Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
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- n_regions : Trans_t
- n_regions_EW : Trans_t
- n_regions_NS : Trans_t
- nallms : Trans_t
- nasm0 : Trans_t
- ncoeff : VorDivToUV_t
- ndgl : Trans_t
- ndglu : Trans_t
- ndim0g : Trans_t
- nfld : DistGrid_t, DistSpec_t, GathGrid_t, GathSpec_t, SpecNorm_t, VorDivToUV_t
- nfrom : DistGrid_t, DistSpec_t
- nfrstlat : Trans_t
- nfrstloff : Trans_t
- ngpblks : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, DistGrid_t, GathGrid_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- ngptot : Trans_t
- ngptotg : Trans_t
- ngptotl : Trans_t
- ngptotmx : Trans_t
- nlei3 : Trans_t
- nloen : Trans_t
- nlon : Trans_t
- nlstlat : Trans_t
- nmaster : SpecNorm_t
- nmyms : Trans_t
- nnmeng : Trans_t
- nonl : Trans_t
- npms : Trans_t
- npossp : Trans_t
- nproc : Trans_t
- nproma : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, DistGrid_t, GathGrid_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- nprtrns : Trans_t
- nprtrw : Trans_t
- nptrfloff : Trans_t
- nptrfrstlat : Trans_t
- nptrlat : Trans_t
- nptrls : Trans_t
- nptrlstlat : Trans_t
- nptrms : Trans_t
- nscalar : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- nsmax : Trans_t, VorDivToUV_t
- nspec : Trans_t
- nspec2 : Trans_t
- nspec2g : Trans_t
- nspec2mx : Trans_t
- nspolegl : Trans_t
- nsta : Trans_t
- nto : GathGrid_t, GathSpec_t
- nultpp : Trans_t
- nump : Trans_t
- numpp : Trans_t
- nvalue : Trans_t
- nvordiv : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- r -
- rgp : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, DistGrid_t, GathGrid_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- rgpg : DistGrid_t, GathGrid_t
- rgw : Trans_t
- rlapin : Trans_t
- rmet : SpecNorm_t
- rmu : Trans_t
- rnorm : SpecNorm_t
- rpnm : Trans_t
- rspdiv : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t, VorDivToUV_t
- rspec : DistSpec_t, GathSpec_t, SpecNorm_t
- rspecg : DistSpec_t, GathSpec_t
- rspscalar : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t
- rspu : VorDivToUV_t
- rspv : VorDivToUV_t
- rspvor : DirTrans_t, DirTransAdj_t, InvTrans_t, InvTransAdj_t, VorDivToUV_t
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