atlas::CubedSphereGrid2 class

Base classes

class Grid
Most general grid container.

Public types

using grid_t = grid::detail::grid::CubedSphere2
using Config = util::Config
using Spec = util::Config
using Domain = atlas::Domain
using Projection = atlas::Projection
using PointXY = atlas::PointXY
using PointLonLat = atlas::PointLonLat
using IterateXY = grid::IterateXY
using IterateLonLat = grid::IterateLonLat

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CubedSphereGrid2(idx_t resolution)
CubedSphereGrid2(const Grid& grid)
operator bool() const

Public functions

auto valid() const -> bool
auto xy() const -> IterateXY
auto lonlat() const -> IterateLonLat
auto operator==(const Grid& other) const -> bool
auto operator!=(const Grid& other) const -> bool
auto size() const -> idx_t
auto projection() const -> const Projection&
auto domain() const -> const Domain&
auto lonlatBoundingBox() const -> RectangularLonLatDomain
auto name() const -> std::string
auto type() const -> std::string
auto uid() const -> std::string
void hash(eckit::Hash& h) const
Adds to the hash the information that makes this Grid unique.
auto footprint() const -> size_t
auto spec() const -> Spec
auto meshgenerator() const -> Config
auto partitioner() const -> Config

Typedef documentation

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::Config = util::Config

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::Spec = util::Config

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::Domain = atlas::Domain

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::Projection = atlas::Projection

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::PointXY = atlas::PointXY

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::PointLonLat = atlas::PointLonLat

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::IterateXY = grid::IterateXY

using atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::IterateLonLat = grid::IterateLonLat

Function documentation

IterateXY atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::xy() const

IterateLonLat atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::lonlat() const

bool atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::operator==(const Grid& other) const

bool atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::operator!=(const Grid& other) const

idx_t atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::size() const

const Projection& atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::projection() const

const Domain& atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::domain() const

RectangularLonLatDomain atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::lonlatBoundingBox() const

std::string atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::name() const

std::string atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::type() const

std::string atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::uid() const

void atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::hash(eckit::Hash& h) const

Adds to the hash the information that makes this Grid unique.

size_t atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::footprint() const

Spec atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::spec() const

Config atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::meshgenerator() const

Config atlas::CubedSphereGrid2::partitioner() const

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