! (C) Copyright 2001- ECMWF. ! (C) Copyright 2001- Meteo-France. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! MODULE SHUFFLE_MOD CONTAINS SUBROUTINE SHUFFLE(KF_UV_G,KF_SCALARS_G,KSHFUV_G,KIVSETUV,KSHFSC_G,KIVSETSC,& & KVSETUV,KVSETSC) !**** *SHUFFLE* - Re-shuffle fields for load balancing ! Purpose. ! -------- ! Re-shuffle fields for load balancing if NPRTRV>1. Note that the ! relative order of the local spectral fields has to maintained. !** Interface. ! ---------- ! CALL SHUFFLE(...) ! Explicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! KF_UV_G - global number of spectral u-v fields ! KF_SCALARS_G - global number of scalar spectral fields ! KSHFUV_G - reshuffling index for uv fields ! KIVSETUV - reshuffled KVSETUV ! KSHFSC_G - reshuffling index for scalar fields ! KIVSETSC - reshuffled KVSETSC ! KVSETUV(:) - indicating which 'b-set' in spectral space owns a ! vor/div field. Equivalant to NBSETLEV in the IFS. ! The length of KVSETUV should be the GLOBAL number ! of u/v fields which is the dimension of u and v releated ! fields in grid-point space. ! KVESETSC(:) - indicating which 'b-set' in spectral space owns a ! scalar field. As for KVSETUV this argument is required ! if the total number of processors is greater than ! the number of processors used for distribution in ! spectral wave space. ! Externals. NONE ! ---------- ! Author. ! ------- ! Mats Hamrud *ECMWF* ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 01-01-03 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE EC_PARKIND, ONLY: JPIM USE TPM_DISTR, ONLY: NPRTRV ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Declaration of arguments INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), INTENT(IN) :: KF_UV_G,KF_SCALARS_G INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), INTENT(OUT) :: KSHFUV_G(:),KSHFSC_G(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), INTENT(OUT) :: KIVSETUV(:),KIVSETSC(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETUV(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETSC(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IHELP(MAX(KF_UV_G,KF_SCALARS_G),NPRTRV),IHELPC(NPRTRV) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IDW,J ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF(NPRTRV > 1) THEN IHELP(:,:) = 0 IHELPC(:) = 0 DO J=1,KF_UV_G IHELPC(KVSETUV(J)) = IHELPC(KVSETUV(J))+1 IHELP(IHELPC(KVSETUV(J)),KVSETUV(J)) = J ENDDO IDW = KF_UV_G+1 DO DO J=NPRTRV,1,-1 IF(IHELPC(J) > 0) THEN IDW = IDW-1 KSHFUV_G(IDW) = IHELP(IHELPC(J),J) IHELPC(J) =IHELPC(J)-1 ENDIF ENDDO IF(IDW == 1) EXIT ENDDO IHELP(:,:) = 0 IHELPC(:) = 0 DO J=1,KF_SCALARS_G IHELPC(KVSETSC(J)) = IHELPC(KVSETSC(J))+1 IHELP(IHELPC(KVSETSC(J)),KVSETSC(J)) = J ENDDO IDW = KF_SCALARS_G+1 DO DO J=NPRTRV,1,-1 IF(IHELPC(J) > 0) THEN IDW = IDW-1 KSHFSC_G(IDW) = IHELP(IHELPC(J),J) IHELPC(J) =IHELPC(J)-1 ENDIF ENDDO IF(IDW == 1) EXIT ENDDO DO J=1,KF_UV_G KIVSETUV(J) = KVSETUV(KSHFUV_G(J)) ENDDO DO J=1,KF_SCALARS_G KIVSETSC(J) = KVSETSC(KSHFSC_G(J)) ENDDO ELSE DO J=1,KF_UV_G KSHFUV_G(J) = J KIVSETUV(J) = 1 ENDDO DO J=1,KF_SCALARS_G KSHFSC_G(J) = J KIVSETSC(J) = 1 ENDDO ENDIF ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ END SUBROUTINE SHUFFLE END MODULE SHUFFLE_MOD