- namespace actions
- namespace elementtypes
- namespace temporary
- class BlockConnectivityImpl
- Block Connectivity table.
template<typename ConnectivityImpl>class ConnectivityInterface
- class ConnectivityRow
- class Elements
- Describe elements of a single type.
- class ElementType
- ElementType class (abstract) that provides access to geometric information of an element.
- class Halo
- class HybridElements
- HybridElements class that describes elements of different types.
- class IrregularConnectivityImpl
- class IsGhostNode
- class MeshBuilder
- Construct a Mesh by importing external connectivity data.
- class MultiBlockConnectivityImpl
- Connectivity contiguously composed of multiple BlockConnectivityImpl.
- class Nodes
- Nodes class that owns a collection of fields defined in nodes of the mesh.
- class PartitionPolygon
- Polygon class that holds the boundary of a mesh partition.
- class TriangularMeshBuilder
- using IrregularConnectivity = ConnectivityInterface<IrregularConnectivityImpl>
- using MultiBlockConnectivity = ConnectivityInterface<MultiBlockConnectivityImpl>
- using BlockConnectivity = BlockConnectivityImpl
- using Connectivity = IrregularConnectivity
- using Edges = HybridElements
- using Cells = HybridElements
- auto MAX_STRING_SIZE() -> size_t constexpr
- auto atlas__Connectivity__create() -> Connectivity*
- auto atlas__MultiBlockConnectivity__create() -> MultiBlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__Connectivity__name(Connectivity* This) -> const char*
- void atlas__Connectivity__rename(Connectivity* This, const char* name)
- void atlas__Connectivity__delete(Connectivity* This)
void atlas__Connectivity__displs(Connectivity* This,
t*& displs, idx_ t& size) -
void atlas__Connectivity__counts(Connectivity* This,
t*& counts, idx_ t& size) -
void atlas__Connectivity__values(Connectivity* This,
t*& values, idx_ t& size) -
auto atlas__Connectivity__rows(const Connectivity* This) -> idx_
t -
void atlas__Connectivity__add_values(Connectivity* This,
t rows, idx_ t cols, idx_ t values[]) -
void atlas__Connectivity__add_missing(Connectivity* This,
t rows, idx_ t cols) -
auto atlas__Connectivity__missing_value(const Connectivity* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__MultiBlockConnectivity__blocks(const MultiBlockConnectivity* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__MultiBlockConnectivity__block(MultiBlockConnectivity* This,
t block_idx) -> BlockConnectivityImpl* -
auto atlas__BlockConnectivity__rows(const BlockConnectivityImpl* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__BlockConnectivity__cols(const BlockConnectivityImpl* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__BlockConnectivity__missing_value(const BlockConnectivityImpl* This) -> idx_
t -
void atlas__BlockConnectivity__data(BlockConnectivityImpl* This,
t*& data, idx_ t& rows, idx_ t& cols) - void atlas__BlockConnectivity__delete(BlockConnectivityImpl* This)
- void atlas__mesh__Elements__delete(Elements* This)
auto atlas__mesh__Elements__size(const Elements* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__mesh__Elements__begin(const Elements* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__mesh__Elements__end(const Elements* This) -> idx_
t - auto atlas__mesh__Elements__node_connectivity(Elements* This) -> BlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__edge_connectivity(Elements* This) -> BlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__cell_connectivity(Elements* This) -> BlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__has_field(const Elements* This, char* name) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__nb_fields(const Elements* This) -> int
auto atlas__mesh__Elements__field_by_idx(Elements* This,
t idx) -> field::FieldImpl* - auto atlas__mesh__Elements__field_by_name(Elements* This, char* name) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__global_index(Elements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__remote_index(Elements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__partition(Elements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__halo(Elements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Elements__element_type(const Elements* This) -> const ElementType*
void atlas__mesh__Elements__add(Elements* This,
t nb_elements) - auto atlas__mesh__ElementType__create(const char* name) -> ElementType*
- void atlas__mesh__ElementType__delete(ElementType* This)
auto atlas__mesh__ElementType__nb_nodes(const ElementType* This) -> idx_
t -
auto atlas__mesh__ElementType__nb_edges(const ElementType* This) -> idx_
t - auto atlas__mesh__ElementType__parametric(const ElementType* This) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__ElementType__name(const ElementType* This) -> const char*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__create() -> HybridElements*
- void atlas__mesh__HybridElements__delete(HybridElements* This)
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__node_connectivity(HybridElements* This) -> MultiBlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__edge_connectivity(HybridElements* This) -> MultiBlockConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__cell_connectivity(HybridElements* This) -> MultiBlockConnectivity*
auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__size(const HybridElements* This) -> idx_
t -
void atlas__mesh__HybridElements__add_elements(HybridElements* This,
ElementType* elementtype,
t nb_elements) -
void atlas__mesh__HybridElements__add_elements_with_nodes(HybridElements* This,
ElementType* elementtype,
t nb_elements, idx_ t node_connectivity[], int fortran_array) - void atlas__mesh__HybridElements__add_field(HybridElements* This, field::FieldImpl* field)
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__has_field(const HybridElements* This, char* name) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__nb_fields(const HybridElements* This) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__nb_types(const HybridElements* This) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__field_by_name(HybridElements* This, char* name) -> field::FieldImpl*
auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__field_by_idx(HybridElements* This,
t idx) -> field::FieldImpl* - auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__global_index(HybridElements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__remote_index(HybridElements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__partition(HybridElements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__halo(HybridElements* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
auto atlas__mesh__HybridElements__elements(HybridElements* This,
t idx) -> Elements* - auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__create() -> Nodes*
- void atlas__mesh__Nodes__delete(Nodes* This)
auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__size(Nodes* This) -> idx_
t -
void atlas__mesh__Nodes__resize(Nodes* This,
t size) -
auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__nb_fields(Nodes* This) -> idx_
t - void atlas__mesh__Nodes__add_field(Nodes* This, field::FieldImpl* field)
- void atlas__mesh__Nodes__remove_field(Nodes* This, char* name)
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__has_field(Nodes* This, char* name) -> int
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__field_by_name(Nodes* This, char* name) -> field::FieldImpl*
auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__field_by_idx(Nodes* This,
t idx) -> field::FieldImpl* -
auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__metadata(Nodes* This) -> util::
Metadata* - void atlas__mesh__Nodes__str(Nodes* This, char*& str, int& size)
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__edge_connectivity(Nodes* This) -> IrregularConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__cell_connectivity(Nodes* This) -> IrregularConnectivity*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__connectivity(Nodes* This, char* name) -> IrregularConnectivity*
- void atlas__mesh__Nodes__add_connectivity(Nodes* This, IrregularConnectivity* connectivity)
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__xy(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__lonlat(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__global_index(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__remote_index(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__partition(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*
- auto atlas__mesh__Nodes__ghost(Nodes* This) -> field::FieldImpl*