! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! (C) Copyright 2015- Meteo-France. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! SUBROUTINE VORDIV_TO_UV(PSPVOR,PSPDIV,PSPU,PSPV,KSMAX,KVSETUV) !**** *VORDIV_TO_UV* - Convert spectral vorticity and divergence to spectral U (u*cos(theta)) and V (v*cos(theta). ! Purpose. ! -------- ! Interface routine for Convert spectral vorticity and divergence to spectral U and V !** Interface. ! ---------- ! CALL VORDIV_TO_UV(...) ! Explicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! PSPVOR(:,:) - spectral vorticity (input) ! PSPDIV(:,:) - spectral divergence (input) ! PSPU(:,:) - spectral U (u*cos(theta) (output) ! PSPV(:,:) - spectral V (v*cos(theta) (output) ! KSMAX - spectral resolution (input) ! KVSETUV(:) - Optionally indicating which 'b-set' in spectral space owns a ! vor/div field. Equivalant to NBSETLEV in the IFS. ! The length of KVSETUV should be the GLOBAL number ! of u/v fields which is the dimension of u and v releated ! fields in grid-point space. ! Method. ! ------- ! Externals. SET_RESOL - set resolution ! ---------- VD2UV_CTL - control vordiv to uv ! Author. ! ------- ! Mats Hamrud *ECMWF* ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 15-06-15 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE PARKIND1, ONLY: JPIM, JPRB !ifndef INTERFACE USE TPM_GEN, ONLY: NERR, NOUT,MSETUP0 USE TPM_DISTR, ONLY: D, NPRTRV, MYSETV USE SET_RESOL_MOD, ONLY: SET_RESOL USE VD2UV_CTL_MOD, ONLY: VD2UV_CTL USE ABORT_TRANS_MOD, ONLY: ABORT_TRANS USE YOMHOOK, ONLY: LHOOK, DR_HOOK, JPHOOK !endif INTERFACE IMPLICIT NONE ! Declaration of arguments REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PSPVOR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PSPDIV(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PSPU(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PSPV(:,:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) , INTENT(IN) :: KSMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: KVSETUV(:) !ifndef INTERFACE ! Local varaibles INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IUBOUND(4),J INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IF_UV,IF_UV_G,IRESOL,IDGL LOGICAL :: LTMP_SETUP0 REAL(KIND=JPHOOK) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE #include "setup_trans0.h" #include "setup_trans.h" #include "trans_release.h" #include "trans_end.h" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('VORDIV_TO_UV',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV: Code path not (yet) supported in GPU version') !CALL GSTATS(XXXX,0) IF(MSETUP0 == 0) THEN CALL SETUP_TRANS0() LTMP_SETUP0 = .TRUE. ELSE LTMP_SETUP0 = .FALSE. ENDIF IDGL = 2 ! It doesn't matter as long as it's a positive even number CALL SETUP_TRANS(KSMAX,IDGL,LDSPSETUPONLY=.TRUE.,KRESOL=IRESOL) CALL SET_RESOL(IRESOL) ! Set defaults IF_UV = 0 IF_UV_G = 0 ! Decide requirements IF(PRESENT(KVSETUV)) THEN IF_UV_G = UBOUND(KVSETUV,1) DO J=1,IF_UV_G IF(KVSETUV(J) > NPRTRV .OR. KVSETUV(J) < 1) THEN WRITE(NERR,*) 'VORDIV_TO_UV:KVSETUV(J) > NPRTRV ',J,KVSETUV(J),NPRTRV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV:KVSETUV TOO LONG OR CONTAINS VALUES OUTSIDE RANGE') ENDIF IF(KVSETUV(J) == MYSETV) THEN IF_UV = IF_UV+1 ENDIF ENDDO ELSE IF_UV = UBOUND(PSPVOR,1) IF_UV_G = IF_UV ENDIF ! Consistency checks IF (IF_UV > 0) THEN IF(UBOUND(PSPVOR,1) < IF_UV) THEN WRITE(NERR,*)'VORDIV_TO_UV : UBOUND(PSPVOR,1) < IF_UV ',UBOUND(PSPVOR,1),IF_UV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV : PSPVOR TOO SHORT') ENDIF IF(UBOUND(PSPDIV,1) < IF_UV) THEN WRITE(NERR,*)'VORDIV_TO_UV : UBOUND(PSPDIV,1) < IF_UV ',UBOUND(PSPDIV,1),IF_UV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV : PSPDIV TOO SHORT') ENDIF IF(UBOUND(PSPU,1) < IF_UV) THEN WRITE(NERR,*)'VORDIV_TO_UV : UBOUND(PSPU,1) < IF_UV ',UBOUND(PSPU,1),IF_UV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV : PSPU TOO SHORT') ENDIF IF(UBOUND(PSPV,1) < IF_UV) THEN WRITE(NERR,*)'VORDIV_TO_UV : UBOUND(PSPV,1) < IF_UV ',UBOUND(PSPV,1),IF_UV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV : PSPV TOO SHORT') ENDIF ENDIF IF(NPRTRV >1) THEN IF(IF_UV > 0 .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(KVSETUV)) THEN WRITE(NERR,*)'NPRTRV >1 AND IF_UV > 0 AND NOT PRESENT(KVSETUV)',& &NPRTRV,IF_UV CALL ABORT_TRANS('VORDIV_TO_UV: SPECIFY VERTICAL SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION!') ENDIF ENDIF !CALL GSTATS(XXXX,1) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Perform transform CALL VD2UV_CTL(IF_UV,PSPVOR,PSPDIV,PSPU,PSPV) CALL TRANS_RELEASE(IRESOL) IF (LTMP_SETUP0) THEN CALL TRANS_END() ENDIF IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('VORDIV_TO_UV',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !endif INTERFACE END SUBROUTINE VORDIV_TO_UV