#include <atlas/field/MultiField.h>
MultiField MultiField class that owns a collection of fields that are co-allocated.
Fields can only be described by parametrisation during the construction. Once setup, no additional fields can be added.
Fields have to all be of same memory layout and data type
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
MultiField(const eckit::
Configuration&) -
MultiField(const array::
DataType datatype, const array:: ArrayShape& shape, const std:: vector<std:: string>& var_names) - operator const array::Array&() const
- Implicit conversion to Array.
- operator array::Array&()
- operator const FieldSet&() const
- operator FieldSet&()
Public functions
auto field(const std::
string& name) const -> const Field& -
auto field(const std::
string& name) -> Field& -
auto has(const std::
string& name) const -> bool -
auto field_names() const -> std::
vector<std:: string> -
auto field(const idx_
t idx) const -> const Field& -
auto field(const idx_
t idx) -> Field& -
auto size() const -> idx_
t -
auto operator[](const idx_
t idx) const -> const Field& -
auto operator[](const idx_
t idx) -> Field& -
auto operator[](const std::
string& name) const -> const Field& -
auto operator[](const std::
string& name) -> Field& -
auto metadata() const -> const util::
Metadata& -
auto metadata() -> util::
Metadata& -
auto array() const -> const array::
Array& - Access contained Array.
auto array() -> array::