A "benchmark driver" program is bundled with ecTrans. This program performs a loop of inverse and direct spectral transforms over and over a specified number of times and collects timing statistics to provide an assessment of the overall performance of ecTrans. It is designed to mimic the use of ecTrans from within the IFS atmospheric model, in which inverse and direct spectral transforms are carried out on every model timestep. The benchmark program also includes a simple error checking algorithm for verifying that the transforms are performing with correct numerics. This latter feature is in fact used for the ecTrans CTest suite.
Here we describe how to write a benchmark suite for ecTrans.
First follow the instructions for installing ecTrans on your system. Verify that the benchmark programs (one for single and double precision) exist in your build's bin directory. You should see
ectrans-benchmark-cpu-sp ectrans-benchmark-cpu-dp
Here we assume you have only enabled the CPU
feature of ecTrans (which is on by default). If you
also enabled the GPU
feature, you'll also see GPU versions of these two programs. We'll just focus
on CPUs here.
In this guide we will only benchmark the single-precision build of ecTrans.
The benchmark program has many arguments for running ecTrans in different configurations. You can
see the full set by running one of the benchmark programs with the --help
NAME ectrans-benchmark-cpu-sp
This program tests ecTrans by transforming fields back and forth between spectral
space and grid-point space (single-precision version)
ectrans-benchmark-cpu-sp [options]
-h, --help Print this message
-v Run with verbose output
-t, --truncation T Run with this triangular spectral truncation (default = 79)
-g, --grid GRID Run with this grid. Possible values: O<N>, F<N>
If not specified, O<N> is used with N=truncation+1 (cubic relation)
-n, --niter NITER Run for this many inverse/direct transform iterations (default = 10)
-f, --nfld NFLD Number of scalar fields (default = 1)
-l, --nlev NLEV Number of vertical levels (default = 1)
--vordiv Also transform vorticity-divergence to wind
--scders Compute scalar derivatives (default off)
--uvders Compute uv East-West derivatives (default off). Only when also --vordiv is given
--flt Run with fast Legendre transforms (default off)
--nproma NPROMA Run with NPROMA (default no blocking: NPROMA=ngptot)
--norms Calculate and print spectral norms of transformed fields
The computation of spectral norms will skew overall timings
--meminfo Show diagnostic information from FIAT's ec_meminfo subroutine on memory usage, thread-binding etc.
--nprtrv Size of V set in spectral decomposition
--nprtrw Size of W set in spectral decomposition
-c, --check VALUE The multiplier of the machine epsilon used as a tolerance for correctness checking
--dump-values Output gridpoint fields in unformatted binary file
Some of these options (e.g. -nprtrv
) require a detailed understanding of how fields are
distributed across MPI tasks, so we won't describe them in detail here. The most important arguments
are the following:
-t, --truncation T
: this sets the overall resolution of the benchmark. The truncation T refers-n, --niter NITER
: this determines how many iterations to perform in the spectral transform.-l, --nlev NLEV
: this determines the number of vertical levels for three-dimensional fields--vordiv --scders --uvders
: these options enable some auxiliary code paths when calling the--vordiv
calculates grid point vorticity and divergence, --scders
calculates gradients--norms
: this option enables error norms, which are printed aggregated over all fields at the--meminfo
: this option enables so-called "meminfo" diagnostics, which are printed at the end of
the benchmark. These diagnostics include memory usage on a per-task basis. Thread binding
information is also printed which can be extremely useful when debugging performance issues when
running ecTrans multithreaded.Putting all of these together, we get the following invocation of the ecTrans benchmark program:
./ectrans-benchmark-cpu-sp --truncation 159 --niter 100 --nlev 137 --vordiv --scders --uvders --norms --meminfo
As mentioned above, the single most important parameter for determining the problem size, and
therefore computational cost, of a benchmark of ecTrans is the spectral truncation, controlled with
the -t, --truncation
argument. With this single parameter we can construct a scalability
benchmark. Here we demonstrate an example scalability test carried out on the ECMWF high-performance
computer ("HPC2020"). This will be a "strong-scaling" test, in which the allocation of computational
resources is fixed and the problem size is increased. The tests will use 80 nodes and the problem
size will be increased using the truncation parameter only. All other arguments to the benchmark
program are as specified in the previous section.
The figure above shows how the median time of a combined inverse-direct spectral transform scales
with the truncation parameter. This number is printed at the end of the benchmark program under the
Inverse-direct transform
heading (look for med (s)
). Results are shown both for an ordinary
configuration of ecTrans, and a special benchmarking case where communication is disabled. The
latter case is set by replacing the call of the "transposition" communication routines subroutines
with logic to simply zero the communication buffer. (Note
that the names of these subroutines are abbreviations for "transposition from G space to L space"
etc., where G, L, and M refer to different decompositions employed by ecTrans at different stages of
a transform.) This artificial configuration of course breaks the numerical validity of the
transform, but it does permit us to measure the scalability of the computational aspects of ecTrans
in isolation.
Interestingly, the full benchmark (including communication) seems to show quadratic scalability while the benchmark without communication shows scalability with an exponential more like 2.4. There isn't a simple formula for the purely computational complexity of ecTrans as the total number of floating-point operations in both the Fourier and Legendre transforms is a complicated summation of fast Fourier transforms (usually complexity) and matrix-vector multiplications (usually complexity) of different sizes. Nevertheless, we should expect a scaling exponent between 2 and 3, with the exact value differing depending on whether the Fourier or Legendre transform dominates. As the truncation is increased, we can see that the computation becomes a larger proportion of overall wall time, and the two lines will likely converge around TCO10000. However, the exact nature of this convergence will depend sensitively on the number of nodes allocated.
As demonstrated in this example, ecTrans is not only fascinating object for scalability studies, combining paradigms of computation and communication, but is an easy target thanks to the benchmark program which permits arbitrary scaling of the problem size.