Transformation pipelines


Loki is still under active development and has not yet seen a stable release. Interfaces can change at any time, objects may be renamed, or concepts may be re-thought. Make sure to sync your work to the current release frequently by rebasing feature branches and upstreaming more general applicable work in the form of pull requests.


Transformations are the building blocks of a transformation pipeline in Loki. They encode the workflow of converting a Sourcefile or an individual program unit (such as Module or Subroutine) to the desired output format.

A transformation can encode a single modification, combine multiple steps, or call other transformations to create complex changes. If a transformation depends on another transformation, inheritance can be used to combine them.

Every transformation in a pipeline should implement the interface defined by Transformation. It provides generic entry points for transforming different objects and thus allows for batch processing. To implement a new transformation, only one or all of the relevant methods Transformation.transform_subroutine, Transformation.transform_module, or Transformation.transform_file need to be implemented.

Example: A transformation that inserts a comment at the beginning of every module and subroutine:

class InsertCommentTransformation(Transformation):

    def _insert_comment(self, program_unit):
        program_unit.spec.prepend(Comment(text='! Processed by Loki'))

    def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):

    def transform_module(self, module, **kwargs):

The transformation can be applied by calling apply() with the relevant object.

source = Sourcefile(...)  # may contain modules and subroutines
transformation = InsertCommentTransformation()
for module in source.modules:
for routine in source.all_subroutines:

Note that we have to apply the transformation separately for every relevant ProgramUnit. The transformation can also be modified such that it is automatically applied to all program units in a file, despite only implementing logic for transforming modules and subroutines:

class InsertCommentTransformation(Transformation):

    # When called on a Sourcefile, automatically apply this to all modules
    # in the file
    recurse_to_modules = True

    # When called on a Sourcefile or Module, automatically apply this to all
    # Subroutines in the file or module
    recurse_to_procedures = True

    def _insert_comment(self, program_unit):
        program_unit.spec.prepend(Comment(text='! Processed by Loki'))

    def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):

    def transform_module(self, module, **kwargs):

With these two attributes added, we can now apply the transformation to all modules and procedures in a single command:

source = Sourcefile(...)  # may contain modules and subroutines
transformation = InsertCommentTransformation()

Most transformations, however, will only require modifying those parts of a file that are part of the call tree that is to be transformed to avoid unexpected side-effects.

Typically, transformations should be implemented by users to encode the transformation pipeline for their individual use-case. However, Loki comes with a growing number of built-in transformations that are implemented in the loki.transformations namespace:


Sub-package with supported source code transformation passes.

This includes also a number of tools for common transformation tasks that are provided as functions that can be readily used when implementing new transformations.

Batch processing large source trees

Transformations can be applied over source trees using the Scheduler. It is a work queue manager that automatically discovers source files in a list of paths and builds a dependency graph from a given starting point. This dependency graph includes all called procedures and imported modules.

Calling Scheduler.process on a source tree and providing it with a Transformation applies this transformation to all files, modules, or routines that appear in the dependency graph. The exact traversal behaviour can be parameterized in the implementation of the Transformation. The behaviour modifications include:

  • limiting the processing only to specific node types in the dependency graph

  • reversing the traversal direction, i.e., called routines or imported modules are processed before their caller, such that the starting point/root of the dependency is processed last

  • traversing the file graph, i.e., processing full source files rather than individual routines or modules

  • automatic recursion into contained program units, e.g., processing also all procedures in a module after the module has been processed

When applying the transformation to an item in the source tree, the scheduler provides certain information about the item to the transformation:

  • the transformation mode (provided in the scheduler’s config),

  • the item’s role (e.g., 'driver' or 'kernel', configurable via the scheduler’s config), and

  • targets (dependencies that are depended on by the currently processed item, and are included in the scheduler’s tree, i.e., are processed, too).


The scheduler’s dependency graph will include all dependency types it discovers. This includes not only control-flow dependencies via procedure calls, but also dependencies on other modules via the import of global variables, or dependencies on derived type definitions.

However, for backwards-compatibility with the original scheduler implementation, only control-flow dependencies are followed and processed by default, and reported as items in Scheduler.items. To remove this limitation, which is required e.g., for the GlobalVarOffloadTransformation, the enable_imports option can be set to True. This can be done in the [default] block of the config, or as a constructor argument in the Scheduler.

The Scheduler’s dependency graph

The Scheduler builds a dependency graph consisting of Item instances as nodes. Every item corresponds to a specific node in Loki’s internal representation.

The name of an item refers to a symbol using a fully-qualified name in the format: <scope_name>#<local_name>. The <scope_name> corresponds to a Fortran module, in which a subroutine, interface or derived type is declared. That declaration’s name (e.g., the name of the subroutine) constitutes the <local_name> part. For subroutines that are not embedded into a module, the <scope_name> is empty, i.e., the item’s name starts with a dash (#).

In most cases these IR nodes are scopes and the entry points for transformations:

The remaining cases are items corresponding to IR nodes that constitute some form of intermediate dependency, which are required to resolve the indirection to the scope node:

  • InterfaceItem corresponding to Interface, i.e., providing a callable target that resolves to one or multiple procedures that are defined in the interface.

  • ProcedureBindingItem corresponding to the ProcedureSymbol that is declared in a Declaration in a derived type. Similarly to interfaces, these resolve to one or multiple procedures that are defined in the procedure binding inside the derived type.

  • TypeDefItem corresponding to TypeDef, which does not introduce a control flow dependency but is crucial to capture as a dependency to enable annotating type information for inter-procedural analysis.

Finally, ExternalItem denotes items that the scheduler was unable to discover. The expected item type of the missing item is stored in ExternalItem.origin_cls. When batch processing a transformation, the external items are ignored, unless the config option strict=True is enabled. In that case, an error will be issued when an external item is encountered that matches the item_filter that is provided by the transformation’s manifest (in Transformation.item_filter).

To facilitate the creation of the dependency tree, every Item provides two key properties:

  • Item.definitions: A list of all IR nodes that constitute symbols/names that are made available by an item. For a FileItem, this typically consists of all modules and procedures in that sourcefile, and for a ModuleItem it comprises of procedures, interfaces, global variables and derived type definitions.

  • Item.dependencies: A list of all IR nodes that introduce a dependency on other items, e.g., CallStatement or Import.

This information is used to populate the scheduler’s dependency graph, which is constructed by the SGraph class. Importantly, to improve processing speed and limit parsing to the minimum of required files, this relies on incremental parsing using the REGEX frontend. Starting with only the top-level program units in every discovered source file and a specified seed, the dependencies of each item are used to determine the next set of items, which are generated on-demand from the enclosing scope via partial re-parses. This may incur incremental parsing with additional RegexParserClass enabled to discover definitions or dependencies as required. Only once the full dependency graph has been generated, a full parse of the source files in the graph is performed, providing the complete internal representation and automatically enriching type information with inter-procedural annotations.

Pruning the dependency graph

If the intention is not to process some items it is recommended to not leave them dangling as ExternalItem. Instead, they should be explicitly excluded from the dependency graph and the strict mode enabled. To exclude specific items, any of the following annotations can be used, resulting in different behaviour:

  • disable: Dependency items matching an entry in this list are treated as if they don’t exist, and their definitions are not searched for or parsed. This is useful, e.g., to exclude frequently used utility routines or modules (such as the yomhook module in IFS), which are not to be transformed.

  • block: Dependency items matching an entry in this list are not parsed or added to the dependency graph, and therefore excluded from transformations. They are, however, included for reference in the dependency graph visualization produced by Scheduler.callgraph.

  • ignore: Dependency items matching an entry in this list are parsed and added to the dependency graph. This makes their definitions available for enrichment but they are not processed by default. Transformations can include them during batch processing by enabling the Transformation.process_ignored_items option. A typical use case for this are dependencies that are part of a separate compilation target (and therefore transformed separately), but analysis passes may need to collect information across an entire call tree (e.g., use of temporary arrays).

These three lists can be supplied globally in the [default] section of the scheduler config file, or per routine. The matching of items against entries in these lists is supports basic patterns (via fnmatch), and is also effective for entire scopes. For example, a subroutine my_routine that is defined in a module my_mod would be matched by any of the following:

  • my_routine

  • my_mod

  • my_mod#my_routine

  • *_routine

By default, all items are expanded during dependency discovery, i.e., for every item all dependencies are added to the graph, and then dependencies of these dependencies are added as well. This procedure continues until all dependencies have been included. For individual items, this expansion can be disabled by setting expand=False for them in the scheduler config.

Filtering graph traversals

Often, only specific item types are of interest when traversing the dependency graph. For that purpose, the SFilter class provides an iterator for an SGraph, which allows specifying an item_filter or reversing the direction of traversals. Other traversal modes may be added in the future.

loki.batch.scheduler.Scheduler(paths[, ...])

Work queue manager to discover and capture dependencies for a given call tree, and apply transformations for batch processing


The dependency graph underpinning the Scheduler

loki.batch.scheduler.SFilter(sgraph[, ...])

Filtered iterator over a SGraph

loki.batch.configure.SchedulerConfig(...[, ...])

Configuration object for the Scheduler


Configuration object for Transformation instances that can be used to create Transformation objects from dictionaries or a config file.


Item-specific configuration settings.

loki.batch.item.Item(name, source[, config])

Base class of a work item in the Scheduler graph, to which a Transformation can be applied.

loki.batch.item.FileItem(name, source[, config])

Item class representing a Sourcefile

loki.batch.item.ModuleItem(name, source[, ...])

Item class representing a Module

loki.batch.item.ProcedureItem(name, source)

Item class representing a Subroutine

loki.batch.item.TypeDefItem(name, source[, ...])

Item class representing a TypeDef

loki.batch.item.ProcedureBindingItem(name, ...)

Item class representing a Fortran procedure binding

loki.batch.item.InterfaceItem(name, source)

Item class representing a Interface declared in a module