! (C) Copyright 2000- ECMWF. ! (C) Copyright 2000- Meteo-France. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! MODULE PRFI1BAD_MOD CONTAINS SUBROUTINE PRFI1BAD(KM,PIA,PSPEC,KFIELDS,KFLDPTR) USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB USE TPM_DIM ,ONLY : R USE TPM_DISTR ,ONLY : D !**** *PRFI1* - Prepare spectral fields for inverse Legendre transform ! Purpose. ! -------- ! To extract the spectral fields for a specific zonal wavenumber ! and put them in an order suitable for the inverse Legendre . ! tranforms.The ordering is from NSMAX to KM for better conditioning. ! Elements 1,2 and NLCM(KM)+1 are zeroed in preparation for computing ! u,v and derivatives in spectral space. !** Interface. ! ---------- ! *CALL* *PRFI1BAD(...)* ! Explicit arguments : KM - zonal wavenumber ! ------------------ PIA - spectral components for transform ! PSPEC - spectral array ! KFIELDS - number of fields ! Implicit arguments : None. ! -------------------- ! Method. ! ------- ! Externals. None. ! ---------- ! Reference. ! ---------- ! ECMWF Research Department documentation of the IFS ! Author. ! ------- ! Mats Hamrud and Philippe Courtier *ECMWF* ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 00-02-01 From PRFI1BAD in IFS CY22R1 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KM,KFIELDS REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(INOUT) :: PSPEC(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) ,INTENT(IN) :: PIA(:,:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: KFLDPTR(:) ! LOCAL INTEGER SCALARS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: II, INM, IR, J, JFLD, ILCM, IOFF, IFLD ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 1. EXTRACT FIELDS FROM SPECTRAL ARRAYS. ! -------------------------------------------------- ILCM = R%NSMAX+1-KM IOFF = D%NASM0(KM) IF(PRESENT(KFLDPTR)) THEN DO JFLD=1,KFIELDS IR = 2*(JFLD-1)+1 II = IR+1 IFLD = KFLDPTR(JFLD) DO J=1,ILCM INM = IOFF+(ILCM-J)*2 PSPEC(IFLD,INM ) = PSPEC(IFLD,INM ) + PIA(J+2,IR) PSPEC(IFLD,INM+1) = PSPEC(IFLD,INM+1) + PIA(J+2,II) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO J=1,ILCM INM = IOFF+(ILCM-J)*2 !DIR$ IVDEP !OCL NOVREC DO JFLD=1,KFIELDS IR = 2*(JFLD-1)+1 II = IR+1 PSPEC(JFLD,INM ) = PSPEC(JFLD,INM ) + PIA(J+2,IR) PSPEC(JFLD,INM+1) = PSPEC(JFLD,INM+1) + PIA(J+2,II) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ END SUBROUTINE PRFI1BAD END MODULE PRFI1BAD_MOD