! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! program ectrans_benchmark #ifdef USE_PINNED #define PINNED_TAG , pinned #else #define PINNED_TAG #endif ! ! Spectral transform test ! ! This test performs spectral to real and real to spectral transforms repeated in ! timed loop. ! ! 1) One "surface" field is always transformed: ! zspsc2(1,1:nspec2) <-> zgmvs(1:nproma,1:1,1:ngbplk) ! ! 2) A Multiple "3d" fields are transformed and can be disabled with "--nfld 0" ! ! zspsc3a(1:nlev,1:nspec2,1:nfld) <-> zgp3a(1:nproma,1:nlev,1:nfld,1:ngpblk) ! ! 3) Optionally a "3d" vorticity/divergence field is transformed to uv (wind) and ! can be enabled with "--vordiv" ! ! zspvor(1:nlev,1:nspec2) / zspdiv(1:nlev,1:nspec2) <-> zgpuv(1:nproma,1:nlev,1:2,1:ngpblk) ! ! 4) Optionally scalar derivatives can be computed for the fields described in 1) and 2) ! This must be enabled with "--scders" ! ! 5) Optionally uv East-West derivate can be computed from vorticity/divergence. ! This must be enabled with "--vordiv --uvders" ! ! ! Authors : George Mozdzynski ! Willem Deconinck ! Ioan Hadade ! Sam Hatfield ! use parkind1, only: jpim, jprb, jprd use oml_mod ,only : oml_max_threads use mpl_module use yomgstats, only: jpmaxstat, gstats_lstats => lstats use yomhook, only : dr_hook_init implicit none ! Number of points in top/bottom latitudes integer(kind=jpim), parameter :: min_octa_points = 20 integer(kind=jpim) :: istack, getstackusage real(kind=jprd), dimension(1) :: zmaxerr(5), zerr(5) real(kind=jprd) :: zmaxerrg ! Output unit numbers integer(kind=jpim), parameter :: nerr = 0 ! Unit number for STDERR integer(kind=jpim), parameter :: nout = 6 ! Unit number for STDOUT integer(kind=jpim), parameter :: noutdump = 7 ! Unit number for field output ! Default parameters integer(kind=jpim) :: nsmax = 79 ! Spectral truncation integer(kind=jpim) :: iters = 10 ! Number of iterations for transform test integer(kind=jpim) :: nfld = 1 ! Number of scalar fields integer(kind=jpim) :: nlev = 1 ! Number of vertical levels integer(kind=jpim) :: iters_warmup = 3 ! Number of warm up steps (for which timing statistics should be ignored) integer(kind=jpim) :: nflevg integer(kind=jpim) :: ndgl ! Number of latitudes integer(kind=jpim) :: nspec2 integer(kind=jpim) :: ngptot integer(kind=jpim) :: ngptotg integer(kind=jpim) :: ifld integer(kind=jpim) :: jroc integer(kind=jpim) :: jb integer(kind=jpim) :: nspec2g integer(kind=jpim) :: i integer(kind=jpim) :: ja integer(kind=jpim) :: ib integer(kind=jpim) :: jprtrv integer(kind=jpim), allocatable :: nloen(:), nprcids(:) integer(kind=jpim) :: myproc, jj integer :: jstep real(kind=jprd) :: ztinit, ztloop, timef, ztstepmax, ztstepmin, ztstepavg, ztstepmed real(kind=jprd) :: ztstepmax1, ztstepmin1, ztstepavg1, ztstepmed1 real(kind=jprd) :: ztstepmax2, ztstepmin2, ztstepavg2, ztstepmed2 real(kind=jprd), allocatable :: ztstep(:), ztstep1(:), ztstep2(:) real(kind=jprb), allocatable :: znormsp(:), znormsp1(:), znormdiv(:), znormdiv1(:) real(kind=jprb), allocatable :: znormvor(:), znormvor1(:), znormt(:), znormt1(:) real(kind=jprd) :: zaveave(0:jpmaxstat) ! Grid-point space data structures real(kind=jprb), allocatable, target PINNED_TAG :: zgmv (:,:,:,:) ! Multilevel fields at t and t-dt real(kind=jprb), allocatable, target PINNED_TAG :: zgmvs (:,:,:) ! Single level fields at t and t-dt real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zgp3a (:,:,:,:) ! Multilevel fields at t and t-dt real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zgpuv (:,:,:,:) ! Multilevel fields at t and t-dt real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zgp2 (:,:,:) ! Single level fields at t and t-dt ! Spectral space data structures real(kind=jprb), allocatable, target PINNED_TAG :: sp3d(:,:,:) real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zspvor(:,:) => null() real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zspdiv(:,:) => null() real(kind=jprb), pointer :: zspsc3a(:,:,:) => null() real(kind=jprb), allocatable PINNED_TAG :: zspsc2(:,:) logical :: lstack = .false. ! Output stack info logical :: luserpnm = .false. logical :: lkeeprpnm = .false. logical :: luseflt = .false. ! Use fast legendre transforms logical :: ltrace_stats = .false. logical :: lstats_omp = .false. logical :: lstats_comms = .false. logical :: lstats_mpl = .false. logical :: lstats = .true. ! gstats statistics logical :: lbarrier_stats = .false. logical :: lbarrier_stats2 = .false. logical :: ldetailed_stats = .false. logical :: lstats_alloc = .false. logical :: lsyncstats = .false. logical :: lstatscpu = .false. logical :: lstats_mem = .false. logical :: lxml_stats = .false. logical :: lvordiv = .false. logical :: lscders = .false. logical :: luvders = .false. logical :: lprint_norms = .false. ! Calculate and print spectral norms logical :: lmeminfo = .false. ! Show information from FIAT routine ec_meminfo at the end integer(kind=jpim) :: nstats_mem = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: ntrace_stats = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: nprnt_stats = 1 integer(kind=jpim) :: nopt_mem_tr = 0 ! The multiplier of the machine epsilon used as a tolerance for correctness checking ! ncheck = 0 (the default) means that correctness checking is disabled integer(kind=jpim) :: ncheck = 0 logical :: lmpoff = .false. ! Message passing switch ! Verbosity level (0 or 1) integer :: verbosity = 0 real(kind=jprd) :: zra = 6371229._jprd integer(kind=jpim) :: nmax_resol = 37 ! Max number of resolutions integer(kind=jpim) :: npromatr = 0 ! nproma for trans lib integer(kind=jpim) :: nproc ! Number of procs integer(kind=jpim) :: nthread integer(kind=jpim) :: nprgpns ! Grid-point decomp integer(kind=jpim) :: nprgpew ! Grid-point decomp integer(kind=jpim) :: nprtrv = 0 ! Spectral decomp integer(kind=jpim) :: nprtrw = 0 ! Spectral decomp integer(kind=jpim) :: mysetv integer(kind=jpim) :: mysetw integer(kind=jpim) :: mp_type = 2 ! Message passing type integer(kind=jpim) :: mbx_size = 150000000 ! Mailbox size integer(kind=jpim), allocatable :: numll(:), ivset(:) integer(kind=jpim) :: ivsetsc(1) integer(kind=jpim) :: nflevl ! sumpini integer(kind=jpim) :: isqr logical :: lsync_trans = .true. ! Activate barrier sync logical :: leq_regions = .true. ! Eq regions flag integer(kind=jpim) :: nproma = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: ngpblks ! locals integer(kind=jpim) :: iprtrv integer(kind=jpim) :: iprtrw integer(kind=jpim) :: iprused, ilevpp, irest, ilev, jlev integer(kind=jpim) :: ndimgmv = 0 ! Third dim. of gmv "(nproma,nflevg,ndimgmv,ngpblks)" integer(kind=jpim) :: ndimgmvs = 0 ! Second dim. gmvs "(nproma,ndimgmvs,ngpblks)" integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_uv = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_uv = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_sc = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_sc = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_scder_NS = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_scder_NS = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_scder_EW = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_scder_EW = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_uder_EW = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_uder_EW = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jbegin_vder_EW = 0 integer(kind=jpim) :: jend_vder_EW = 0 logical :: ldump_values = .false. integer, external :: ec_mpirank logical :: luse_mpi = .true. character(len=16) :: cgrid = '' integer(kind=jpim) :: ierr real(kind=jprb), allocatable :: global_field(:,:) !=================================================================================================== #include "setup_trans0.h" #include "setup_trans.h" #include "inv_trans.h" #include "dir_trans.h" #include "trans_inq.h" #include "gath_grid.h" #include "specnorm.h" #include "abor1.intfb.h" #include "gstats_setup.intfb.h" #include "ec_meminfo.intfb.h" !=================================================================================================== luse_mpi = detect_mpirun() ! Setup call get_command_line_arguments(nsmax, cgrid, iters, iters_warmup, nfld, nlev, lvordiv, lscders, luvders, & & luseflt, nopt_mem_tr, nproma, verbosity, ldump_values, lprint_norms, lmeminfo, nprtrv, nprtrw, ncheck) if (cgrid == '') cgrid = cubic_octahedral_gaussian_grid(nsmax) call parse_grid(cgrid, ndgl, nloen) nflevg = nlev !=================================================================================================== if (luse_mpi) then call mpl_init(ldinfo=(verbosity>=1)) nproc = mpl_nproc() myproc = mpl_myrank() else nproc = 1 myproc = 1 mpl_comm = -1 lsync_trans = .false. endif nthread = oml_max_threads() call dr_hook_init() !=================================================================================================== if( lstats ) call gstats(0,0) ztinit = timef() ! only output to stdout on pe 1 if (nproc > 1) then if (myproc /= 1) then open(unit=nout, file='/dev/null') endif endif if (ldetailed_stats) then lstats_omp = .true. lstats_comms = .true. lstats_mpl = .true. lstatscpu = .true. nprnt_stats = nproc ! lstats_mem = .true. ! lstats_alloc = .true. endif !=================================================================================================== allocate(nprcids(nproc)) do jj = 1, nproc nprcids(jj) = jj enddo if (nproc <= 1) then lmpoff = .true. endif ! Compute nprgpns and nprgpew ! This version selects most square-like distribution ! These will change if leq_regions=.true. if (nproc == 0) nproc = 1 isqr = int(sqrt(real(nproc,jprb))) do ja = isqr, nproc ib = nproc/ja if (ja*ib == nproc) then nprgpns = max(ja,ib) nprgpew = min(ja,ib) exit endif enddo ! Compute nprtrv and nprtrw if not provided on the command line if (nprtrv > 0 .or. nprtrw > 0) then if (nprtrv == 0) nprtrv = nproc/nprtrw if (nprtrw == 0) nprtrw = nproc/nprtrv if (nprtrw*nprtrv /= nproc) call abor1('ectrans_benchmark:nprtrw*nprtrv /= nproc') else do jprtrv = 4, nproc nprtrv = jprtrv nprtrw = nproc/nprtrv if (nprtrv*nprtrw /= nproc) cycle if (nprtrv > nprtrw) exit enddo ! Go for approx square partition for backup if (nprtrv*nprtrw /= nproc .or. nprtrv > nprtrw) then isqr = int(sqrt(real(nproc,jprb))) do ja = isqr, nproc ib = nproc/ja if (ja*ib == nproc) then nprtrw = max(ja, ib) nprtrv = min(ja, ib) exit endif enddo endif endif ! Create communicators for mpi groups if (.not.lmpoff) then call mpl_groups_create(nprtrw, nprtrv) endif if (lmpoff) then mysetw = (myproc - 1)/nprtrv + 1 mysetv = mod(myproc - 1, nprtrv) + 1 else call mpl_cart_coords(myproc, mysetw, mysetv) ! Just checking for now... iprtrv = mod(myproc - 1, nprtrv) + 1 iprtrw = (myproc - 1)/nprtrv + 1 if (iprtrv /= mysetv .or. iprtrw /= mysetw) then call abor1('ectrans_benchmark:inconsistency when computing mysetw and mysetv') endif endif if (.not. lmpoff) then call mpl_buffer_method(kmp_type=mp_type, kmbx_size=mbx_size, kprocids=nprcids, ldinfo=(verbosity>=1)) endif ! Determine the number of levels attributed to each member of the V set allocate(numll(nprtrv)) iprused = min(nflevg+1, nprtrv) ilevpp = nflevg/nprtrv irest = nflevg -ilevpp*nprtrv do jroc = 1, nprtrv if (jroc <= irest) then numll(jroc) = ilevpp+1 else numll(jroc) = ilevpp endif enddo nflevl = numll(mysetv) ivsetsc(1) = iprused ifld = 0 !=================================================================================================== ! Setup gstats !=================================================================================================== if (lstats) then call gstats_setup(nproc, myproc, nprcids, & & lstats, lstatscpu, lsyncstats, ldetailed_stats, lbarrier_stats, lbarrier_stats2, & & lstats_omp, lstats_comms, lstats_mem, nstats_mem, lstats_alloc, & & ltrace_stats, ntrace_stats, nprnt_stats, lxml_stats) call gstats_psut ! Assign labels to GSTATS regions call gstats_labels endif !=================================================================================================== ! Call ecTrans setup routines !=================================================================================================== if (verbosity >= 1) write(nout,'(a)')'======= Setup ecTrans =======' call gstats(1, 0) call setup_trans0(kout=nout, kerr=nerr, kprintlev=merge(2, 0, verbosity == 1), & & kmax_resol=nmax_resol, kpromatr=npromatr, kprgpns=nprgpns, kprgpew=nprgpew, & & kprtrw=nprtrw, ldsync_trans=lsync_trans, & & ldeq_regions=leq_regions, prad=zra, ldalloperm=.true., ldmpoff=.not.luse_mpi,& & kopt_memory_tr=nopt_mem_tr) call gstats(1, 1) call gstats(2, 0) ! IFS spectral fields are dimensioned NFLEVL, Nils !! call set_ectrans_gpu_nflev(nflevl) ! We pass nflevl via environment variable in order not to change API ! In long run, ectrans should grow its internal buffers automatically call setup_trans(ksmax=nsmax, kdgl=ndgl, kloen=nloen, ldsplit=.true., & & lduserpnm=luserpnm, ldkeeprpnm=lkeeprpnm, & & lduseflt=luseflt) call gstats(2, 1) call trans_inq(kspec2=nspec2, kspec2g=nspec2g, kgptot=ngptot, kgptotg=ngptotg) if (nproma == 0) then ! no blocking (default when not specified) nproma = ngptot endif ! Calculate number of NPROMA blocks ngpblks = (ngptot - 1)/nproma+1 !=================================================================================================== ! Print information before starting !=================================================================================================== ! Print configuration details if (verbosity >= 0 .and. myproc == 1) then write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'(a)')'======= Start of runtime parameters =======' write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'("nsmax ",i0)') nsmax write(nout,'("grid ",a)') trim(cgrid) write(nout,'("ndgl ",i0)') ndgl write(nout,'("nproc ",i0)') nproc write(nout,'("nthread ",i0)') nthread write(nout,'("nprgpns ",i0)') nprgpns write(nout,'("nprgpew ",i0)') nprgpew write(nout,'("nprtrw ",i0)') nprtrw write(nout,'("nprtrv ",i0)') nprtrv write(nout,'("ngptot ",i0)') ngptot write(nout,'("ngptotg ",i0)') ngptotg write(nout,'("nfld ",i0)') nfld write(nout,'("nlev ",i0)') nlev write(nout,'("nproma ",i0)') nproma write(nout,'("ngpblks ",i0)') ngpblks write(nout,'("nspec2 ",i0)') nspec2 write(nout,'("nspec2g ",i0)') nspec2g write(nout,'("luseflt ",l1)') luseflt write(nout,'("nopt_mem_tr",i0)') nopt_mem_tr write(nout,'("lvordiv ",l1)') lvordiv write(nout,'("lscders ",l1)') lscders write(nout,'("luvders ",l1)') luvders write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'(a)') '======= End of runtime parameters =======' write(nout,'(" ")') end if !=================================================================================================== ! Allocate and Initialize spectral arrays !=================================================================================================== ! Allocate spectral arrays ! Try to mimick IFS layout as much as possible nullify(zspvor) nullify(zspdiv) nullify(zspsc3a) allocate(sp3d(nflevl,nspec2,2+nfld)) allocate(zspsc2(1,nspec2)) call initialize_spectral_arrays(nsmax, zspsc2, sp3d) ! Point convenience variables to storage variable sp3d zspvor => sp3d(:,:,1) zspdiv => sp3d(:,:,2) zspsc3a => sp3d(:,:,3:3+(nfld-1)) !=================================================================================================== ! Allocate gridpoint arrays !=================================================================================================== allocate(ivset(nflevg)) ! Compute spectral distribution ilev = 0 do jb = 1, nprtrv do jlev=1, numll(jb) ilev = ilev + 1 ivset(ilev) = jb enddo enddo ! Allocate grid-point arrays if (lvordiv) then jbegin_uv = 1 jend_uv = 2 endif if (luvders) then jbegin_uder_EW = jend_uv + 1 jend_uder_EW = jbegin_uder_EW + 1 jbegin_vder_EW = jend_uder_EW + 1 jend_vder_EW = jbegin_vder_EW + 1 else jbegin_uder_EW = jend_uv jend_uder_EW = jend_uv jbegin_vder_EW = jend_uv jend_vder_EW = jend_uv endif jbegin_sc = jend_vder_EW + 1 jend_sc = jend_vder_EW + nfld if (lscders) then ndimgmvs = 3 jbegin_scder_NS = jend_sc + 1 jend_scder_NS = jend_sc + nfld jbegin_scder_EW = jend_scder_NS + 1 jend_scder_EW = jend_scder_NS + nfld else ndimgmvs = 1 jbegin_scder_NS = jend_sc jend_scder_NS = jend_sc jbegin_scder_EW = jend_sc jend_scder_EW = jend_sc endif ndimgmv = jend_scder_EW allocate(zgmv(nproma,nflevg,ndimgmv,ngpblks)) allocate(zgmvs(nproma,ndimgmvs,ngpblks)) zgpuv => zgmv(:,:,1:jend_vder_EW,:) zgp3a => zgmv(:,:,jbegin_sc:jend_scder_EW,:) zgp2 => zgmvs(:,:,:) !=================================================================================================== ! Allocate norm arrays !=================================================================================================== if (lprint_norms .or. ncheck > 0) then allocate(znormsp(1)) allocate(znormsp1(1)) allocate(znormvor(nflevg)) allocate(znormvor1(nflevg)) allocate(znormdiv(nflevg)) allocate(znormdiv1(nflevg)) allocate(znormt(nflevg)) allocate(znormt1(nflevg)) call specnorm(pspec=zspvor(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormvor1, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) call specnorm(pspec=zspdiv(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormdiv1, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) if (nfld > 0) then call specnorm(pspec=zspsc3a(1:nflevl,:,1), pnorm=znormt1, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) endif call specnorm(pspec=zspsc2(1:1,:), pnorm=znormsp1, kvset=ivsetsc) if (verbosity >= 1 .and. myproc == 1) then do ifld = 1, nflevg write(nout,'("norm zspvor( ",i4,",:) = ",f20.15)') ifld, znormvor1(ifld) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormvor1(ifld) enddo do ifld = 1, nflevg write(nout,'("norm zspdiv( ",i4,",:) = ",f20.15)') ifld, znormdiv1(ifld) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormdiv1(ifld) enddo if (nfld > 0) then do ifld = 1, nflevg write(nout,'("norm zspsc3a(",i4,",:,1) = ",f20.15)') ifld, znormt1(ifld) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormt1(ifld) enddo endif do ifld = 1, 1 write(nout,'("norm zspsc2( ",i4,",:) = ",f20.15)') ifld, znormsp1(ifld) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormsp1(ifld) enddo endif endif !=================================================================================================== ! Setup timers !=================================================================================================== ztinit = (timef() - ztinit)/1000.0_jprd if (verbosity >= 0 .and. myproc == 1) then write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'(a,i0,a,f9.2,a)') "ectrans_benchmark initialisation, on ",nproc,& & " tasks, took ",ztinit," sec" write(nout,'(" ")') endif if (iters <= 0) call abor1('ectrans_benchmark:iters <= 0') allocate(ztstep(iters+iters_warmup)) allocate(ztstep1(iters+iters_warmup)) allocate(ztstep2(iters+iters_warmup)) if (verbosity >= 1 .and. myproc == 1) then write(nout,'(a)') '======= Start of spectral transforms =======' write(nout,'(" ")') endif !=================================================================================================== ! Do spectral transform loop !=================================================================================================== gstats_lstats = .false. write(nout,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') 'Running for ', iters, ' iterations with ', iters_warmup, & & ' extra warm-up iterations' write(nout,'(" ")') do jstep = 1, iters+iters_warmup if (jstep == iters_warmup + 1) then gstats_lstats = .true. ztloop = timef() endif call gstats(3,0) ztstep(jstep) = timef() !================================================================================================= ! Do inverse transform !================================================================================================= ztstep1(jstep) = timef() call gstats(4,0) if (lvordiv) then call inv_trans(kresol=1, kproma=nproma, & & pspsc2=zspsc2, & ! spectral surface pressure & pspvor=zspvor, & ! spectral vorticity & pspdiv=zspdiv, & ! spectral divergence & pspsc3a=zspsc3a, & ! spectral scalars & ldscders=lscders, & & ldvorgp=.false., & ! no gridpoint vorticity & lddivgp=.false., & ! no gridpoint divergence & lduvder=luvders, & & kvsetuv=ivset, & & kvsetsc2=ivsetsc, & & kvsetsc3a=ivset, & & pgp2=zgp2, & & pgpuv=zgpuv, & & pgp3a=zgp3a) else call inv_trans(kresol=1, kproma=nproma, & & pspsc2=zspsc2, & ! spectral surface pressure & pspsc3a=zspsc3a, & ! spectral scalars & ldscders=lscders, & ! scalar derivatives & kvsetsc2=ivsetsc, & & kvsetsc3a=ivset, & & pgp2=zgp2, & & pgp3a=zgp3a) endif call gstats(4,1) ztstep1(jstep) = (timef() - ztstep1(jstep))/1000.0_jprd !================================================================================================= ! While in grid point space, dump the values to disk, for debugging only !================================================================================================= if (ldump_values .and. mod(jstep,10) == 1) then if (myproc == 1) then allocate(global_field(ngptotg,1)) endif call dump_gridpoint_field(jstep, myproc, nproma, global_field, zgp2(:,1:1,:), 's', noutdump) call dump_gridpoint_field(jstep, myproc, nproma, global_field, zgpuv(:,nflevg:nflevg,1,:), 'u', noutdump) call dump_gridpoint_field(jstep, myproc, nproma, global_field, zgpuv(:,nflevg:nflevg,2,:), 'v', noutdump) call dump_gridpoint_field(jstep, myproc, nproma, global_field, zgp3a(:,nflevg:nflevg,1,:), 't', noutdump) if (myproc == 1) then deallocate(global_field) endif endif !================================================================================================= ! Do direct transform !================================================================================================= ztstep2(jstep) = timef() call gstats(5,0) if (lvordiv) then call dir_trans(kresol=1, kproma=nproma, & & pgp2=zgmvs(:,1:1,:), & & pgpuv=zgpuv(:,:,1:2,:), & & pgp3a=zgp3a(:,:,1:nfld,:), & & pspvor=zspvor, & & pspdiv=zspdiv, & & pspsc2=zspsc2, & & pspsc3a=zspsc3a, & & kvsetuv=ivset, & & kvsetsc2=ivsetsc, & & kvsetsc3a=ivset) else call dir_trans(kresol=1, kproma=nproma, & & pgp2=zgmvs(:,1:1,:), & & pgp3a=zgp3a(:,:,1:nfld,:), & & pspsc2=zspsc2, & & pspsc3a=zspsc3a, & & kvsetsc2=ivsetsc, & & kvsetsc3a=ivset) endif call gstats(5,1) ztstep2(jstep) = (timef() - ztstep2(jstep))/1000.0_jprd ztstep(jstep) = (timef() - ztstep(jstep))/1000.0_jprd !================================================================================================= ! Print norms !================================================================================================= if (lprint_norms) then call gstats(6,0) call specnorm(pspec=zspsc2(1:1,:), pnorm=znormsp, kvset=ivsetsc(1:1)) call specnorm(pspec=zspvor(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormvor, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) call specnorm(pspec=zspdiv(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormdiv, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) if (nfld > 0) then call specnorm(pspec=zspsc3a(1:nflevl,:,1), pnorm=znormt, kvset=ivset(1:nflevg)) endif ! Surface pressure if (myproc == 1) then zmaxerr(:) = -999.0 do ifld = 1, 1 zerr(1) = abs(znormsp1(ifld)/znormsp(ifld) - 1.0_jprb) zmaxerr(1) = max(zmaxerr(1), zerr(1)) enddo ! Divergence do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(2) = abs(znormdiv1(ifld)/znormdiv(ifld) - 1.0_jprb) zmaxerr(2) = max(zmaxerr(2), zerr(2)) enddo ! Vorticity do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(3) = abs(znormvor1(ifld)/znormvor(ifld) - 1.0_jprb) zmaxerr(3) = max(zmaxerr(3),zerr(3)) enddo ! Temperature if (nfld > 0) then do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(4) = abs(znormt1(ifld)/znormt(ifld) - 1.0_jprb) zmaxerr(4) = max(zmaxerr(4), zerr(4)) enddo write(nout,'("time step ",i6," took", f8.4," | zspvor max err="e10.3,& & " | zspdiv max err="e10.3," | zspsc3a max err="e10.3," | zspsc2 max err="e10.3)') & & jstep, ztstep(jstep), zmaxerr(3), zmaxerr(2), zmaxerr(4), zmaxerr(1) else write(nout,'("time step ",i6," took", f8.4," | zspvor max err="e10.3,& & " | zspdiv max err="e10.3," | zspsc2 max err="e10.3)') & & jstep, ztstep(jstep), zmaxerr(3), zmaxerr(2), zmaxerr(1) endif endif call gstats(6,1) else write(nout,'("Time step ",i6," took", f8.4)') jstep, ztstep(jstep) endif call gstats(3,1) enddo !=================================================================================================== ztloop = (timef() - ztloop)/1000.0_jprd write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'(a)') '======= End of spectral transforms =======' write(nout,'(" ")') if (lprint_norms .or. ncheck > 0) then call specnorm(pspec=zspvor(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormvor, kvset=ivset) call specnorm(pspec=zspdiv(1:nflevl,:), pnorm=znormdiv, kvset=ivset) if (nfld > 0) then call specnorm(pspec=zspsc3a(1:nflevl,:,1), pnorm=znormt, kvset=ivset) endif call specnorm(pspec=zspsc2(1:1,:), pnorm=znormsp, kvset=ivsetsc) if (myproc == 1) then zmaxerr(:) = -999.0 do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(3) = abs(real(znormvor1(ifld),kind=jprd)/real(znormvor(ifld),kind=jprd) - 1.0_jprd) zmaxerr(3) = max(zmaxerr(3), zerr(3)) if (verbosity >= 1) then write(nout,'("norm zspvor( ",i4,") = ",f20.15," error = ",e10.3)') ifld, znormvor(ifld), zerr(3) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormvor(ifld) endif enddo do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(2) = abs(real(znormdiv1(ifld),kind=jprd)/real(znormdiv(ifld),kind=jprd) - 1.0d0) zmaxerr(2) = max(zmaxerr(2),zerr(2)) if (verbosity >= 1) then write(nout,'("norm zspdiv( ",i4,",:) = ",f20.15," error = ",e10.3)') ifld, znormdiv(ifld), zerr(2) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormdiv(ifld) endif enddo if (nfld > 0) then do ifld = 1, nflevg zerr(4) = abs(real(znormt1(ifld),kind=jprd)/real(znormt(ifld),kind=jprd) - 1.0d0) zmaxerr(4) = max(zmaxerr(4), zerr(4)) if (verbosity >= 1) then write(nout,'("norm zspsc3a(",i4,",:,1) = ",f20.15," error = ",e10.3)') ifld, znormt(ifld), zerr(4) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormt(ifld) endif enddo endif do ifld = 1, 1 zerr(1) = abs(real(znormsp1(ifld),kind=jprd)/real(znormsp(ifld),kind=jprd) - 1.0d0) zmaxerr(1) = max(zmaxerr(1), zerr(1)) if (verbosity >= 1) then write(nout,'("norm zspsc2( ",i4,",:) = ",f20.15," error = ",e10.3)') ifld, znormsp(ifld), zerr(1) write(nout,'("0x",Z16.16)') znormsp(ifld) endif enddo ! maximum error across all fields if (nfld > 0) then zmaxerrg = max(zmaxerr(1), zmaxerr(2), zmaxerr(3), zmaxerr(4)) else zmaxerrg = max(zmaxerr(1), zmaxerr(2), zmaxerr(3)) endif if (verbosity >= 1) write(nout,*) write(nout,'("max error zspvor(1:nlev,:) = ",e10.3)') zmaxerr(3) write(nout,'("max error zspdiv(1:nlev,:) = ",e10.3)') zmaxerr(2) if (nfld > 0) write(nout,'("max error zspsc3a(1:nlev,:,1) = ",e10.3)') zmaxerr(4) write(nout,'("max error zspsc2(1:1,:) = ",e10.3)') zmaxerr(1) write(nout,*) write(nout,'("max error combined = = ",e10.3)') zmaxerrg write(nout,*) endif if (ncheck > 0) then ierr = 0 if (myproc == 1) then ! If the maximum spectral norm error across all fields is greater than 100 times the machine ! epsilon, fail the test if (zmaxerrg > real(ncheck, jprb) * epsilon(1.0_jprb)) then write(nout, '(a)') '*******************************' write(nout, '(a)') 'Correctness test failed' write(nout, '(a,1e9.2)') 'Maximum spectral norm error = ', zmaxerrg write(nout, '(a,1e9.2)') 'Error tolerance = ', real(ncheck, jprb) * epsilon(1.0_jprb) write(nout, '(a)') '*******************************' ierr = 1 endif endif ! Root rank broadcasts the correctness checker result to the other ranks if (luse_mpi) then call mpl_broadcast(ierr,kroot=1,ktag=1) endif ! Halt if correctness checker failed if (ierr == 1) then error stop endif endif endif !=================================================================================================== ! Calculate timings !=================================================================================================== ztstepavg = sum(ztstep(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmin = minval(ztstep(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmax = maxval(ztstep(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepavg1 = sum(ztstep1(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmin1 = minval(ztstep1(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmax1 = maxval(ztstep1(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepavg2 = sum(ztstep2(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmin2 = minval(ztstep2(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepmax2 = maxval(ztstep2(iters_warmup+1:)) if (luse_mpi) then call mpl_allreduce(ztloop, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstep, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepavg, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmax, 'max', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmin, 'min', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstep1, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepavg1, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmax1, 'max', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmin1, 'min', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstep2, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepavg2, 'sum', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmax2, 'max', ldreprod=.false.) call mpl_allreduce(ztstepmin2, 'min', ldreprod=.false.) endif ztstepavg = (ztstepavg/real(nproc,jprb))/real(iters,jprd) ztloop = ztloop/real(nproc,jprd) ztstep(:) = ztstep(:)/real(nproc,jprd) ztstepmed = get_median(ztstep(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepavg1 = (ztstepavg1/real(nproc,jprb))/real(iters,jprd) ztstep1(:) = ztstep1(:)/real(nproc,jprd) ztstepmed1 = get_median(ztstep1(iters_warmup+1:)) ztstepavg2 = (ztstepavg2/real(nproc,jprb))/real(iters,jprd) ztstep2(:) = ztstep2(:)/real(nproc,jprd) ztstepmed2 = get_median(ztstep2(iters_warmup+1:)) write(nout,'(a)') '======= Start of time step stats =======' write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'("Inverse transforms")') write(nout,'("------------------")') write(nout,'("avg (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepavg1 write(nout,'("min (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmin1 write(nout,'("max (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmax1 write(nout,'("med (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmed1 write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'("Direct transforms")') write(nout,'("-----------------")') write(nout,'("avg (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepavg2 write(nout,'("min (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmin2 write(nout,'("max (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmax2 write(nout,'("med (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmed2 write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'("Inverse-direct transforms")') write(nout,'("-------------------------")') write(nout,'("avg (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepavg write(nout,'("min (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmin write(nout,'("max (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmax write(nout,'("med (s): ",f8.4)') ztstepmed write(nout,'("loop (s): ",f8.4)') ztloop write(nout,'(" ")') write(nout,'(a)') '======= End of time step stats =======' write(nout,'(" ")') if (lstack) then ! Gather stack usage statistics istack = getstackusage() if (myproc == 1) then print 9000, istack 9000 format("Stack utilisation information",/,& &"=============================",//,& &"Task size(bytes)",/,& &"==== ===========",//,& &" 1",11x,i10) do i = 2, nproc call mpl_recv(istack, ksource=nprcids(i), ktag=i, cdstring='ectrans_benchmark:') print '(i4,11x,i10)', i, istack enddo else call mpl_send(istack, kdest=nprcids(1), ktag=myproc, cdstring='ectrans_benchmark:') endif endif !=================================================================================================== ! Cleanup !=================================================================================================== deallocate(zgmv) deallocate(zgmvs) !=================================================================================================== if (lstats) then call gstats(0,1) call gstats_print(nout, zaveave, jpmaxstat) endif if (lmeminfo) then write(nout,*) call ec_meminfo(nout, "", mpl_comm, kbarr=1, kiotask=-1, & & kcall=1) endif !=================================================================================================== ! Finalize MPI !=================================================================================================== if (luse_mpi) then call mpl_end(ldmeminfo=.false.) endif !=================================================================================================== ! Close file !=================================================================================================== if (nproc > 1) then if (myproc /= 1) then close(unit=nout) endif endif !=================================================================================================== contains !=================================================================================================== subroutine parse_grid(cgrid,ndgl,nloen) character(len=*) :: cgrid integer, intent(inout) :: ndgl integer, intent(inout), allocatable :: nloen(:) integer :: ios integer :: gaussian_number read(cgrid(2:len_trim(cgrid)),*,IOSTAT=ios) gaussian_number if (ios==0) then ndgl = 2 * gaussian_number allocate(nloen(ndgl)) if (cgrid(1:1) == 'F') then ! Regular Gaussian grid nloen(:) = gaussian_number * 4 return endif if (cgrid(1:1) == 'O') then ! Octahedral Gaussian grid do i = 1, ndgl / 2 nloen(i) = 20 + 4 * (i - 1) nloen(ndgl - i + 1) = nloen(i) end do return endif endif call parsing_failed("ERROR: Unsupported grid specified: "// trim(cgrid)) end subroutine !=================================================================================================== subroutine str2int(str, int, stat) character(len=*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(out) :: int integer, intent(out) :: stat read(str, *, iostat=stat) int end subroutine str2int !=================================================================================================== function get_int_value(cname, iarg) result(value) integer :: value character(len=*), intent(in) :: cname integer, intent(inout) :: iarg character(len=128) :: carg integer :: stat carg = get_str_value(cname, iarg) call str2int(carg, value, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call parsing_failed("Invalid argument for " // trim(cname) // ": " // trim(carg)) end if end function !=================================================================================================== function get_str_value(cname, iarg) result(value) character(len=128) :: value character(len=*), intent(in) :: cname integer, intent(inout) :: iarg iarg = iarg + 1 call get_command_argument(iarg, value) if (value == "") then call parsing_failed("Invalid argument for " // trim(cname) // ": no value provided") end if end function !=================================================================================================== subroutine print_help(unit) integer, optional :: unit integer :: nout = 6 if (present(unit)) then nout = unit endif write(nout, "(a)") "" if (jprb == jprd) then write(nout, "(a)") "NAME ectrans-benchmark-" // VERSION // "-dp" else write(nout, "(a)") "NAME ectrans-benchmark-" // VERSION // "-sp" end if write(nout, "(a)") "" write(nout, "(a)") "DESCRIPTION" write(nout, "(a)") " This program tests ecTrans by transforming fields back and forth& & between spectral " if (jprb == jprd) then write(nout, "(a)") " space and grid-point space (double-precision version)" else write(nout, "(a)") " space and grid-point space (single-precision version)" end if write(nout, "(a)") "" write(nout, "(a)") "USAGE" if (jprb == jprd) then write(nout, "(a)") " ectrans-benchmark-" // VERSION // "-dp [options]" else write(nout, "(a)") " ectrans-benchmark-" // VERSION // "-sp [options]" end if write(nout, "(a)") "" write(nout, "(a)") "OPTIONS" write(nout, "(a)") " -h, --help Print this message" write(nout, "(a)") " -v Run with verbose output" write(nout, "(a)") " -t, --truncation T Run with this triangular spectral truncation& & (default = 79)" write(nout, "(a)") " -g, --grid GRID Run with this grid. Possible values: O<N>, F<N>" write(nout, "(a)") " If not specified, O<N> is used with N=truncation+1& & (cubic relation)" write(nout, "(a)") " -n, --niter NITER Run for this many inverse/direct transform& & iterations (default = 10)" write(nout, "(a)") " --niter-warmup Number of warm up iterations,& & for which timing statistics should be ignored (default = 3)" write(nout, "(a)") " -f, --nfld NFLD Number of scalar fields (default = 1)" write(nout, "(a)") " -l, --nlev NLEV Number of vertical levels (default = 1)" write(nout, "(a)") " --vordiv Also transform vorticity-divergence to wind" write(nout, "(a)") " --scders Compute scalar derivatives (default off)" write(nout, "(a)") " --uvders Compute uv East-West derivatives (default off). Only& & when also --vordiv is given" write(nout, "(a)") " --flt Run with fast Legendre transforms (default off)" write(nout, "(a)") " --nproma NPROMA Run with NPROMA (default no blocking: NPROMA=ngptot)" write(nout, "(a)") " --norms Calculate and print spectral norms of transformed& & fields" write(nout, "(a)") " The computation of spectral norms will skew overall& & timings" write(nout, "(a)") " --meminfo Show diagnostic information from FIAT's ec_meminfo& & subroutine on memory usage, thread-binding etc." write(nout, "(a)") " --nprtrv Size of V set in spectral decomposition" write(nout, "(a)") " --nprtrw Size of W set in spectral decomposition" write(nout, "(a)") " -c, --check VALUE The multiplier of the machine epsilon used as a& & tolerance for correctness checking" write(nout, "(a)") "" write(nout, "(a)") "DEBUGGING" write(nout, "(a)") " --dump-values Output gridpoint fields in unformatted binary file" write(nout, "(a)") "" end subroutine print_help !=================================================================================================== subroutine parsing_failed(message) character(len=*), intent(in) :: message if (luse_mpi) call mpl_init(ldinfo=.false.) if (ec_mpirank() == 0) then write(nerr,"(a)") trim(message) call print_help(unit=nerr) endif if (luse_mpi) call mpl_end(ldmeminfo=.false.) stop end subroutine !=================================================================================================== subroutine get_command_line_arguments(nsmax, cgrid, iters, iters_warmup, nfld, nlev, lvordiv, lscders, luvders, & & luseflt, nopt_mem_tr, nproma, verbosity, ldump_values, lprint_norms, & & lmeminfo, nprtrv, nprtrw, ncheck) #ifdef _OPENACC use openacc, only: acc_init, acc_get_device_type #endif integer, intent(inout) :: nsmax ! Spectral truncation character(len=16), intent(inout) :: cgrid ! Spectral truncation integer, intent(inout) :: iters ! Number of iterations for transform test integer, intent(inout) :: iters_warmup ! Number of iterations for transform test integer, intent(inout) :: nfld ! Number of scalar fields integer, intent(inout) :: nlev ! Number of vertical levels logical, intent(inout) :: lvordiv ! Also transform vorticity/divergence logical, intent(inout) :: lscders ! Compute scalar derivatives logical, intent(inout) :: luvders ! Compute uv East-West derivatives logical, intent(inout) :: luseflt ! Use fast Legendre transforms integer, intent(inout) :: nopt_mem_tr ! Use of heap or stack memory for ZCOMBUF arrays in transposition arrays (0 for heap, 1 for stack) integer, intent(inout) :: nproma ! NPROMA integer, intent(inout) :: verbosity ! Level of verbosity logical, intent(inout) :: ldump_values ! Dump values of grid point fields for debugging logical, intent(inout) :: lprint_norms ! Calculate and print spectral norms of fields logical, intent(inout) :: lmeminfo ! Show information from FIAT ec_meminfo routine at the ! end integer, intent(inout) :: nprtrv ! Size of V set (spectral decomposition) integer, intent(inout) :: nprtrw ! Size of W set (spectral decomposition) integer, intent(inout) :: ncheck ! The multiplier of the machine epsilon used as a ! tolerance for correctness checking character(len=128) :: carg ! Storage variable for command line arguments integer :: iarg = 1 ! Argument index #ifdef _OPENACC call acc_init(acc_get_device_type()) #endif do while (iarg <= command_argument_count()) call get_command_argument(iarg, carg) select case(carg) ! Parse help argument case('-h', '--help') if (luse_mpi) call mpl_init(ldinfo=.false.) if (ec_mpirank()==0) call print_help() if (luse_mpi) call mpl_end(ldmeminfo=.false.) stop ! Parse verbosity argument case('-v') verbosity = 1 ! Parse number of iterations argument case('-n', '--niter') iters = get_int_value('-n', iarg) if (iters < 1) then call parsing_failed("Invalid argument for -n: must be > 0") end if case('--niter-warmup') iters_warmup = get_int_value('--niter-warmup', iarg) if (iters_warmup < 0) then call parsing_failed("Invalid argument for --niter-warmup: must be >= 0") end if ! Parse spectral truncation argument case('-t', '--truncation') nsmax = get_int_value('-t', iarg) if (nsmax < 1) then call parsing_failed("Invalid argument for -t: must be > 0") end if case('-g', '--grid'); cgrid = get_str_value('-g', iarg) case('-f', '--nfld'); nfld = get_int_value('-f', iarg) case('-l', '--nlev'); nlev = get_int_value('-l', iarg) case('--vordiv'); lvordiv = .True. case('--scders'); lscders = .True. case('--uvders'); luvders = .True. case('--flt'); luseflt = .True. case('--mem-tr'); nopt_mem_tr = get_int_value('--mem-tr', iarg) case('--nproma'); nproma = get_int_value('--nproma', iarg) case('--dump-values'); ldump_values = .true. case('--norms'); lprint_norms = .true. case('--meminfo'); lmeminfo = .true. case('--nprtrv'); nprtrv = get_int_value('--nprtrv', iarg) case('--nprtrw'); nprtrw = get_int_value('--nprtrw', iarg) case('-c', '--check'); ncheck = get_int_value('-c', iarg) case default call parsing_failed("Unrecognised argument: " // trim(carg)) end select iarg = iarg + 1 end do if (.not. lvordiv) then luvders = .false. endif end subroutine get_command_line_arguments !=================================================================================================== function cubic_octahedral_gaussian_grid(nsmax) result(cgrid) character(len=16) :: cgrid integer, intent(in) :: nsmax write(cgrid,'(a,i0)') 'O',nsmax+1 end function !=================================================================================================== function get_median(vec) result(median) real(kind=jprd), intent(in) :: vec(:) real(kind=jprd) :: median real(kind=jprd) :: vec_sorted(size(vec)) real(kind=jprd) :: x integer :: i, j, n n = size(vec) ! Sort in ascending order vec_sorted = vec do i = 2, n x = vec_sorted(i) j = i - 1 do while (j >= 1) if (vec_sorted(j) <= x) exit vec_sorted(j + 1) = vec_sorted(j) j = j - 1 end do vec_sorted(j + 1) = x end do ! Calculate median according to if there is an even or odd number of elements if (mod(n, 2) == 0) then median = (vec_sorted(n/2) + vec_sorted(n/2+1))/2.0_jprd else median = vec_sorted((n+1)/2) endif end function get_median !=================================================================================================== subroutine initialize_spectral_arrays(nsmax, zsp, sp3d) integer, intent(in) :: nsmax ! Spectral truncation real(kind=jprb), intent(inout) :: zsp(:,:) ! Surface pressure real(kind=jprb), intent(inout) :: sp3d(:,:,:) ! 3D fields integer(kind=jpim) :: nflevl integer(kind=jpim) :: nfield integer :: i, j nflevl = size(sp3d, 1) nfield = size(sp3d, 3) ! First initialize surface pressure call initialize_2d_spectral_field(nsmax, zsp(1,:)) ! Then initialize all of the 3D fields do i = 1, nflevl do j = 1, nfield call initialize_2d_spectral_field(nsmax, sp3d(i,:,j)) end do end do end subroutine initialize_spectral_arrays !=================================================================================================== subroutine initialize_2d_spectral_field(nsmax, field) integer, intent(in) :: nsmax ! Spectral truncation real(kind=jprb), intent(inout) :: field(:) ! Field to initialize integer :: index, num_my_zon_wns integer, allocatable :: my_zon_wns(:), nasm0(:) ! Choose a spherical harmonic to initialize arrays integer :: m_num = 4 ! Zonal wavenumber integer :: l_num = 19 ! Total wavenumber ! First initialise all spectral coefficients to zero field(:) = 0.0 ! Get zonal wavenumbers this rank is responsible for call trans_inq(knump=num_my_zon_wns) allocate(my_zon_wns(num_my_zon_wns)) call trans_inq(kmyms=my_zon_wns) ! If rank is responsible for the chosen zonal wavenumber... if (any(my_zon_wns == m_num) ) then ! Get array of spectral array addresses (this maps (m, n=m) to array index) allocate(nasm0(0:nsmax)) call trans_inq(kasm0=nasm0) ! Find out local array index of chosen spherical harmonic index = nasm0(m_num) + 2 * (l_num - m_num) + 1 ! Set just that element to a constant value field(index) = 1.0 else return end if end subroutine initialize_2d_spectral_field !=================================================================================================== subroutine dump_gridpoint_field(jstep, myproc, nproma, gfld, fld, fldchar, noutdump) ! Dump a 2d field to a binary file. integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: jstep ! Time step, used for naming file integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: myproc ! MPI rank, used for naming file integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: nproma ! Size of nproma real(kind=jprb) , intent(inout) :: gfld(:,:) ! 2d global field real(kind=jprb) , intent(in) :: fld(:,:,:) ! 3d local field character , intent(in) :: fldchar ! Single character field identifier integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: noutdump ! Tnit number for output file character(len=10) :: filename = "x.xxxx.dat" if (myproc == 1) then write(filename(1:1),'(a1)') fldchar write(filename(3:6),'(i4.4)') jstep open(noutdump,file=filename,form='unformatted') endif do ilev=1,size(fld,2) call gath_grid(gfld(:,:),nproma,1,(/1/),1,fld(:,ilev:ilev,:)) if (myproc == 1) write(unit=noutdump) gfld(:,1) enddo if (myproc == 1) then close(noutdump) endif end subroutine dump_gridpoint_field !=================================================================================================== function detect_mpirun() result(lmpi_required) use ec_env_mod, only : ec_putenv logical :: lmpi_required integer :: ilen integer, parameter :: nvars = 4 character(len=32), dimension(nvars) :: cmpirun_detect character(len=4) :: clenv integer :: ivar ! Environment variables that are set when mpirun, srun, aprun, ... are used cmpirun_detect(1) = 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' ! openmpi cmpirun_detect(2) = 'ALPS_APP_PE' ! cray pe cmpirun_detect(3) = 'PMI_SIZE' ! intel cmpirun_detect(4) = 'SLURM_NTASKS' ! slurm lmpi_required = .false. do ivar = 1, nvars call get_environment_variable(name=trim(cmpirun_detect(ivar)), length=ilen) if (ilen > 0) then lmpi_required = .true. exit ! break endif enddo call get_environment_variable(name="ECTRANS_USE_MPI", value=clenv, length=ilen ) if (ilen > 0) then lmpi_required = .true. if( trim(clenv) == "0" .or. trim(clenv) == "OFF" .or. trim(CLENV) == "off" .or. trim(clenv) == "F" ) then lmpi_required = .false. endif call ec_putenv("DR_HOOK_ASSERT_MPI_INITIALIZED=0", overwrite=.true.) endif end function !=================================================================================================== ! Assign GSTATS labels to the main regions of ecTrans subroutine gstats_labels call gstats_label(0, ' ', 'PROGRAM - Total') call gstats_label(1, ' ', 'SETUP_TRANS0 - Setup ecTrans') call gstats_label(2, ' ', 'SETUP_TRANS - Setup ecTrans handle') call gstats_label(3, ' ', 'TIME STEP - Time step') call gstats_label(4, ' ', 'INV_TRANS - Inverse transform') call gstats_label(5, ' ', 'DIR_TRANS - Direct transform') call gstats_label(6, ' ', 'NORMS - Norm comp. (optional)') call gstats_label(102, ' ', 'LTINV_CTL - Inv. Legendre transform') call gstats_label(103, ' ', 'LTDIR_CTL - Dir. Legendre transform') call gstats_label(106, ' ', 'FTDIR_CTL - Dir. Fourier transform') call gstats_label(107, ' ', 'FTINV_CTL - Inv. Fourier transform') call gstats_label(140, ' ', 'SULEG - Comp. of Leg. poly.') call gstats_label(152, ' ', 'LTINV_CTL - M to L transposition') call gstats_label(153, ' ', 'LTDIR_CTL - L to M transposition') call gstats_label(157, ' ', 'FTINV_CTL - L to G transposition') call gstats_label(158, ' ', 'FTDIR_CTL - G to L transposition') call gstats_label(400, ' ', 'GSTATS - GSTATS itself') end subroutine gstats_labels !=================================================================================================== subroutine set_ectrans_gpu_nflev(kflev) use ec_env_mod, only : ec_putenv integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: kflev character(len=32) :: ECTRANS_GPU_NFLEV write(ECTRANS_GPU_NFLEV,'(A,I0)') "ECTRANS_GPU_NFLEV=",kflev call ec_putenv(ECTRANS_GPU_NFLEV, overwrite=.true.) end subroutine end program ectrans_benchmark !===================================================================================================