atlas/mesh/Connectivity.h file

This file contains Connectivity classes

  • IrregularConnectivity
  • BlockConnectivity
  • MultiBlockConnectivity

It is important to note that connectivity access functions are inlined for optimal performance. The connectivity itself is internally stored with base 1, to be compatible with Fortran access. C++ access operators however convert the resulting connectivity to base 0.


namespace eckit
namespace atlas
Contains all atlas classes and methods.
namespace atlas::mesh
namespace atlas::array
Contains classes to operate with multidimensional arrays.


template<typename ConnectivityImpl>
class atlas::mesh::ConnectivityInterface
class atlas::mesh::ConnectivityRow
class atlas::mesh::IrregularConnectivityImpl
class atlas::mesh::MultiBlockConnectivityImpl
Connectivity contiguously composed of multiple BlockConnectivityImpl.
class atlas::mesh::BlockConnectivityImpl
Block Connectivity table.