GAWL Subroutine

public subroutine GAWL(PFN, PL, PW, PEPS, KN, KITER, PMOD)


  • proc~~gawl~~UsesGraph proc~gawl GAWL EC_PARKIND EC_PARKIND proc~gawl->EC_PARKIND module~cpledn_mod CPLEDN_MOD proc~gawl->module~cpledn_mod

*** *GAWL * - Routine to perform the Newton loop

  • Interface. ---------- CALL *GAWL(PFN,PL,PW,PEPS,KN,KITER,PMOD)

    1. Newton iteration. -----------------


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=JPRD), intent(in) :: PFN(0:KN/2)
real(kind=JPRD), intent(inout) :: PL
real(kind=JPRD), intent(out) :: PW
real(kind=JPRD), intent(in) :: PEPS
integer(kind=JPIM), intent(in) :: KN
integer(kind=JPIM), intent(out) :: KITER
real(kind=JPRD), intent(inout) :: PMOD


proc~~gawl~~CallsGraph proc~gawl GAWL proc~cpledn CPLEDN proc~gawl->proc~cpledn

Called by

proc~~gawl~~CalledByGraph proc~gawl GAWL proc~sugaw SUGAW proc~sugaw->proc~gawl proc~sugawc SUGAWC proc~sugawc->proc~sugaw proc~suleg SULEG proc~suleg->proc~sugaw proc~suleg~2 SULEG proc~suleg~2->proc~sugaw proc~setup_trans SETUP_TRANS proc~setup_trans->proc~suleg proc~setup_trans~2 SETUP_TRANS proc~setup_trans~2->proc~suleg