! (C) Copyright 2000- ECMWF. ! (C) Copyright 2000- Meteo-France. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! SUBROUTINE INV_TRANSAD(PSPVOR,PSPDIV,PSPSCALAR,PSPSC3A,PSPSC3B,PSPSC2,& & FSPGL_PROC,& & LDSCDERS,LDVORGP,LDDIVGP,LDUVDER,KPROMA,KVSETUV,KVSETSC,KRESOL,& & KVSETSC3A,KVSETSC3B,KVSETSC2,& & PGP,PGPUV,PGP3A,PGP3B,PGP2) !**** *INV_TRANSAD* - Inverse spectral transform - adjoint. ! Purpose. ! -------- ! Interface routine for the inverse spectral transform - adjoint !** Interface. ! ---------- ! CALL INV_TRANSAD(...) ! Explicit arguments : All arguments except from PGP are optional. ! -------------------- ! PSPVOR(:,:) - spectral vorticity (input) ! PSPDIV(:,:) - spectral divergence (input) ! PSPSCALAR(:,:) - spectral scalarvalued fields (input) ! PSPSC3A(:,:,:) - alternative to use of PSPSCALAR, see PGP3A below (input) ! PSPSC3B(:,:,:) - alternative to use of PSPSCALAR, see PGP3B below (input) ! PSPSC2(:,:) - alternative to use of PSPSCALAR, see PGP2 below (input) ! FSPGL_PROC - external procedure to be executed in fourier space ! before transposition ! LDSCDERS - indicating if derivatives of scalar variables are req. ! LDVORGP - indicating if grid-point vorticity is req. ! LDDIVGP - indicating if grid-point divergence is req. ! LDUVDER - indicating if E-W derivatives of u and v are req. ! KPROMA - required blocking factor for gridpoint output ! KVSETUV(:) - indicating which 'b-set' in spectral space owns a ! vor/div field. Equivalant to NBSETLEV in the IFS. ! The length of KVSETUV should be the GLOBAL number ! of u/v fields which is the dimension of u and v releated ! fields in grid-point space. ! KVESETSC(:) - indicating which 'b-set' in spectral space owns a ! scalar field. As for KVSETUV this argument is required ! if the total number of processors is greater than ! the number of processors used for distribution in ! spectral wave space. ! KVSETSC3A(:) - as KVESETSC for PSPSC3A (distribution on first dimension) ! KVSETSC3B(:) - as KVESETSC for PSPSC3B (distribution on first dimension) ! KVSETSC2(:) - as KVESETSC for PSPSC2 (distribution on first dimension) ! KRESOL - resolution tag which is required ,default is the ! first defined resulution (input) ! PGP(:,:,:) - gridpoint fields (output) ! PGP need to dimensioned (NPROMA,IF_GP,NGPBLKS) where ! NPROMA is the blocking factor, IF_GP the total number ! of output fields and NGPBLKS the number of NPROMA blocks. ! The ordering of the output fields is as follows (all ! parts are optional depending on the input switches): ! ! vorticity : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present and LDVORGP) ! divergence : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present and LDDIVGP) ! u : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present) ! v : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present) ! scalar fields : IF_SCALARS_G fields (if pspscalar present) ! N-S derivative of scalar fields : IF_SCALARS_G fields (if pspscalar ! present and LDSCDERS) ! E-W derivative of u : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present and and LDUVDER) ! E-W derivative of v : IF_UV_G fields (if psvor present and and LDUVDER) ! E-W derivative of scalar fields : IF_SCALARS_G fields (if pspscalar ! present and LDSCDERS) ! ! Here IF_UV_G is the GLOBAL number of u/v fields as given by the length ! of KVSETUV (or by PSPVOR if no split in spectral 'b-set' direction ! IF_SCALARS_G is the GLOBAL number of scalar fields as giben by the ! length of KVESETSC (or by number of fields in PSPSCALAR if no spectral ! 'b-set' split ! As an alternative to using PGP you can also use a combination of the ! following arrays. The reason for introducing these alternative ways ! of calling INV_TRANS is to avoid uneccessary copies where your data ! structures don't fit in to the 'PSPVOR,PSPDIV, PSPSCALAR, PGP' layout. ! The use of any of these precludes the use of PGP and vice versa. ! ! PGPUV(:,:,:,:) - the 'u-v' related grid-point variables in the order ! described for PGP. The second dimension of PGPUV should ! be the same as the "global" first dimension of ! PSPVOR,PSPDIV (in the IFS this is the number of levels) ! PGPUV need to be dimensioned(NPROMA,ILEVS,IFLDS,NGPBLKS) ! IFLDS is the number of 'variables' (u,v,vor,div ...) ! PGP3A(:,:,:,:) - grid-point array directly connected with PSPSC3A ! dimensioned(NPROMA,ILEVS,IFLDS,NGPBLKS) ! IFLDS is the number of 'variables' (the same as in ! PSPSC3A if no derivatives, 3 times that with der.) ! PGP3B(:,:,:,:) - grid-point array directly connected with PSPSC3B ! dimensioned(NPROMA,ILEVS,IFLDS,NGPBLKS) ! IFLDS is the number of 'variables' (the same as in ! PSPSC3B if no derivatives, 3 times that with der.) ! PGP2(:,:,:) - grid-point array directly connected with PSPSC2 ! dimensioned(NPROMA,IFLDS,NGPBLKS) ! IFLDS is the number of 'variables' (the same as in ! PSPSC2 if no derivatives, 3 times that with der.) ! Method. ! ------- ! Externals. SET_RESOL - set resolution ! ---------- LTDIR_CTLAD - control of Legendre transform ! FTDIR_CTLAD - control of Fourier transform ! Author. ! ------- ! Mats Hamrud *ECMWF* ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 00-03-03 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE PARKIND1, ONLY: JPIM, JPRB !ifndef INTERFACE USE ABORT_TRANS_MOD, ONLY: ABORT_TRANS !endif INTERFACE IMPLICIT NONE ! Declaration of arguments REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPVOR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPDIV(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPSCALAR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPSC3A(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPSC3B(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: PSPSC2(:,:) LOGICAL ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: LDSCDERS LOGICAL ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: LDVORGP LOGICAL ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: LDDIVGP LOGICAL ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: LDUVDER INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KPROMA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETUV(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETSC(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETSC3A(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETSC3B(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETSC2(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KRESOL EXTERNAL FSPGL_PROC OPTIONAL FSPGL_PROC REAL(KIND=JPRB),OPTIONAL ,INTENT(IN) :: PGP(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),OPTIONAL ,INTENT(IN) :: PGPUV(:,:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),OPTIONAL ,INTENT(IN) :: PGP3A(:,:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),OPTIONAL ,INTENT(IN) :: PGP3B(:,:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),OPTIONAL ,INTENT(IN) :: PGP2(:,:,:) !ifndef INTERFACE CALL ABORT_TRANS("INV_TRANSAD: NOT SUPPORTED FOR GPU") END SUBROUTINE INV_TRANSAD