! (C) Copyright 1995- ECMWF. ! (C) Copyright 1995- Meteo-France. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! MODULE SUMPLATF_MOD CONTAINS SUBROUTINE SUMPLATF(KDGL,KPROCA,KMYSETA,& &KULTPP,KPROCL,KPTRLS) !**** *SUMPLATF * - Initialize fourier space distibution in N-S direction ! Purpose. ! -------- !** Interface. ! ---------- ! *CALL* *SUMPLATF * ! Explicit arguments - input : ! -------------------- ! KDGL -last latitude ! KPROCA -number of processors in A direction ! KMYSETA -process number in A direction ! Explicit arguments - output: ! -------------------- ! KULTPP -number of latitudes in process ! (in Fourier space) ! KPROCL -process responsible for latitude ! (in Fourier space) ! KPTRLS -pointer to first global latitude ! of process (in Fourier space) ! Implicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! Method. ! ------- ! See documentation ! Externals. SUMPLATB and SUEMPLATB. ! ---------- ! Reference. ! ---------- ! ECMWF Research Department documentation of the IFS ! Author. ! ------- ! MPP Group *ECMWF* ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 95-10-01 ! David Dent:97-06-02 parameters KFRSTLAT etc added ! JF. Estrade:97-11-13 Adaptation to ALADIN case ! J.Boutahar: 98-07-06 phasing with CY19 ! Modified 98-08-10 by K. YESSAD: removal of LRPOLE option + cleanings ! (correct computation of extrapolar latitudes for KPROCL). ! Modified 98-12-07 by K. YESSAD and C. FISCHER: cleaning. ! - merge old sumplat.F and suemplat.F ! - gather 'lelam' code and 'not lelam' code. ! - clean (useless duplication of variables, non doctor features). ! - remodularise according to lelam/not lelam ! -> lelam features in new routine suemplatb.F, ! not lelam features in new routine sumplatb.F ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM USE TPM_GEOMETRY ,ONLY : G USE SUMPLATB_MOD ,ONLY : SUMPLATB ! IMPLICIT NONE ! * DUMMY: INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KDGL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KPROCA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KMYSETA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(OUT) :: KULTPP(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(OUT) :: KPROCL(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(OUT) :: KPTRLS(:) ! * LOCAL: INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: INDIC(KPROCA),ILAST(KPROCA) ! LOCAL INTEGER SCALARS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IA, ILAT, ISTART, IMEDIAP,IRESTM, JA, JLTLOC LOGICAL :: LLSPLIT,LLFOURIER ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !* 1. CODE DEPENDING ON 'LELAM': COMPUTATION OF ! KMEDIAP, KRESTM, INDIC, ILAST. ! ----------------------------------------- LLSPLIT = .FALSE. LLFOURIER = .TRUE. CALL SUMPLATB(1,KDGL,KPROCA,G%NLOEN,LLSPLIT,LLFOURIER,& &IMEDIAP,IRESTM,INDIC,ILAST) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !* 2. CODE NOT DEPENDING ON 'LELAM': ! ------------------------------ ! * Definitions related to distribution of latitudes along sets ! ------------ in fourier-space ----------------------------- ISTART = 0 KULTPP(1) = ILAST(1) DO JA=1,KPROCA IF(JA > 1) THEN IF(ILAST(JA) /= 0) THEN KULTPP(JA) = ILAST(JA)-ILAST(JA-1) ELSE KULTPP(JA) = 0 ENDIF ENDIF DO JLTLOC=1,KULTPP(JA) ILAT = ISTART + JLTLOC KPROCL(ILAT) = JA ENDDO ISTART = ISTART + KULTPP(JA) ENDDO ! * Computes KPTRLS. IA = KPROCL(1) KPTRLS(IA) = 1 DO JA=IA+1,KPROCA KPTRLS(JA) = KPTRLS(JA-1) + KULTPP(JA-1) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE SUMPLATF END MODULE SUMPLATF_MOD