
Implementation of rules in the IFS coding standards document (2011) for loki-lint.












class BannedStatementsRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 2

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '4.11', 'title': 'Banned statements.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.


Dict of configuration keys and their default values

These values can be overriden externally in the linter config file and are passed automatically to the check() routine.

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check for banned statements in intrinsic nodes.

class CodeBodyRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 2

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '1.3', 'title': 'Rules for Code Body: Nesting of conditional blocks should not be more than {max_nesting_depth} levels deep;'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

config = {'max_nesting_depth': 3}

Dict of configuration keys and their default values

These values can be overriden externally in the linter config file and are passed automatically to the check() routine.

class NestingDepthVisitor(max_nesting_depth)

Bases: Visitor

classmethod default_retval()

Default return value for handler methods.

This method returns an object to use to populate return values. If your visitor combines values in a tree-walk, it may be useful to provide an object to combine the results into. default_retval() may be defined by the visitor to be called to provide an empty object of appropriate type.

Return type:


visit(o, *args, **kwargs)

Apply this Visitor to an IR tree.

  • o (Node) – The node to visit.

  • *args – Optional arguments to pass to the visit methods.

  • **kwargs – Optional keyword arguments to pass to the visit methods.

visit_Conditional(o, **kwargs)
visit_MultiConditional(o, **kwargs)
classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check the code body: Nesting of conditional blocks.

class DrHookRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 3

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '1.9', 'title': 'Rules for DR_HOOK'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

non_exec_nodes = (<class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>)
classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check that first and last executable statements in the subroutine are conditionals with calls to DR_HOOK in their body and that the correct arguments are given to the call.

class ExplicitKindRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 3

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '4.7', 'title': 'Variables and constants must be declared with explicit kind, using the kinds defined in "PARKIND1" and "PARKIND2".'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

config = {'allowed_type_kinds': {'INTEGER': ['JPIM', 'JPIT', 'JPIB', 'JPIA', 'JPIS', 'JPIH'], 'REAL': ['JPRB', 'JPRM', 'JPRS', 'JPRT', 'JPRH', 'JPRD', 'JPHOOK']}, 'constant_types': ['REAL'], 'declaration_types': ['INTEGER', 'REAL']}

Dict of configuration keys and their default values

These values can be overriden externally in the linter config file and are passed automatically to the check() routine.

static check_kind_declarations(subroutine, types, allowed_type_kinds, rule_report)

Helper function that carries out the check for explicit kind specification on all declarations.

static check_kind_literals(subroutine, types, allowed_type_kinds, rule_report)

Helper function that carries out the check for explicit kind specification on all literals.

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check for explicit kind information in constants and variable declarations.

class Fortran90OperatorsRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 2

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '4.15', 'title': 'Use Fortran 90 comparison operators.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

fixable = True

Regex patterns for each operator that match F77 and F90 operators as named groups, thus allowing to easily find out which operator was used.

class ComparisonRetriever

Bases: Visitor

Bespoke expression retriever that extracts 3-tuples containing (node, expression root, comparison) for all Comparison nodes.

retriever = <loki.expression.mappers.ExpressionRetriever object>
visit_Node(o, **kwargs)

Generic visitor method that will call the ExpressionRetriever only on pymbolic.primitives.Expression children, collecting (node, expression root, comparison) tuples for all matches.

visit_tuple(o, **kwargs)

Specialized handling of tuples to concatenate the nested tuples returned by visit_Node().

visit_list(o, **kwargs)

Specialized handling of tuples to concatenate the nested tuples returned by visit_Node().

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check for the use of Fortran 90 comparison operators.

classmethod fix_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config)

Replace by Fortran 90 comparison operators.

class ImplicitNoneRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 3

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '4.4', 'title': '"IMPLICIT NONE" is mandatory in all routines.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

static check_for_implicit_none(ast)

Check for intrinsic nodes that match the regex.

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check for IMPLICIT NONE in the subroutine’s spec or any enclosing scope.

class LimitSubroutineStatementsRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 2

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '2.2', 'title': 'Subroutines should have no more than {max_num_statements} executable statements.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

config = {'max_num_statements': 300}

Dict of configuration keys and their default values

These values can be overriden externally in the linter config file and are passed automatically to the check() routine.

exec_nodes = (<class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>, <class ''>)
match_non_exec_intrinsic_node = re.compile('\\s*(?:PRINT|FORMAT)', re.IGNORECASE)
classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Count the number of nodes in the subroutine and check if they exceed a given maximum number.

class MaxDummyArgsRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 1

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '3.6', 'title': 'Routines should have no more than {max_num_arguments} dummy arguments.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

config = {'max_num_arguments': 50}

Dict of configuration keys and their default values

These values can be overriden externally in the linter config file and are passed automatically to the check() routine.

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Count the number of dummy arguments and report if given maximum number exceeded.

class ModuleNamingRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 2

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '1.5', 'title': 'Naming Schemes for Modules: All modules should end with "_mod". Module filename should match the name of the module it contains.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

classmethod check_module(module, rule_report, config)

Check the module name and the name of the source file.

class MplCdstringRule

Bases: GenericRule

type = 3

The rule type as one of the categories in RuleType

docs = {'id': '3.12', 'title': 'Calls to MPL subroutines should provide a "CDSTRING" identifying the caller.'}

dict with description of the rule

Typically, this should include "id" and "title". Allows for Python’s format specification mini-language in "title" to fill values using data from config, with the field name corresponding to the config key.

classmethod check_subroutine(subroutine, rule_report, config, **kwargs)

Check all calls to MPL subroutines for a CDSTRING.