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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CDirTrans_tArguments structure for trans_dirtrans()
 CDirTransAdj_tArguments structure for trans_dirtrans_adj()
 CDistGrid_tArguments structure for trans_distgrid()
 CDistSpec_tArguments structure for trans_distspec()
 CGathGrid_tArguments structure for trans_gathgrid()
 CGathSpec_tArguments structure for trans_gathspec()
 CInvTrans_tArguments structure for trans_invtrans()
 CInvTransAdj_tAdjoint of spectral inverse
 CTrans_tStruct that holds information to do transforms for one particular grid resolution
 CVorDivToUV_tArguments structure for trans_vordiv_to_UV()