eckit::geo::Projection class

Derived classes

class Composer
class None
class PROJ
Calculate coordinates using PROJ.
class ProjectionOnFigure
class Rotation
Calculate coordinates of a point on a rotated sphere given new location of South Pole (vector) and angle.
class Stretch
class XYToLonLat

Public types

using builder_t = BuilderT1<Projection>
using ARG1 = const Spec&

Public static functions

static auto className() -> std::string
static auto make_from_spec(const Spec&) -> Projection*

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Projection() defaulted noexcept
Projection(const Projection&) defaulted
Projection(Projection&&) defaulted
~Projection() defaulted virtual

Public functions

auto operator=(const Projection&) -> Projection& defaulted
auto operator=(Projection&&) -> Projection& defaulted
auto fwd(const Point&) const -> Point pure virtual
auto inv(const Point&) const -> Point pure virtual
auto make_figure() const -> Figure* virtual
auto figure() const -> const Figure&
auto spec() const -> spec::Custom*
auto spec_str() const -> std::string
auto proj_str() const -> std::string

Private functions

void fill_spec(spec::Custom&) const virtual


auto operator==(const Projection& a, const Projection& b) -> bool
auto operator!=(const Projection& a, const Projection& b) -> bool