missing value metadata on Field

field in field to set