eckit::linalg::SparseMatrix::Shape struct

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

void reset()
auto rows() const -> Size
auto cols() const -> Size
auto nonZeros() const -> Size
auto dataSize() const -> Size
data size is the number of non-zeros
auto innerSize() const -> Size
inner size is the number of non-zeros
auto outerSize() const -> Size
auto allocSize() const -> size_t
auto sizeofData() const -> size_t
auto sizeofOuter() const -> size_t
auto sizeofInner() const -> size_t
void print(std::ostream& os) const

Public variables

Size size_
Size of the container (AKA number of non-zeros nnz)
Size rows_
Number of rows.
Size cols_
Number of columns.


auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Shape& p) -> std::ostream&

Function documentation

Size eckit::linalg::SparseMatrix::Shape::rows() const

Returns number of rows

Size eckit::linalg::SparseMatrix::Shape::cols() const

Returns number of columns

Size eckit::linalg::SparseMatrix::Shape::nonZeros() const

Returns number of non-zeros

Size eckit::linalg::SparseMatrix::Shape::outerSize() const

Returns outer size is number of rows + 1