

DependencyTransformation(suffix[, ...])

Basic Transformation class that facilitates dependency injection for transformed Module and Subroutine into complex source trees

class DependencyTransformation(suffix, module_suffix=None, include_path=None, replace_ignore_items=True, remove_inactive_items=True)

Bases: Transformation

Basic Transformation class that facilitates dependency injection for transformed Module and Subroutine into complex source trees

This transformation appends a provided suffix argument to transformed subroutine and module objects and changes the target names of Import and CallStatement nodes on the call-site accordingly.

For subroutines declared via an interface block, these interfaces are updated accordingly. For subroutines that are not wrapped in a module, an updated interface block is also written as a header file to include_path. Where interface blocks to renamed subroutines are included via C-style imports, the import name is updated accordingly.

To ensure that every subroutine is wrapped in a module, the accompanying ModuleWrapTransformation should be applied first. This restores the behaviour of the module mode in an earlier version of this transformation.

When applying the transformation to a source object, one of two “roles” can be specified via the role keyword:

  • 'driver': Only renames imports and calls to kernel routines

  • 'kernel': Renames routine or enclosing modules, as well as renaming any further imports and calls.

Note that routine.apply(transformation, role='driver') entails that the routine still mimicks its original counterpart and can therefore be used as a drop-in replacement during compilation that then diverts the dependency tree to the modified sub-tree.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix to apply during renaming

  • module_suffix (str) – Special suffix to signal module names like _MOD

  • path (include) – Directory for generating additional header files

  • replace_ignore_items (bool) – Debug flag to toggle the replacement of calls to subroutines in the ignore. Default is True.

  • remove_inactive_items (bool) – Debug flag to toggle the removal of items (modules, subroutines) in the sourcefile that are not part of the scheduler graph. Default is True.

reverse_traversal = True
traverse_file_graph = True
recurse_to_modules = True
recurse_to_procedures = True
recurse_to_internal_procedures = False
renames_items = True
creates_items = True
transform_file(sourcefile, **kwargs)

Remove non-active scope nodes if remove_inactive_items is true

transform_module(module, **kwargs)

Rename kernel modules and re-point module-level imports.

transform_subroutine(routine, **kwargs)

Rename kernel subroutine and all imports and calls to target routines

For subroutines that are not wrapped in a module, re-generate the interface block.

remove_inactive_ir_nodes(body, transformed_scope_name, **kwargs)

Utility to filter Scope nodes in body to include only those given in kwargs['items'].


Utility to derive a new module name from suffix and module_suffix


modname (str) – Current module name

rename_calls(routine, targets=None, item=None)

Update CallStatement and InlineCall to actively transformed procedures


targets (list of str) – Optional list of subroutine names for which to modify the corresponding calls. If not provided, all calls are updated

rename_imports(source, imports, targets=None)

Update imports of actively transformed subroutines.

  • source (ProgramUnit) – The IR object to transform

  • imports (list of Import) – The list of imports to update. This includes both, C-style header includes and Fortran import statements (USE and IMPORT)

  • targets (list of str) – Optional list of subroutine names for which to modify imports

rename_access_spec_names(access_spec, targets=None, active_nodes=None, routines=None)

Rename target names in an access spec

For all names in the access spec that are contained in targets, rename them as {name}{self.suffix}. If active_nodes are given, then all names that are not in the list of active nodes, are being removed from the list. :param access_spec: List of names from an access spec :type access_spec: list of str :param targets: Optional list of subroutine names for which to modify access specs :type targets: list of str :param active_nodes: Optional list of active nodes :type active_nodes: list of str :param routines: Optional list of subroutines :type routines: list of Subroutine

rename_interfaces(intfs, targets=None)

Update explicit interfaces to actively transformed subroutines.

  • intfs (list of Interface) – The list of interfaces to update.

  • targets (list of str) – Optional list of subroutine names for which to modify interfaces


Generate external header file with interface block for this subroutine.