eckit::geo::GreatCircle class

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

GreatCircle(const PointLonLat&, const PointLonLat&)
Great circle given two points in geographic coordinates.

Public functions

auto latitude(double lon) const -> std::vector<double>
Great circle latitude given longitude, see
auto longitude(double lat) const -> std::vector<double>
Great circle longitude given latitude, see
auto crossesPoles() const -> bool
If great circle crosses the poles (meridian/anti-meridian)
auto course() const -> std::pair<double, double>
Calculate great circle course between two points.

Function documentation

std::pair<double, double> eckit::geo::GreatCircle::course() const

Calculate great circle course between two points.

Calculates the direction (clockwise from North) of a great circle arc between two points. Returns the direction (angle) of the arc at each, normalised to the range of atan2 (usually (-180, 180]). All input and output values are in units of degrees.