- namespace function
- class Bitflags
- Convenience class to modify and interpret bitflags.
- class CGALSphericalTriangulation
- class Config
- Configuration class used to construct various atlas components.
- struct Constants
- Some useful constants.
- class ConvexSphericalPolygon
- struct DatumGRIB1
- struct DatumIFS
- struct DatumWGS84SemiMajorAxis
template<typename BaseIterator>class DereferenceIterator
- class ExplicitPartitionPolygon
template<typename T>class Factory
- class FactoryBase
- class FactoryRegistry
template<typename Base>struct GPUClonable
- class GridPointsJSONWriter
template<typename PayloadT, typename PointT = Point3>class KDTree
- k-dimensional tree constructable both with 2D (lon,lat) points as with 3D (x,y,z) points
- class ListPolygonXY
- Vector of all polygons with functionality to find partition using a KDTree.
- class LonLatMicroDeg
- LonLatMicroDegrees.
- class Metadata
- class NoConfig
- class NormaliseLongitude
- class PartitionPolygon
- class PartitionPolygons
- class PeriodicTransform
- class Polygon
- Polygon.
- class PolygonCoordinates
- class PolygonLocator
- Find polygon that contains a point.
- class PolygonXY
- Implement PolygonCoordinates::
contains for a polygon defined in XY space. - class QhullSphericalTriangulation
template<typename T>class Registry
- class Rotation
- class SphericalPolygon
- class Topology
- class UniqueLonLat
- Compute unique positive index for a element This class is a functor initialised with the nodes.
template<typename Abstract>class VectorOfAbstract
- using checksum_t = unsigned long
using Earth = eckit::
geometry:: SphereT<DatumIFS> -
using IndexKDTree2D = KDTree<idx_
t, Point2> -
using IndexKDTree3D = KDTree<idx_
t, Point3> - using IndexKDTree = IndexKDTree3D
- using UnitSphere = SphereT<DatumUnit>
- Definition of a unit sphere.
template<typename T>void allocate_managedmem(T*& data, size_t N)
template<typename T>void delete_managedmem(T*& data, size_t N)
template<typename T>void allocate_devicemem(T*& data, size_t N)
template<typename T>void delete_devicemem(T*& data, size_t N)
template<typename T>void allocate_hostmem(T*& data, size_t N)
template<typename T>void delete_hostmem(T*& data, size_t N)
- void atlas__allocate_managedmem_double(double*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__allocate_managedmem_float(float*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__allocate_managedmem_int(int*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__allocate_managedmem_long(long*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__deallocate_managedmem_double(double*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__deallocate_managedmem_float(float*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__deallocate_managedmem_int(int*& a, size_t N)
- void atlas__deallocate_managedmem_long(long*& a, size_t N)
- auto checksum(const int values[], size_t size) -> checksum_t
- auto checksum(const long values[], size_t size) -> checksum_t
- auto checksum(const float values[], size_t size) -> checksum_t
- auto checksum(const double values[], size_t size) -> checksum_t
- auto checksum(const checksum_t values[], size_t size) -> checksum_t
- auto atlas__Config__new() -> Config*
- auto atlas__Config__new_from_json(const char* json) -> Config*
- auto atlas__Config__new_from_file(const char* path) -> Config*
- void atlas__Config__delete(Config* This)
- auto atlas__Config__has(Config* This, const char* name) -> int
- void atlas__Config__set_config(Config* This, const char* name, const Config* value)
- void atlas__Config__set_config_list(Config* This, const char* name, const Config* value[], int size)
- void atlas__Config__set_int(Config* This, const char* name, int value)
- void atlas__Config__set_long(Config* This, const char* name, long value)
- void atlas__Config__set_float(Config* This, const char* name, float value)
- void atlas__Config__set_double(Config* This, const char* name, double value)
- void atlas__Config__set_string(Config* This, const char* name, const char* value)
- void atlas__Config__set_array_int(Config* This, const char* name, int value[], int size)
- void atlas__Config__set_array_long(Config* This, const char* name, long value[], int size)
- void atlas__Config__set_array_float(Config* This, const char* name, float value[], int size)
- void atlas__Config__set_array_double(Config* This, const char* name, double value[], int size)
- auto atlas__Config__get_config(Config* This, const char* name, Config* value) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_config_list(Config* This, const char* name, Config**& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_int(Config* This, const char* name, int& value) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_long(Config* This, const char* name, long& value) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_float(Config* This, const char* name, float& value) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_double(Config* This, const char* name, double& value) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_string(Config* This, const char* name, char*& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_array_int(Config* This, const char* name, int*& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_array_long(Config* This, const char* name, long*& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_array_float(Config* This, const char* name, float*& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- auto atlas__Config__get_array_double(Config* This, const char* name, double*& value, int& size, int& allocated) -> int
- void atlas__Config__json(Config* This, char*& json, int& size, int& allocated)
- void gaussian_latitudes_npole_equator(const size_t N, double latitudes[])
- Compute gaussian latitudes between North pole and equator.
- void gaussian_quadrature_npole_equator(const size_t N, double latitudes[], double weights[])
- Compute gaussian latitudes and quadrature weights between North pole and equator.
- void gaussian_latitudes_npole_spole(const size_t N, double latitudes[])
- Compute gaussian latitudes between North pole and South pole.
- void gaussian_quadrature_npole_spole(const size_t N, double latitudes[], double weights[])
- Compute gaussian latitudes and quadrature weights between North pole and South pole.
- auto atlas__IndexKDTree__new() -> IndexKDTree::Implementation*
- auto atlas__IndexKDTree__new_geometry(const Geometry::Implementation* geometry) -> IndexKDTree::Implementation*
- void atlas__IndexKDTree__delete(IndexKDTree::Implementation* This)
void atlas__IndexKDTree__reserve(IndexKDTree::Implementation* This,
const idx_
t size) -
void atlas__IndexKDTree__insert(IndexKDTree::Implementation* This,
const double lon,
const double lat,
const idx_
t index) - void atlas__IndexKDTree__build(IndexKDTree::Implementation* This)
void atlas__IndexKDTree__closestPoints(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This,
const double plon,
const double plat,
const size_t k,
double*& lon,
double*& lat,
t*& indices, double*& distances) -
void atlas__IndexKDTree__closestPoint(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This,
const double plon,
const double plat,
double& lon,
double& lat,
t& index, double& distance) -
void atlas__IndexKDTree__closestPointsWithinRadius(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This,
const double plon,
const double plat,
const double radius,
size_t& k,
double*& lon,
double*& lat,
t*& indices, double*& distances) - auto atlas__IndexKDTree__geometry(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This) -> const Geometry::Implementation*
- auto atlas__IndexKDTree__empty(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This) -> int
auto atlas__IndexKDTree__size(const IndexKDTree::Implementation* This) -> idx_
t -
auto unique_lonlat(const LonLatMicroDeg&) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in microdegrees.
- auto atlas__Metadata__new() -> Metadata*
- void atlas__Metadata__delete(Metadata* This)
void atlas__Metadata__print(Metadata* This,
ostream* channel) - void atlas__Metadata__json(Metadata* This, char*& json, int& size, int& allocated)
- auto atlas__Metadata__has(Metadata* This, const char* name) -> int
- void atlas__Metadata__set_int(Metadata* This, const char* name, int value)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_long(Metadata* This, const char* name, long value)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_float(Metadata* This, const char* name, float value)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_double(Metadata* This, const char* name, double value)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_string(Metadata* This, const char* name, const char* value)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_array_int(Metadata* This, const char* name, int value[], int size)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_array_long(Metadata* This, const char* name, long value[], int size)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_array_float(Metadata* This, const char* name, float value[], int size)
- void atlas__Metadata__set_array_double(Metadata* This, const char* name, double value[], int size)
- auto atlas__Metadata__get_int(Metadata* This, const char* name) -> int
- auto atlas__Metadata__get_long(Metadata* This, const char* name) -> long
- auto atlas__Metadata__get_float(Metadata* This, const char* name) -> float
- auto atlas__Metadata__get_double(Metadata* This, const char* name) -> double
- void atlas__Metadata__get_string(Metadata* This, const char* name, char* output_str, int max_len)
- void atlas__Metadata__get_array_int(Metadata* This, const char* name, int*& value, int& size, int& allocated)
- void atlas__Metadata__get_array_long(Metadata* This, const char* name, long*& value, int& size, int& allocated)
- void atlas__Metadata__get_array_float(Metadata* This, const char* name, float*& value, int& size, int& allocated)
- void atlas__Metadata__get_array_double(Metadata* This, const char* name, double*& value, int& size, int& allocated)
- auto microdeg(const double& deg) -> int
- auto pack_vector_fields(const FieldSet& fields, FieldSet packedFields = FieldSet{}) -> FieldSet
- Packs vector field components into vector fields.
- auto unpack_vector_fields(const FieldSet& fields, FieldSet unpackedFields = FieldSet{}) -> FieldSet
- Unpacks vector field into vector field components.
auto unique_lonlat_microdeg(const int lon,
const int lat) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in microdegrees.
auto unique_lonlat_microdeg(const int lonlat[]) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in microdegrees.
auto unique_lonlat(const double& lon,
const double& lat) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in degrees.
auto unique_lonlat(const double lonlat[]) -> uidx_
t -
auto unique_lonlat(const array::
LocalView<double, 1>& lonlat) -> uidx_ t -
auto unique_lonlat(const std::
array<double, 2>& lonlat) -> uidx_ t -
auto unique_lonlat(const double& lon,
const double& lat,
const PeriodicTransform&) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in degrees.
auto unique_lonlat(const double elem_lonlat[],
size_t npts) -> uidx_
t - Compute unique positive index from lon-lat coordinates in degrees. coordinates are stored in order: [ x1, y1, x2, y2, ... , xn, yn ].
template<typename Iterator>auto make_dereference_iterator(Iterator t) -> DereferenceIterator<Iterator>