
Base class definition for Transformation pipelines.



Base class for source code transformations that manipulate source items like Subroutine or Module in place via the item.apply(transform) method.

class Transformation

Bases: object

Base class for source code transformations that manipulate source items like Subroutine or Module in place via the item.apply(transform) method.

The source transformations to be applied should be defined in the following class-specific methods:

The generic dispatch mechanism behind the apply() method will ensure that all hierarchies of the data model are traversed and the specific method for each level is applied, if the relevant recursion mode is enabled in the transformation’s manifest (recurse_to_modules and/or recurse_to_procedures). Note that in Sourcefile objects, Module members will be traversed before standalone Subroutine objects.

Classes inheriting from Transformation may configure the invocation and behaviour during batch processing via a predefined set of class attributes. These flags determine the underlying graph traversal when processing complex call trees and determine how the transformations are invoked for a given type of Item in the Scheduler.


Forces scheduler traversal in reverse order from the leaf nodes upwards (default: False).




Apply Transformation to the Sourcefile object corresponding to the Item being processed, instead of the program unit in question (default: False).




Filter by graph node types to prune the graph and change connectivity. By default, only calls to Subroutine items are used to construct the graph.




Apply transformation to all Module objects when processing a Sourcefile (default False)




Apply transformation to all Subroutine objects when processing Sourcefile or Module objects (default False)




Apply transformation to all internal Subroutine objects when processing Subroutine objects (default False)




Apply transformation to “ignored” Item objects for analysis. This might be needed if IPO-information needs to be passed across library boundaries.




Indicates to the Scheduler that a transformation may change the name of the IR node corresponding to the processed Item (e.g., by renaming a module or subroutine). The transformation has to take care of renaming processed the Item itself but the Scheduler will update its internal cache after the transformation has been applied (default False).




Indicates to the Scheduler that a transformation may create new scopes or other dependency nodes (e.g., by adding new routines to a module). The scheduler will run a discovery step after the transformation has been applied to include these new items in the dependency graph (default False).



reverse_traversal = False
traverse_file_graph = False

alias of ProcedureItem

recurse_to_modules = False
recurse_to_procedures = False
recurse_to_internal_procedures = False
process_ignored_items = False
renames_items = False
creates_items = False
transform_subroutine(routine, **kwargs)

Defines the transformation to apply to Subroutine items.

For transformations that modify Subroutine objects, this method should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply().

  • routine (Subroutine) – The subroutine to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

plan_subroutine(routine, **kwargs)

Define the planning steps to apply for Subroutine items.

For transformations that modify the dependencies of routine (e.g., adding new procedure calls, inlining calls, renaming the interface) this should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply() if the optional plan_mode argument is set to True.

  • routine (Subroutine) – The subroutine to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

transform_module(module, **kwargs)

Defines the transformation to apply to Module items.

For transformations that modify Module objects, this method should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply().

  • module (Module) – The module to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

plan_module(module, **kwargs)

Define the planning steps to apply for Module items.

For transformations that modify the dependencies or definitions of module (e.g., renaming the module, adding new subroutines, adding or removing imports) this should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply() if the optional plan_mode argument is set to True.

  • module (Module) – The module to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

transform_file(sourcefile, **kwargs)

Defines the transformation to apply to Sourcefile items.

For transformations that modify Sourcefile objects, this method should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply().

  • sourcefile (Sourcefile) – The sourcefile to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

plan_file(sourcefile, **kwargs)

Define the planning steps to apply for Sourcefile items.

For transformations that modify the definitions or dependencies of sourcefile this should be implemented. It gets called via the dispatch method apply() if the optional plan_mode argument is set to True.

  • sourcefile (Sourcefile) – The sourcefile to be transformed.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments for the transformation.

apply(source, post_apply_rescope_symbols=False, plan_mode=False, **kwargs)

Dispatch method to apply transformation to source.

It dispatches to one of the type-specific dispatch methods apply_file(), apply_module(), or apply_subroutine().

  • source (Sourcefile or Module or Subroutine) – The source item to transform.

  • post_apply_rescope_symbols (bool, optional) – Call rescope_symbols on source after applying the transformation to clean up any scoping issues.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments that are passed on to the methods defining the actual transformation.

apply_file(sourcefile, plan_mode=False, **kwargs)

Apply transformation to all items in sourcefile.

This calls transform_file() or, if plan_mode is enabled, calls plan_file().

If the recurse_to_modules class property is set, it will also invoke apply() on all Module objects in this Sourcefile. Likewise, if recurse_to_procedures is set, it will invoke apply() on all free Subroutine objects in this Sourcefile.

  • sourcefile (Sourcefile) – The file to transform.

  • plan_mode (bool, optional) – If enabled, apply planning mode.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments that are passed on to transformation methods.

apply_subroutine(subroutine, plan_mode=False, **kwargs)

Apply transformation to a given Subroutine object and its members.

This calls transform_subroutine() or, if plan_mode is enabled, calls plan_subroutine().

If the recurse_to_member_procedures class property is set, it will also invoke apply() on all Subroutine objects in the contains clause of this Subroutine.

  • subroutine (Subroutine) – The subroutine to transform.

  • plan_mode (bool, optional) – If enabled, apply planning mode.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments that are passed on to transformation methods.

apply_module(module, plan_mode=False, **kwargs)

Apply transformation to a given Module object and its members.

This calls transform_module() or, if plan_mode is enabled, calls plan_module().

If the recurse_to_procedures class property is set, it will also invoke apply() on all Subroutine objects in the contains clause of this Module.

  • module (Module) – The module to transform.

  • plan_mode (bool, optional) – If enabled, apply planning mode.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments that are passed on to transformation methods.

post_apply(source, rescope_symbols=False)

Dispatch method for actions to be carried out after applying a transformation to source.

It dispatches to one of the type-specific dispatch methods post_apply_file(), post_apply_module(), or post_apply_subroutine().

post_apply_file(sourcefile, rescope_symbols)

Apply actions after applying a transformation to sourcefile.

  • sourcefile (Sourcefile) – The file to transform.

  • rescope_symbols (bool) – Call rescope_symbols on modules and subroutines in sourcefile

post_apply_subroutine(subroutine, rescope_symbols)

Apply actions after applying a transformation to subroutine.

  • subroutine (Subroutine) – The file to transform.

  • rescope_symbols (bool) – Call rescope_symbols on subroutine

post_apply_module(module, rescope_symbols)

Apply actions after applying a transformation to module.

  • module (Module) – The file to transform.

  • rescope_symbols (bool) – Call rescope_symbols on module